Prince George – Britain’s Little Rascal

“I think the last few weeks for me have been just a very different emotional experience. Something I never thought I would feel myself. And I find, again it’s only been a short period, but a lot of things affect me differently now.” 

– Prince William –

Via @SPerryPeopleMag

Via @SPerryPeopleMag

In the happiest I may have ever seen him, new dad Prince William sat down with CNN’s Max Foster to discuss fatherhood, baby George and his conservation work with Tusk Trust.

In a preview of the full CNN interview, “Prince William’s Passion: New Father, New Hope,” premiering September 15 at 10:00 p.m. ET, the doting dad told Foster that his son, just two weeks old at the time of the interview, is “A little bit of a rascal/He either reminds me of my brother or me when I was younger, I’m not sure, but he’s doing very well at the moment.” It is well documented that both William and Harry were quite the rambunctious children and it is quite heartwarming to hear that ‘Georgie’ may be taking after his father and uncle.

The Duke of Cambridge, speaking very openly, gushed about his new little family, saying that Catherine is “doing a fantastic job” and even Lupo is coping quite well – “He’s been slobbering sort of around the house a bit, so he’s perfectly happy.”

Prince William admitted that the little prince is not sleeping all that much and although he changed the first nappy (at the encouragement of the midwives), it is his wife who gets up with him most during the night. It is no wonder that he joked, “At the moment, the only legacy I want to pass on to him is to sleep more and maybe not have to change his nappy quite so many times.”

A major tip of the hat to Max Foster for a remarkable interview with Prince William, who, after two years of chasing him down, sat down with him on August 2 at Kensington Palace. I can say firsthand that Max is am extremely nice guy and very good at what he does – the first interview with father William was well deserved. Although Foster believes the moment itself had to do with the pure elation and honesty of the conversation, he did a splendid job in bringing that out in him.

Foster commented, “I could sense how he had been consumed by his new way of life — I’ve been there myself and other fathers will pick up on it too. He may be a prince but he’s doing it the old-fashioned (non-royal) way.

Don’t miss the full airing on September 15th (Uncle Harry’s birthday), where William goes more in depth about his passion for helping Tusk Trust in Africa and look out for the new parents’ first engagement together since the birth at the charity’s Tusk Conservation Awards on September 12.

In the meantime… the first Cambridge family photos will be released this evening!


Earlier today, The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge co-hosted the #EndWildlifeCrime Conference at St James’s Palace along with the UK Department for Environment. It is no secret that Prince Charles and his eldest son are passionate fighters against poaching and crimes against this planet’s wildlife and today’s efforts marked yet another pillar in their battle. With diplomats, conservationists and representatives from both the private and public sector on hand, both royals made speeches to a room full of people who share their goals.

Prince Charles, who is deeply educated in the subject as President of WWF UK, spoke of his grave concerns that this planet’s wildlife could rapidly disappear, stating: “The destruction of animal species will diminish us all.”

Prince William, The Royal Patron of Tusk Trust, admitted that although he is not quite the expert his father is, his respect for the cause runs deep. It was evident that he shares the same fears of Prince Charles, stating that, “I sincerely hope that my generation is not the first on this planet to consider elephants, rhinos or tigers as historical creatures – in the same category as the Dodo.”

The Duke of Cambridge announced that he has tapped into the support of The Royal Foundation, tasking them with engaging the younger generation as “wildlife ambassadors.” Before sharing a brief film, he pleaded, “The example of these young people is truly heartening, and so is their plea to all of us here. Please help them.”

Here’s hoping today’s conference was a step towards righting the wrongs done to the world’s endangered wildlife. You can help support the cause through The World Wildlife Fund and Tusk Trust.

Happy Anniversary William and Catherine!

I know everyone is saying this today, but wow..can you believe it has been a year?! It feels like yesterday I was up at 3:00 am, crying my eyes out. Yes, I cried – don’t tell me you didn’t too! And then I went to work with puffy eyes; I may have been a little late that day (don’t worry, i was given the ok to watch the kiss before heading in).

Today, William and Catherine, now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, celebrate their first year of marriage..after nearly a decade of dating. I don’t think anyone ever had any doubts that they would coast through their first year, happier than ever. To honor the special day, I am taking a “Will & Kate” approach to this blog post – simple. Word around town is that the young royal couple will be keeping it low key and carefree today – very true to form. I am sure many bloggers/royal watchers will be commemorating the day with lists of favorite moments and such, so I would like to share with you my top William and Catherine moment from their first year of wedded bliss..


The above picture, taken after the dragon boat races Dalvay-by-the-Sea on Prince Edward Island, completely captures the essence of William and Catherine’s relationship – and the reason why we all adore them. During their first royal tour together just a few months into their marriage, the competitive lovebirds showed their skills in a friendly race, followed by this absolutely adorable moment. This photo embodies the playfulness, compassion, adoration and total love these two have for each other. I also think it displays what a seemingly normal couple they are; a trait that royal fans everywhere admire and can relate to. Sure, she wears tiaras, he will one day be a king and they save the save the world in their spare time..but deep down they are just a regular, married couple – right?

Anniversary Gifts…

The customary first wedding anniversary gift is paper, so why not give William and Kate the best kind of paper…MONEY! As most of you know, in lieu of wedding gifts the philanthropic duo asked guests to donate to The Prince William & Miss Catherine Middleton Charitable Gift Fund, which raised approximately $1.7 million for 26 charitable organizations that are special to The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

As I did for Catherine’s 30th birthday this past January, I encourage those who would like to give the couple who has everything an anniversary gift, to donate to one of their many chosen charities, including:

Tusk Trust, Centre Point UKThe Art Room, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, Action on Addiction,  The National Portrait Gallery and The Scout Association. To learn about other causes close to the couple’s hearts you can visit The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

Best Wishes from the Fans..

Two nights before the big day I had an idea.. wouldn’t it be nice to have William and Catherine supporters share their hopes for their favorite couple? Yes, the chances of Will and Kate actually seeing these thoughts are one in a million, but is always nice to put good vibes out into the universe and dream that they come true. So, I posed the following question to my royal Twitter family – “What is your wish for Will & Kate during their second year of marriage?

@jennkamienski – a happy marriage like mine

@thecambridges – Happy Anniversary, Will and Kate. May the second year (and many those to come) bring just as much love, warmth and success as the first.

@RoyallyKate – Happy one year anniversary, Will and Kate! You’ve all brightened the lives and opened the hearts of many this past year. I wish you so many more years to come, and endless and indefatigable amounts of love and support to come your way in the future. Here’s to a successful year for a beautiful couple! We love you!

@FabulousKate13 – I wish them another enchanting, amazing, and successful year. May the years to come only bring them happiness and joy. Xx

@Kates_Wardrobe – 4 Kate : an outfit by unexpected designer Ford, Westwood, Saab

@RoyalKateDebate – Congratulation Will and Kate on a wonderful first year of marriage. Your love for each other has captured the world’s imagination. Thank you for sharing your day with us. My wish is that you continue to have the strength in your relationship that you have shown in the past 10 years.

@HRH_KLynch – I wish happiness for the both bc will deserves it. And healthy babies!

@allthingsregal – Hmmmm… dare I say a baby willkat?

@nina_lux – Besides happiness, more time together, a bb and world domination? Not much

@ARightRoyalBlog – Wish people would stop clicking on pap shots of them.

@Royaljournalist – Hoping for twinsc called prince George and princess Victoria.

@MPHenriksen – Wills stays in the military. They have a baby or at least Kate is preggers by the end of yr two.

@HuffPostStyle – Kate to take more fashion risks!

 @Kimmi1287 – I’m thinking the one with the real love and respect not for money and tv


@shan_harrison – I wish for William and Kate to have another year of wedded bliss… And to get another puppy

My wish for William & Catherine’s second year of marriage – that the guiding hand doesn’t fade away and they continue to look as happy as they do in the above photo. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind a royal bun in the oven (would that be considered a scone 😉 ?!). And for Kate to add some bright colors to her wardrobe. And Will should find some new suits. But mostly, keep doing what you’re doing young, beloved royals! xoxo

Happy Anniversary William and Catherine! Thanks for being so fabulous and sharing your love story with the world.