Dutch for a Day

I know this blog is dedicated to our beloved British royals, but yesterday’s inauguration of King Willem-Alexander is causing me to venture south a bit to The Netherlands. We have to talk about his beautiful wife, Queen Maxima. No way around it. I am hooked on her.

Don’t know who Queen Maxima is you say? No worries. To be honest, she was a blip on my radar until this week too. Luckily for us, the team @HuffPostStyle is all over this fabulous new queen, revisiting some of her best looks of all time. One thing my girls over there neglected to inform us is HOW do we get our hands on that blue diamond tiara she wore? Seriously. Can we at least get a replica? Holy diamonds.

Perhaps I was I fell instantly in love with Queen Maxima because she reminds me so much of Sophie, Countess of Wessex. We all know she is one of my favorite, underrated member of the firm.

Not convinced yet? Let me draw your attention to the following video, (so wonderfully brought to my attention by @royalist) of the newly crowned king, his queen and his little princesses joining a Dutch rave, hosted by the one and only Armin van Buuren. Not only does Queen Maxima look stunning (duh), she starts to dance on stage. Where do I sign up to become her new BFF? Think she’ll lend me her tiara?

A Very Royal Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! Eek, that phrase makes me sounds like a politician. Moving along… although the British don’t celebrate turkey day, who says we can’t give thanks for all that is royal and right in this world? In no particular order, here are ten royal happenings to be thankful for..

  1. The return of The Duchess of Cambridge’s white McQueen coat at the Order of the Garter service.
  2. Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year on the throne, complete with Diamond Jubilee flotillas, concerts and worldwide tours. Giving us countless opportunities to gawk at our favorite family members. Which leads me to number three..
  3. Prince Harry’s tan linen suit.
  4. Prince Philip’s good health after a year of unfortunate hospital visits.
  5. The royal legal team who quickly put the kibosh on the leaked Kate photos. Not cool French tabloids. Not. Cool.
  6. The introduction of new ties into Prince William’s wardrobe. Soooo over that maroon one, Wills. We probably have your wife to thank for this one.
  7. Prince Philip’s sense of humor, which never fails to shine through despite rainy flotillas, hospital stays and scandals.
  8. Lupo. C’mon..who isn’t thankful for an adorable puppy with his very own Twitter account?
  9. Prince William’s safe return from the Falkland Islands.
  10. The overall fabulousness of Sophie, Countess of Wessex. The woman does not get nearly enough credit, so I’m giving her some now.

What royal moments are you thankful for this year? Have I missed any of your favorites? In between scarfing down turkey and potatoes, leave some comments!

Happy Thanksgiving!