Throwback Thursday: Get Your Irish On

In honor of my favorite holiday just days away (but let’s be honest, I celebrate all month long), I’m throwing it back to June 2011 when The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited the 1st Battalion Irish Guards Regimen for Armed Forces Day. Yes, I realize this is a stretch for St. Patrick’s Day..but Kate’s outfit that day was one of my favorites of all time.

Getty Images

Getty Images

Not only is the perfectly appropriate Alexander McQueen military style coat one of my top wardrobe choices ever, the Rachel Trevor-Morgan is also one of my favorite fascinators she has worn. I can’t wait until the late Queen Mother’s shamrock brooch is passed to me when I marry Prince Harry. Maybe I can borrow it in advance? Would look great with my outfit for the office party tomorrow.

Oh yea, and Prince William looks dashing as well. Outfits aside, this was a special day for the newlyweds as it marked William’s first event as Colonel-in-Chief of the Irish Guards and the couple’s first joint military engagement.


Throwback Thursday: Lazy Edition

This week I am throwing it way back, all the way to…Tuesday. I know, it’s a cop out – but I was busy when Kate and the royal biscuit made their appearance for Action on Addiciton..and how am I just never going to blog about the bump debut? Unacceptable.



As always, Kate was looking stunning. This is news to no one. I don’t know if it was the “pregnancy glow” (whatever that means), or her Mustique tan but the duchess was radiant. Someone please show this blog to my future husband and make him take me to Mustique when I’m with child. And by future husband, I of course mean Prince Harry..duh.

The Duchess of Cambridge attended an official engagement as a patron of Action on Addiction at London’s Hope House, a center in Clapham for women recovering from addicition. Kate wore a grey MaxMara wrap dress from 2011, covering her growing belly rather well.



There is no doubt that Kate will be a fabulous mum – perhaps she is asking these two tots if they would like to babysit in a few years?

Throwback Thursday: Thank You, St. Andrews University!

In honor of Valentine’s Day (yuck), let’s revisit my favorite love story..

What seems like a million years ago, a young prince with a full head of hair went off to Scotland to meet his future queen, I mean.. get a college degree.

The Middleton Family (released upon engagement)

The Middleton Family (released upon engagement)

I wish I had gotten the “Britain’s top matchmaking university” memo when I was applying for my semester abroad. Although a slew of British girls who had probably read that very fact made their way to St. Andrews University to mingle with Prince William, it was Kate Middleton who caught his eye. Even back then her dresses were turning heads..


Sorry, I prefer you in floor length Jenny Packham gowns Kate.

In 2005, they left their bubble (one in which William actually attempted to cook I might add), graduating into a world of paparazzi, break-ups and make-ups. He earned a 2:1 in Geography, she a 2:1 in History of Art and all of us earned a lifetime of hair and McQueen wardrobe envy.


..and they lived happily ever after! Odds that they name the child Andrew? 😉

Throwback Thursday!

Welcome to the first post of my newest blog installment – Throwback Thursday! After Harry’s return last week and the last minute ambush to get posts up, I got to thinking about the “royal news cycle.” When something major happens the posts go up like girls’ swoon levels when they see H in his fatigues, but no news = no posts. Throwback Thursday is my solution! From now on, I will revisit a favorite royal moments/news stories from B.B. – before blog. Let’s see how long this lasts..

In honor of Captain Wales’ return (yes, I will be celebrating this for a while), I’m throwing it back to where it all began for the soldier prince..


When Harry was eight-years-old, his mother, Princess Diana, brought him along to visit the barracks of the Light Dragoons in Hanover, Germany. From then on Harry dreamed of being in the army and he was destined to have that dream fulfilled. That’s funny, in 1993 I was dreaming of becoming a princess.. yea, I’m looking at you Captain!


Twenty years later Prince Harry has returned from his second tour of duty in Afghanistan and was named top co-pilot gunner in his class. He has also grown into that uniform quite nicely..