Dreams Do Come True!

Oh wait, I take that back…if this were a dream come true, I would have been there.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Ryan Lochte and Prince Harry hit Vegas this past weekend, completely throwing off the universal hotness equilibrium. Surely the two of them in the same place must have been illegal – right? Just. Not. Fair.


After the lack of photos when my two favorite guys attended the gold medal beach volleyball match at London 2012, I was not too hopeful for any excitement to come out of the Sin City celebrations. 

This next line is proof that when you stop looking for something, you will find it..

Prince Harry challenged Ryan Lochte to a swimming race. 

The New York Daily News has the video to prove it.

First racing on dry land with Bolt, then in the pool with Lochte? Harry has officially begun his gold medal campaign for Rio 2016.

At 3:00 a.m. a fully clothed Olympian and a half-dressed Prince took to the waters of the Wynn Hotel’s XS Nightclub Pool. Personally, I could have done without the shirt on Lochte.

Next time boys, come to the Jersey Shore. We have a slew of blondes for Prince Hottie to ogle and plenty of pools for Ryan Loch-te on my heart to pee in. In fact, I have a pool in my backyard…t-shirts not permitted.

And no, I am not neighbors of Snooki and The Situation. Just what we need, Mike Sorrentino and Ryan Lochte comparing ab workouts.


No question – Ryan FTW.

Although my invitation to these gatherings seems to keep getting lost in the mail, (is there someone I can call about that?) the lovely @RoyalForumMoron had hers signed, sealed and delivered. Maybe she received my invite by mistake, because she bumped into the gold medalist not once, not twice, but five times. Be sure to check out her Twitter page for enviable updates!

Oh, and I played MASH with my coworkers today (yes I realize I am 24-years-old), and this was the outcome:

As the inner high schooler in you knows, the outcome of MASH dictates real life. So, thanks for the quickie wedding Ryan..sorry about the divorce.