New Details on The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Visit Down Under

Kensington Palace yesterday released new details on The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s April visit to Australia and New Zealand, as well as confirmed that Prince George will be accompanying his parents. This will be the first overseas tour for the third-in-line to the throne, who will turn nine-months-old during the trip. It is both notable and quite emotional that Prince William’s first overseas tour was also at the age of nine months to Australia and New Zealand in spring of 1983 with Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Another nod to his late mother?

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

The three week tour will commence in New Zealand on April 7th and include 10 days of engagements; the family will then travel to Australia on April 16th for a second round of 10 day’s worth of activities, including celebrating George’s first Easter, concluding on April 25th.

This is the first visit to Australia and New Zealand for Kate and her young son, while William has visited many times – the most recent of which being in 2011 after the devastating earthquake. Prince Harry also recently visited Australia with a quick trip in October of 2013.

The young family’s extended tour will go as follows:

New Zealand

• Wellington (April 7, 9, 16)
• Blenheim (April 10)
• Auckland (April 11)
• Hamilton and Cambridge (April 12)
• Dunedin (April 13)
• Queenstown (April 13)
• Christchurch (April 14)


• Sydney (April 16, 18, 20)
• Blue Mountains (April 17)
• Brisbane (April 19)
• Uluru (Ayer’s Rock) (April 22)
• Adelaide (April 23)
• Canberra, (April 24 and 25)

Holiday celebrations in Sydney will include attending the Royal Easter Show at Sydney Olympic Park on Good Friday and a morning service at St Andrew’s Cathedral (how fitting), on Easter Sunday.

I know I speak for (mostly) everyone when I say that I cannot wait to see the new family on tour! Now if we can only keep up with the time difference…

Prince Harry Takes on the Taliban

In case you have been living under a royal rock, it was announced this morning that Prince Harry has landed in Afghanistan for his second tour of duty. The 27-year-old Apache helicopter pilot (and third in line to the throne), has abandoned the comfort of Kensington Palace for the next four months to call Camp Bastion in the Helmand province his temporary home.

 Although Harry’s stint on enemy soil was cut short four years ago after news of his whereabouts was leaked, there is clearly no media blackout this time around. After being named the best co-pilot gunner in his class this February, Harry enters this round fighting against the terrorists on a different playing field. The young royal will be flying high in the sky most of the time, but here’s hoping that when he’s wandering around celebrating his 28th birthday next week he covers that red hair with a helmet and has perfected his American accent.

Now Harry’s headline-grabbing Las Vegas getaway makes a little more sense – clearly a pre-deployment blow-out with his bros. I realize I have yet to address the scandalous Sin City antics on my blog…that is on purpose and I intend to keep it that way. But I will say this – to those of you who think this deployment is a form of punishment, an exile to the enemy, you’re a little nuts. It has been discussed for quite some time that he would go back this year/early next, the exact date was just a question mark. Furthermore, the army does not operate like that.

As Ingrid Seward said on Good Morning America this morning, “It’s Harry the hero, not Harry the playboy Prince.”

Thoughts and prayers are with my favorite royal over the next four months. Now, after Will & Kate’s tour what ever will I do for material? Think it’s time to start filling out those Reiss dresses Kate..if you know what I mean. #royalbabywatch

 Kick some terrorist butt, H!