Prince Harry is Hitting the Road! (HI, AMERICA!)

After months of Prince Harry hiding away (and saving the wildlife world NBD) in Afirca, Kensington Palace took pity on us Harry fans and announced today that the young royal will be hitting the road this fall. On the docket is another trip to Africa (sensing a theme here, H), but up first – that other red, white and blue… AMERICA!


Prince Harry will visit Washington D.C. at the end of October (exact dates to be confirmed), for events leading up to his 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida. That’s right, two US announcements in two months. And yes, Harry has visited Washington D.C. recently as well – 2013 Harry mania tour ring a bell? Harry, you should really just move here already.. we get it, you like us, we have said we like you too, just make it official already. Wait, am I talking about a visit or a relationship? Either way, we’re ready for you.

During his visit to Africa, which will take place November 26 – December 4, Prince Harry will visit South Africa and Lesotho. The visit to South Africa comes as a request from the FCO on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, while the visit to Lesotho will be on behalf of his charity, Sentebale. We all know what happens when Harry visits Lesotho for his charity. HRH is seriously making up for leaving us in the dark for this entire summer with America and babies in Africa.

The full announcement can be read here. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, please call the cardiac care units at your local hospitals to have your bed pre-made in preparation for the above activity.

#HarryWithKids – It is soo a thing

If you know are at all interested in the goings on of Prince Harry (which, if you’re not, you you’re probably on the wrong site), then you know exactly what that title means today. And you’re most likely suffering from some sort of heart malfunction at the moment.

But in the off chance you’re like, “Kelly, what in royal heavens are you talking about?” Let me fill you in. Today, with the massive help of Sentebale and Chris Jackson of Getty Images, Prince Harry melted our hearts into puddles. Last week, from December 5 – 10, Prince Harry made a private visit to Lesotho in Africa for his charity, Sentebale – and Chris and his camera were along for the ride. (Thank goodness). Plot twist! Not only did Chris capture the adorable moments of the trip, but Harry got behind the lens for a change and took some stunning imagery as well.

This trip to Lesotho focused on viewing the construction and development of Sentebale’s new Mamohato Children’s Centre. The facility will increase four-fold the number of vulnerable children Sentebale can support through healthcare and education. Using the existing Camp Mamohato initiative, the Centre will provide emotional and psychological support to children living with HIV. During the visit Prince Harry attended a number of workshops and activities that help children with HIV develop greater confidence, self-reliance and address the stigma surrounding them. You can view all of the photos here. WARNING: Please do not open the link if you have an existing heart condition. Scratch that, please just use caution if you have a heart at all. Or eyes. Just, beware k?

While this may be the best thing to ever happen in the world of Harry watchers, this is certainly not the first time we have been salivating over Sir Swoon’s moments with the kiddos. The baby in Chile this summer, pretty much every visit to Lesotho, the playground antics at the Olympic Park in London, baseball in Harlem..someone please stop me because I could go on until Christmas. Harry is a natural with kids, he always has been, but it seems lately we are seeing more and more of it through his royal work. Yes, the entire family has their moments with the little ones, William and Kate in particular, but there is something different about #HarryWithKids. Nothing against the others, but there is a spark, a look about Harry when he is with his youngest admirers that really takes a hold on you. He is his mother’s son. Although it is not always fair to compare William and Harry to their mother, sometimes it is called for – this is one of those situations. He has that sparkle in his eyes, in his smile; and that pull on all of us just as Princess Diana did. Harry has made no secret of the fact that he longs for children and a family, and I so hope he gets that wish when the time is right. In the meantime, I would settle for a photo of him with Prince George. Please, H?

Prince Harry to Visit Oman and The UAE

Kensington Palace announced today that Prince Harry will undertake a mini-tour later this month to Oman and The United Arab Emirates, November 18 – 20.

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The visit’s focal point will be Oman’s National Day Parade on November 18th, a national holiday celebrating the birthday of the Sultan – Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman. Harry is no stranger to official birthday celebrations with military displays; his grandmother has one each June – Trooping the Colour.

Harry will then move onto Abu Dhabi for the fifth annual Senteble Polo Cup. Ah memories, remember when he came to my side of the world for that? This event is a highlight of the 30-year-old royal’s calendar, as it supports the charity he founded with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho.


Can’t wait to see Harry back out on tour again!

Prince Harry is Headed Down Under!

After much speculation, Kensington Palace confirmed today that Prince Harry is headed down under next week. The fourth-in-line to the throne will attend the International Fleet Review in Sydney, complete with more than 40 warships, 16 tall ships and 8,000 naval personnel from 19 nations. Harry will be attending several events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the Royal Australian Navy’s first fleet in Sydney Harbour in 1913.

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As the guest of honor, the 28-year-old royal will join Australia’s new prime minister Tony Abbott as well as governor-general Quentin Bryce, to survey the HMAS Leeuwin on October 5.

Putting weeks of unconfirmed rumors to rest, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the royal visit today, saying: “Australians have great warmth towards members of the royal family.”

While the event runs from October 3 – 11, Harry’s specific itinerary has yet to be released. Personally I’m hoping he heads home immediately as I will be in London that week, although I suspect the Australians would disagree with me on this.

UPDATE (10:00am): Prince Harry is due to attend the Sentebale “Forget Me Not” dinner in Dubai on October 7 – he may be in London for me after all… 

Richard Palmer, @RoyalReporter

Richard Palmer, @RoyalReporter

Prince Harry first visited the commonwealth nation during his gap year in 2003; this visit will mark his first official visit representing his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

It is easy to see why Australia was keen to have Captain Wales in attendance for this momentous celebration; his international popularity combined with his status as Apache helicopter pilot for the British Army Air Corps makes him the ideal special guest.

As exciting as the prospect of Captain Wales inspecting ships is, don’t look to me for coverage of this event – I will actually be on a plane to the UK! Here’s hoping he makes it back to London for the following week so we can hang out. Kidding, kind of.

Hey Harry, Can You Come Back Now?

We just want you back – for good…

After a whirlwind week in the United States, Prince Harry is back across the pond and already hard at work – he made an impromptu visit to the Chelsea Flower Show today to visit the Sentebale garden. I think I speak for most of us on this side of the Atlantic when I say: we miss you, did you really have to go?


Leading up to the prince’s week-long tour of the East Coast and Colorado, all talk seemed to center around comparing his upcoming tour to the last time he hit American soil – the infamous Vegas vacation. The only similarity between that trip and this one? Everyone cannot stop talking about Prince Harry – but now for a very different reason.

Over the course of seven days we saw many sides to the young royal – solider, prince, philanthropist and athlete; everywhere he went, every “hat” he put on, he left the press and the public in awe. Trying to choose a favorite side of Harry or a favorite moment is proving impossible – trust me, I’ve been asked that very questions countless times since the tour’s end.

The one thing that comes to mind each time I try to pinpoint a favorite takeaway is the feeling that Prince Harry left a great, positive impression on America.. and it appears he feels the same. During both his Jersey Shore visit and a speech during the Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup (which raised more than $1 million, by the way), HRH praised America and its people as “fantastic” and thanked everyone for their “extraordinary generosity.”

I can only hope that from here on out, this is the United States visit that people remember when they think about Prince Harry – the kind, generous, warmhearted young royal who will get down in the dirt and play baseball with underprivileged children, partake in a sitting volleyball match despite having full use of his legs and greet devastated residents of a small beach town he has no connection to.

Thanks for coming, Harry! You’re always welcome..

“Forget Me Not” – Prince Harry Ends US Tour with Polo Match

Today marked the final day of Prince Harry’s United States tour (pass the tissues), and in my opinion, he saved the best for last. The prince headed to the elite Connecticut suburb of Greenwich to play in the Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup benefiting his charity, Sentebale, which aids children in Lesotho whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Translated, “Sentebale” means “forget me not;” how fitting for the the prince’s final send-off.


The polo prince played for the Sentebale team, while Nacho Figueras, the world’s top player and Ralph Lauren model, captained the St. Regis team. In the end, Team Sentebale came out on top with a final score of 4-3. Although it was not called properly at first, Harry did indeed score a goal and played very well throughout the match, despite having told Good Morning America’s Lara Spencer last night that he was quite nervous as he had not been on a horse in a year. We never would have known!

Approximately 400 fortunate guests including supermodel Karolina Kurkova and Olivia Palermo were on hand for the event, which also included a a lunch where Prince Harry made a brief speech thanking the American people for a wonderful week. When discussing Lesotho, HRH remarked that, “It just takes a single visit and you’re in love with Lesotho and its children,” and that “We are trying to remove the stigma of HIV/Aids amongst a generation.”

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What a way to end the tour… thanks for coming!

One Month To Go: The Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup

The excitement surrounding Prince Harry’s tour is mounting with each day, so I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the charities he will be partnering with throughout his trip. Today marks one month to go until The Sentebale Royal Salute Polo Cup at the Greenwich Polo Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. May 15th will be the third partnership match between Sentebale and Royal Salute, the first to be held in Greenwich, serving as the capstone the young royal’s U.S. tour.

Sentebale was founded by Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho to assist the most vulnerable children effected by HIV/AIDs and extreme poverty. The two princes came together in February in Lesotho, paying an uplifting visit to the children – I know there are many tri-state area residents just as excited as those kids were to welcome Prince Harry here next month. And who can forget Harry’s participation in last year’s match in Brazil?

Prince Harry will lead the Sentebale Land Rover team and famed Argentine polo player Nacho Figueras will captain the St. Regis team, including Peter Brant, the owner of the Greenwich Polo Club.

Keep with Keep Calm and Harry On for further information on the match, in the meantime, be sure to check out Sentebale’s newly launched Facebook page.

“Unless we think big, unless we  are ambitious, nothing will change.”
Prince Harry

The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming!

It might just be the best Monday ever. No, wait.. I think it actually is. After what seems like an eternity of waiting for details on Prince Harry’s rumored United States visit, the time has arrived. Altough the initial chatter was of a New York City visit, this tour is shaping up to be much more than that. In fact, it is more than I could have hoped for. Just when I thought there was no way to love the handsome prince even more after his dance party in Lesotho, he goes and adds a tour stop in my home state of New it’s not just to see me (although I’ve heard that’s why he requested this tour stop), he will also be visiting  Hurricane Sandy victims. Those of you who read my blog often and follow me on Twitter know that I reside in one of the hardest hit areas from the storm and fortunately my house and family made out okay. It is really touching and means so much that he will be coming to Jersey to visit those who lost everything in that horrible storm.

Not only is Prince Harry coming to the greatest state in the union, but on his May 9-15 tour he will also be visiting Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado, Washington D.C., New York City and Connecticut. Activities announced thus far include stops at Arlington National Cemetery, Walter Reed National Medical Center, a community baseball program and a Sentebale polo match.

I can’t wait to welcome the white pants to the United States and anxiously await more details so I can plan accordingly! Stay with Keep Calm and Harry On as the momentous occasion draws closer! And to all my royal reporter pals, I hope to meet you when you’re in New Jersey – I’ll get you the best pizza!

UPDATE (11:55 am): According to E! Online and The Telegraph, the dates appear to be shaping up as follows:

-May 9-10: Washington D.C.

-May 11-12: Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado

-May 13: Travel day back to East Coast (the best coast 😉 )

-May 14 – New Jersey and New York City

-May 15 – Greenwich, Conneticut

Throwback Thursday: Can’t Get Enough of Harry the Humanitarian

There are many sides to Prince Harry and Harry-plays-with-kids-in-Africa is definitely one of my favorites. We all know what happened yesterday, the day we learned that the dashing prince can rock a purple apron better than anyone, but the charitable royal has been doing good in Africa for years.

In an effort to test your ability to handle high swoon levels two days in a row, let’s throw it back to 2005, the year this amazing photo was taken..

Prince Harry Returns to Lesotho With The Red Cross

I have no idea what is happening here and I do not even care – if this photo can’t make you smile, well then that makes me sad. What I do know is this was taken during one of his follow-up trips to the landlocked nation of Lesotho after his gap year to see first-hand the progress that was made with the British Red Cross Lesotho Fund.

Can Every Day be “Prince Harry on a Charitable Mission” Day?

Someone pass me the defibrillator, this day is giving me a heart attack. Prince Harry was in Lesotho today to carry out work on behalf of his charity, Sentebale. Harry has always said that he feels he can truly be himself in Africa, and we definitely saw that today – my swoon levels when the photos came out were through the roof.

Chris Jackson, Getty

Chris Jackson, Getty

Chris Jackson, Getty

Chris Jackson, Getty

Harry completely let loose with the children of Lesotho as he participated in a sign language lesson, strapped on a Paddington Bear apron to cook in the kitchen, take in a soccer match and dance. Oh, the dancing.. I’m beginning to think the real purpose of these trips abroad is to compile the world’s greatest ‘Dancing with the Star’s audition tape. But WHERE are the blue suede shoes?

Chris Jackson, Getty

Tim Rooke

Tim Rooke


A man who can cook, dance and is good with kids.. well done, Cressida Bonas.

Oh and if that weren’t enough, he then hopped a train to Johannesburg, South Africa to speak at a fundraising gala for Sentebale. Yes, this means he was in a tux.

Tim Rooke

Tim Rooke

At the gala Prince Harry spoke of his mother, Princess Diana, and his hope that she would be proud of him and the work he is doing for HIV/Aids in Africa. Harry has had a lot to worry about in his life – the paparazzi, the Taliban..his mother being proud of him will never be one of them.

So many thanks to @HWalesWatch for being so on top of things as always and of course, @RE_DailyMail, @ChrisJack_Getty, @RoyalReporter and all of the top royal reporters sending us updates from Africa.