Town & Country Magazine Names Prince George Among Sexiest Bachelors.. And His Uncle Too

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Town and Country today released it’s annual list of Top 50 ‘Sexiest Bachelors.’ Obviously, Prince Harry made the cut. The addition of Prince George as the bonus bachelor, however… wait, what?

(AP Photo/John Stillwell/Pool)

(AP Photo/John Stillwell/Pool)

I mean nice move by the magazine – very ahead of the curve, as Prince George is bound to be a highly coveted man about town… once he actually becomes a man. But for now, I hope no one takes it too seriously… he’s a bit young to be chased by the ladies. In the meantime, Jimmy Kimmel might want to cast him for the next installment of ‘The Baby Bachelor..’

So, what makes the 5-month-old heir to the throne a catch? According to Town & Country, he likes being driven around in a Silver Cross pram and apparently, wearing dresses. His downfall? He’s a screamer.

George’s Uncle Harry, on the other hand, is the definition of an eligible bachelor. Although he might not be a bachelor much longer ahem, Cressida Bonas..

???????????????????????The 29-year-old royal likes “playing the role of royal ginger rascal,” which is one of the countless reasons we love him so much. He did have that little incident in Vegas, but charity polo matches and treks to the South Pole have totally eclipsed that.

Check out the full list here. Hint: There’s quite a few Brits, lords and royals on the list!