Kate Hits Royal Milestone – 1,000 Days as The Duchess of Cambridge

Just a couple of weeks after her 32nd birthday, Kate is marking another special occasion – 1,000 days as The Duchess of Cambridge. Since marrying Prince William on April 29, 2011, the former Kate Middleton has not stolen our hearts, but has made a difference in the world and played a vital role in shaping the royal family as they are today.

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

Aside from the addition of Kate, the firm has seen important events unfold and changes made over the past few years – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Prince Charles’ ever-increasing role as first-in-line, Prince Harry’s second tour of duty and recent move to a military desk job, William and Kate’s departure from life in Wales, Prince William leaving the armed forces and returning to school and perhaps Kate’s most monumental accomplishment to date – welcoming Prince George into the world.

In her 1,000 days as The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate has taken on her patronages, toured Canada, The United States and Asia Pacific, christened a cruise ship, sat for her first official portrait, moved into Kensington Palace and of course, given birth to the third-in-line to the throne. Oh, and let’s not forget boosting sales for countless designers.

If that’s just her first 1,000 days, I cannot wait to see what the days ahead will bring. Congratulations to The Duchess of Cambridge on this monumental royal milestone!

2013: Royal Year in Review

As the new year approaches, we are all undoubtedly looking back on the royal year that was, and once again, our beloved royal family did not disappoint! Before reviewing the top moments of 2013, let’s have a brief history lesson..

2010 – William and Kate announce their engagement

2011 – William and Kate get married

2012 – Diamond Jubilee, William and Kate announce pregnancy

2013 – William and Kate become parents

Bottom line: Thank you, William and Kate!

Not only was 2013 a massive year for our favorite family, but it was my favorite year to date – a dream come true, to be exact. Before I get into the royals’ best moments, I need  to thank ALL of the professional royal journalists for being so kind to me on their visit to the US with Prince Harry and for the relationships built since then, and of course – all of my followers. A special thanks to Max Foster for including me in a royal baby special on CNN and Kelly Lynch for sending me on tour with my favorite redhead. I can’t believe this year actually happened.

Okay, onto the stuff you all actually care about… five royal highlights from 2013! (If I didn’t cut myself off at five I would be writing for a week…)

The Summer of George

No, not THAT Summer of George… this one:

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

It really does not get any better than the birth of HRH Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. I don’t think much more needs to be said on the topic..

Prince Harry Visits The United States


 In May 2013, Prince Harry graced America with his presence… and we haven’t been the same since. Okay, at least I haven’t. Prince Harry toured the US, visiting Colorado, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. He played sitting volleyball with wounded warriors, he toured a New Jersey boardwalk, he played baseball with kids in Harlem, he beat Nacho Figueras in polo… he charmed the pants off this nation.

Prince Harry at the Jersey Shore


You might be thinking, “Kelly.. you just talked about Prince Harry in the US!” True as that may be, his visit to Jersey deserves a standout mention. It may have been the best morning ever waking up in my own room and driving less than 30 minutes to see my favorite royal. Harry’s desire to draw attention to the devastation we were still facing six months after Hurricane Sandy was extremely touching, and I am still grateful for that.

Prince William Sings with Job Bon Jovi

Seriously, the royal brothers with their Jersey love this year is just out of control. Just move here already! A few weeks ago Jon Bon Jovi attended the Winter Whites Gala at Kensington Palace alongside The Duke of Cambridge..and William broke out the dad dance moves to sing ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ with the rocker. If this were a bar in the Garden State, the ground would have been shaking.

Queen Elizabeth II’s Horse Winning The Royal Ascot Gold Cup

Her Majesty’s Horse, Estimate, won the Gold Cup at the Royal Ascot this June, marking the first time in the race’s 207 year history that a reigning monarch took home the top prize. The celebration that ensued by the royal party are worth a prize in and of itself.

Thanks for a great year, royal family!

The 60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation

“Therefore I am sure that this, my Coronation, is not the symbol of a power and a splendour that are gone but a declaration of our hopes for the future, and for the years I may, by God’s Grace and Mercy, be given to reign and serve you as your Queen.”

Sixty years ago today, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her coronation and promised to serve the people of The Commonwealth in hear Coronation Day broadcast; I don’t even think she could have imagined the future that would unfold over the next six decades.

I am sure some of you are quite confused reading this, wondering “Didn’t we celebrate sixty years of The Queen last summer?” Wrong. And right. Although Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II on February 6, 1952  after the passing of her father, King George VI, she was not crowned until June 2, 1953.

Thus, eighteen months after she succeeded her father, Queen Elizabeth II took part in the historical, six part coronation service (Recognition, Oath, Anointing, Investiture, Homage at Communion) at Westminster Abbey. As the first coronation ceremony to be televised, an audience of 27 million in the UK and 85 million in the United States heard The Abbey bells ring out in jubilation as the crowds cheered “God Save The Queen!”

The Queen began her anniversary celebrations at the Epsom Derby yesterday alongside her husband, The Duke of Edinburgh and several members of her family including The Duke of York and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. This Tuesday, June 4th, Her Majesty will continue the celebration with a service of celebration at Westminster Abbey and it appears all of The Firm will be in attendance. Yes, that includes Prince Harry, who will also unveil a plaque outside The Abbey commemorating the royal wedding of his brother, Prince William and the then Kate Middleton.

So enjoy your street parties and picnics, Great Britain! Have a sausage roll and gin and tonic for me, my sickness and I will be celebrating by watching ‘The Queen’ on DVD and eating crumpets.

Happy Royalversary!

Happy Second Anniversary William and Catherine!????????

Now, hit play and let’s celebrate The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

Last year I asked my Twitter followers to share their wishes for William & Kate’s second year of marriage; not surprisingly, most of those tweets involved a royal scone in the oven.  At the end of the year, our wish for them came true! Side note: completely forgot I dubbed the future royal baby a “scone,” so from now on that’s what I’m going with.

I also encouraged my readers to share the traditional first anniversary gift of paper with the royal couple and since money is the most important form of paper (kidding..kind of), I challenged everyone to donate to the couple’s patronages.

Sadly, the year of money is over, but if you would like to continue dishing out dough, head on over to the newly launched Royal Fundraiser to raise funds for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices in honor of the royal scone in the oven. @RoyalFundraiser was started by @WhatKateWore, @HRHDuchessKate, @BritishRoyals, @KatePippaStyle and @APP_Editor to gather the royal watching community to help out one of Kate’s patronages. In fact, the mum-to-be will celebrate her wedding anniversary by visiting Naomi House in support of Children’s Hospice Week.

A continued lifetime of happiness to one of the world’s most adorable couples!

Happy Anniversary to Prince Charles & The Duchess of Cornwall!

Today marks Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwalls eight year of wedded bliss! The Prince of Wales married then Camilla Parker Bowles on April 9, 2005. From a civil ceremony to a celebration at Windsor Castle it was a beautiful spring day for the royal family.

Here’s hoping their day is filled with gifts of bronze, pottery, linen, lace and appliances – appropriate eighth wedding anniversary gifts. Perhaps a bronzed toaster oven with lace lace applique oven mits?

Happy Anniversary and a lifetime of happiness to the future king and his bride!

An Interview with Max Foster

Anyone who has followed royal news since that little wedding they hosted back in 2010 knows who Max Foster is. You also know that this CNN International Anchor and Royal Correspondent needs no introduction – but I will give him one anyway. Max, aka @MaxFosterCNN, is one of the guys that makes royal watching so enjoyable. He is always responsive to his intrigued Twitter followers (myself included) and is constantly approaching the news from a unqiue angle. But before he was hanging out with Prince Harry in Jamaican beach bars and filming world leaders at Buckingham Palace he was interviewing the likes of Anthony Hopkins and covering Pope John Paul II’s final days.  Max was kind enough to let me badger him with questions about the day in the life of a top royal reporter.

If you think you were impressed with Max before, you’re in for a treat – especially if you’re a Harry fan. Lots of secrets and insider knowledge to be had with this one..


Many people reading this might only know you as a royal reporter, but you have covered incredible events and spoken with fascinating people throughout your career, who has been your favorite interview?

The greatest thing about journalism is the access it gives you to people, places and moments in history. Just meeting the likes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Julie Andrews is a privilege and I was glad I listened to a friend in publishing years ago who suggested I interview Stephanie Meyer as an author with potential. But one interview means a lot to me and that was with Anthony Hopkins. I was at University in Cardiff and a friend and I spotted him in a hotel. I was freelancing at Radio Wales and we left a note for him at reception asking for an interview. He replied with a letter a few weeks later saying he would be back in Cardiffand would do an interview. He spoke to me about not wanting to do a follow-up to Silence of the Lambs and about receiving a knighthood. They were both exclusive lines (at the time) and were picked up by the papers. The buzz of getting a story inspired me to go in to journalism.

Among those incredible global events, you have reported on some truly difficult topics – war, Pope John Paul II, natural disasters – what has been your most challenging assignment?

The Pope’s final days was definitely the most challenging. I had never anchored rolling coverage before and had only been at CNN a few months. There weren’t many scripts – only information about interviews and pictures that may or may not be coming in. The rest was ad libbing around a complex story that had huge significance to a lot of people. I got through it and have been lucky to be involved in all sorts of breaking news since then. It’s what CNN excels at and is the most exciting part of the job.

You have traveled around the globe covering a wide range of topics – what has been your favorite destination? If your reporting could take you anywhere in the world in 2013, where would you like to go?

I don’t actually travel nearly as much as my colleagues, some of whom literally live on the road, but travelling can be fun. The royal trips are always something to look forward to. Who can argue with hanging out with Prince Harry at a Jamaican beach bar?! Or sitting amongst vast crowds of cheering Canadians waiting to meet the new Duchess of Cambridge? Its hard work but gets you to places you would never expect to see.

While the royal wedding gave Kate a new title, it also brought a new one to you as well – CNN’s official Royal Correspondent. Did you ever envision your career taking this turn when you started at CNN years earlier?

I never set out to be a royal correspondent. My specialism was always business, but I was asked to report on the preparations for the royal wedding and I just through myself into it. We got some great access and the interest in the story just grew and grew. I interviewed everyone from the royal chef to the florist to the coachmen. And on the day itself, I anchored morning and evening shows from a spectacular purpose built and reported in between. It was the most amazing day. London had never felt so alive and for whatever reason this was one of the biggest stories of modern times, certainly the biggest outside broadcast. There are moments when you know you are witnessing history, or at least lasting moments, and this was one of those occasions. CNN’s coverage was phenomenal and a lot of people tuned in so, when I suggested making the royal correspondent role permanent, I was probably knocking against an open door. I felt that interest was going to grow in the royal family and I wanted to understand why there was that interest. What I do know is that The Queen, The Cambridge’s and Prince Harry are amongst the top ten stars in the world – I mean truly global stars, resonating everywhere.

What is your favorite story since covering the royal family? A moment or memory that stands out more than the rest?

Particular ‘moments’ were speaking to the crowds in the Mall the night before the wedding, Canada Day in Ottawa, Prince Harry deciding to race Usain Bolt in Jamaica, sitting in on a cabinet meeting in the Solomon Islands with the Duchess of Cambridge wearing a necklace emblazoned with ‘Princess Kate’… But filming arrivals at the back steps of Buckingham Palace at a reception for heads of state during the Olympics was one of the most powerful moments for me. The President of Russia, Secretary General of the United Nations, The First Lady of the United States, all tentatively making their way up the steps into the grand state rooms at the invitation of an octogenarian Queen. It was a reminder to me how powerful she is, despite just having a ceremonial role. She had this ability to create history and it’s because of history, but she’s just such a natural and so is The Duchess of Cambridge which is good news for the institution.

With the title of this blog I can’t not ask this question – can you share your favorite moment from Prince Harry’s tour?

It would be a day… in Jamaica. When he raced Usain Bolt, we already had our story, then he hugged the (republican) PM, reggae danced in blue swede shoes and impersonated Bob Marley during a state banquet. Every event became a story. It was exhausting keeping up with him but made for great coverage.

Earlier this year, you wrote what might be my favorite article on The Duchess of Cambridge yet – Kate Inc: A Corporate Approach to Royal Success – what inspired you to tell this story? What are your predictions for how “Kate Inc” will continue in the coming year?

Very kind. I was just discussing things with a palace source and it was an interesting line. A lot of people assume the royals are told what to do but that certainly isn’t the case at St James’ Palace. Kate, William and Harry make their own decisions and the people around them are there to advise and support them. I think that authenticity to what they do comes across and will be their best hope of ongoing success. They are modernising the ways things are done already and as long as they stay true to themselves, I think they will continue to do well. They do genuinely seem to be motivated by doing the best for Queen and country

Pretend someone reading this knows absolutely nothing about the royal family – what is the one thing you think they should know? Perhaps a secret you’ve picked up on over the years..

Being a royal isn’t as easy as it looks. Most events are very carefully planned and The Duchess of Cambridge for example will be thinking about everything she does. She just makes it look easy.

To say this has been exciting year for the royals would be a severe understatement, what is your favorite event you have covered this year?

My best event was Prince Harry’s tour. He was a great subject to cover, there was a lot of interest in the story and here’s another secret – the royal pack are a smart, fun bunch to work with and make travelling a pleasure. We like the bloggers too…

Choose one word to describe this past year in royal news.


Many thanks to Max for not only the interview, but his constant support of the royal bloggers and tweeters out there. We couldn’t keep up without him!

Happy Anniversary to…Me!

Happy New Year royal watching friends! In addition to being the first day of 2013, today is also the one year anniversary of my first blog post! It has been such an incredible year putting my royal thoughts to paper (well, wordpress) and getting to know all of you. The best part of this whole blogging thing has been the Twitter conversations and relationships developed – us royal watchers have to stick together! I can’t thank you all enough for reading, posting and tweeting along with me.

So, in honor of this special occasion I’m taking a different approach to the typical “royal year in review” posts. I present to you, my top ten favorite blog posts from 2012. In chronological order – I don’t want to play favorites with my favorites!

1. Prince Harry’s Tour – Top Moments

2. An Interview with Victoria Arbiter

3. Happy Anniversary William and Catherine!

4. Hey Harry, Call Me..Maybe?


5. Keep Calm and Float On

6. Today’s News: Kate Looks Great, Harry Has Date

7. America for the Win!

8. Confession: I Miss Prince Harry

9. Christmas Gifts for the Royals

10. A Chat with Kelly Lynch

It was difficult to pick just ten..but there you have it! What were your favorite royal moments of 2012?

A Chat with Kelly Lynch

This year brought countless royal headlines and exciting events that have left us all buzzing about what the hottest moments were and what’s to come in 2013. For me, this reflection period mostly meant looking back at all of the new friendships made in our cozy little royal watching bubble. One of the ladies who made my first year tweeting and blogging so fun was Kelly Lynch, who quickly proved to me that great minds don’t only think alike, but they share the same name. For those of you who may not know (and to that I say – shame on you), Kelly is the Editor at Socialite Life and the brains behind The Duchess Diary. This year, Kelly saw something she wanted and she went after it, and every Thursday we are thankful for that. Kelly and I  could spend forever discussing The Duchess of Cambridge – Kate is to McQueen as peanut butter is to jelly – so what better way to recap the year in Kate and speculate about the year to come than to put those chats in blog form?
Let’s start with The Duchess Diary – brilliant idea, I love it. What inspired you to start that and how did it all come about? 
Socialite Life’s parent company (Buzz Media) had just built a gorgeous state-of-the-art studio, and were looking for original content pitches.  Since I was always reporting on the royals, I suggested we do something about Kate Middleton and the rest of the royal family.  A few weeks later, the VP of video and one of the senior producers approached me about ‘The Duchess Diary.’  It was a little weird to think that I would have my own show about Kate Middleton.  I don’t think it’s sunk in yet how lucky I am to be a part of such a phenomenon.
What’s your dream for TDD in 2013? 
Great question.  You and I both know that part of the fun of being a royal reporter is learning from those who have been in the game a long time, and trading information with one another.  I had the Daily Express’s Richard Palmer on once, and his experience on the South East Asia tour was something you just don’t hear every day.  Getting the story first hand from someone like Palmer was a real treat.  Another little dream would be to partner with a fashion mag on Kate’s looks; perhaps be a royal guest editor for a day!
If you could have one guest on the show – not a member of Kate’s family (royal or Middleton) – who would it be? 
I am always entertained by the subjects interviewed for top notch royal documentaries, like the Hon. Margaret Rhodes and Lady Pamela Hicks, people who were right beside the Queen in her most significant moments.  These women have seen a lot, and the way they tell a story makes you sit and listen.  I also wouldn’t mind having a chat with Angela Kelly.  Oh, to be a fly on the wall when she and the Queen are clucking together.
Let’s talk fashion, if you could own one item from her wardrobe what would it be? 
Oh my goodness, Kelly.  What an unfair question!  The wedding dress.  Of all Kate’s gorgeous attire, none was more breathtaking than the Sarah Burton for Alexander Mcqueen wedding gown.  That day felt like a fairy tale due largely in part to the princess dress.  It made everyone stop dead in their tracks.  
Kate Middleton reveals her McQueen gown as she arrives with sister Pippa at Westminster Abbey for the Royal Wedding
Hate to say this, but she disappointed us a few times this year..one item from her closet you would throw out? 
I think you and I were talking about the lilac Erdem dress she wore to this year’s Trooping of The Colour.  That look was at the bottom of my list until I saw Kate in the bell-sleeve Temperley dress while at a Buckingham Palace reception for Team GB Athletes.  It was far too busy and – I hate to say it – cheesy for Kate.
We often debate on what colors she looks best in and what we would like to see her in, pick one color she has to wear for all of 2013.
I love seeing Kate in green, and most of her wardrobe (at least until summer) will be maternity.  The royals are all about color so as to make people smile, so I say that whatever color Kate selects, she’s going to look great in it.  I do love it when she goes bold more than if she chose a pastel.
We are always on the edge of our Twitter timelines waiting too see what designer she’ll step out in next, who would you love to see her in that she has not worn yet? 
The Duchess does a wonderful job of promoting British labels, but what if she were to done something from Burberry for an outing?  Part of me would love to see Kate sport Dior, but it would have be very ladylike.  I do, however, feel that Dior belongs to Princess Charlene, the same with Chanel.  I appreciate that Kate sticks to tried and true British designers. 
It’s Monday, December 3, 2012.. you find out Kate is pregnant. Your reaction – go! 
A silent cheer ran from my stomach up through my throat, and I just let it take me over.  My friend texted me from DC, and since I’m on the west coast, I’m always the last to know about these things.  It’s something that Kate and William have talked about for ages, and I couldn’t be happier for those two.  Some of us feel as if they are our friends since we watch their every move.  I do wish, though, that they would have been able to announce the pregnancy on their own terms, rather than having their hand pushed because of media speculation.
Baby predictions? Boy? Girl? Both? Names? And most importantly, will it wear McQueen to the christening?
I had my mother on the show a few weeks ago because she chewed my ear off about her own morning sickness.  So, my mother strongly believes that Kate is going to have a girl (mom had three gals).  The color is gone from Kate’s face and she looks fatigued, so perhaps this might just be the future queen who is kicking around in there!
Some speculate that if it is a girl, William and Kate will name her Diana.  No shot!  They would never put their daughter through that kind of scrutiny.  If she is a girl, I guarantee that Diana will be one of the middle names, as will Elizabeth and Frances.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Margaret was thrown in there too (Margaret is the Queen’s late sister).  As for a Christian name, my guesses are: Victoria, Mary, Charlotte or Anne.  Something traditional and strong.  If the blessed child is a boy: My middle name guesses are: Philip, Henry, Charles, George.  First name?  James, George (I think it could be one or the other), or Edward. 
Oh, Kelly.  Imagine what Kate’s McQueen christening outfit will look like?  It’s safe to assume that the child will be christened in the gown that’s been passed down through the ages from Queen Victoria’s first daughter.  So now at least we can focus more on mom and how fantastic she’ll look.
Many thanks to “The Other Kelly” for taking time out of her Christmas holiday to rehash some of our favorite (and least favorite) Kate moments and dream of the year ahead. Be sure to follow Kelly on Twitter @HRH_KLynch and over @TheDuchessDiary for a cheeky look at what’s new with The Duchess of Cambridge! She may even surprise you with some Made in Chelsea talk here and there.

Confession: I Miss Prince Harry

Prince Harry is not even halfway through his deployment yet and I am already missing regular updates from @HWalesWatch. And no, I am not counting the stories on his Vegas party companion getting thrown in jail or Harry’s Pippa filled storytime at Camp Bastion as news.

Okay, if I’m being honest I mostly miss the white pants and sharp navy blue suits..

To cope with Prince Hottie withdrawals, I decided to reflect on the top ten reasons to love the 28-year-old royal…in no particular order.

1. He is currently fighting for his country in Afghanistan..flying deadly helicopters. He could have used his title to get thrown on a desk job back in the UK, but no.. Captain Wales wanted to be out on the front lines with his men, shooting down bad guys. HOT.

2. Not only is he good with kids, but he devotes a lot of his time to being there for children in need. Oh, and let’s not forget looking after the bridesmaids and page boys during the royal wedding – don’t forget to wave kids!

3. He is charitable. Not just sit behind a desk and donate tons of money charitable – he gets out there and he fights for the causes he believes in. He trekked to the North Pole with Walking With The Wounded. He established his own charity, Sentebale, aiming to positively change the the lives of vulnerable children in Lesotho.

4. He knows how to have a good time. Don’t think this one needs further explanation.

5. Harry has an edge. Motorcycles, breaking the royal rules of engagement, partying like there’s no tomorrow..c’mon ladies, you all know you like a bad boy.

6. In case you needed a reminder – he is a PRINCE. Of course that is not a reason to love someone, but let’s be honest.. it’s a factor.

7. The name ‘Prince Hottie’ did not appear out of thin air.. he’s the best looking redhead on the planet.

8. His sporting prowess is not limited to rocking white pants on the polo field. Aside from being an all-star polo player, he enjoys rugby, futbol..he’s even gotten down and dirty on the volleyball court. Although he could use some help with basketball.

9. The “H” in Harry probably stands for hysterical. From messing with the paparazzi on his first day of kindergarten “Dude of Cambridge” joke at his brother’s wedding, H could double for a stand-up comedian.

10. The youngest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana is a family man. His bond with brother, Prince William, is beyond adorable and he immediately accepted Kate as if she were his actual sister.

Here’s hoping Captain Wales is off kicking some serious Taliban tail in Afghanistan.. we all look forward to an influx of white pants and parties upon his return.
Do you miss your daily dose of Harry? What do you love most about the prince? Leave some comments!

Happy Anniversary William and Catherine!

I know everyone is saying this today, but wow..can you believe it has been a year?! It feels like yesterday I was up at 3:00 am, crying my eyes out. Yes, I cried – don’t tell me you didn’t too! And then I went to work with puffy eyes; I may have been a little late that day (don’t worry, i was given the ok to watch the kiss before heading in).

Today, William and Catherine, now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, celebrate their first year of marriage..after nearly a decade of dating. I don’t think anyone ever had any doubts that they would coast through their first year, happier than ever. To honor the special day, I am taking a “Will & Kate” approach to this blog post – simple. Word around town is that the young royal couple will be keeping it low key and carefree today – very true to form. I am sure many bloggers/royal watchers will be commemorating the day with lists of favorite moments and such, so I would like to share with you my top William and Catherine moment from their first year of wedded bliss..


The above picture, taken after the dragon boat races Dalvay-by-the-Sea on Prince Edward Island, completely captures the essence of William and Catherine’s relationship – and the reason why we all adore them. During their first royal tour together just a few months into their marriage, the competitive lovebirds showed their skills in a friendly race, followed by this absolutely adorable moment. This photo embodies the playfulness, compassion, adoration and total love these two have for each other. I also think it displays what a seemingly normal couple they are; a trait that royal fans everywhere admire and can relate to. Sure, she wears tiaras, he will one day be a king and they save the save the world in their spare time..but deep down they are just a regular, married couple – right?

Anniversary Gifts…

The customary first wedding anniversary gift is paper, so why not give William and Kate the best kind of paper…MONEY! As most of you know, in lieu of wedding gifts the philanthropic duo asked guests to donate to The Prince William & Miss Catherine Middleton Charitable Gift Fund, which raised approximately $1.7 million for 26 charitable organizations that are special to The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

As I did for Catherine’s 30th birthday this past January, I encourage those who would like to give the couple who has everything an anniversary gift, to donate to one of their many chosen charities, including:

Tusk Trust, Centre Point UKThe Art Room, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, Action on Addiction,  The National Portrait Gallery and The Scout Association. To learn about other causes close to the couple’s hearts you can visit The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

Best Wishes from the Fans..

Two nights before the big day I had an idea.. wouldn’t it be nice to have William and Catherine supporters share their hopes for their favorite couple? Yes, the chances of Will and Kate actually seeing these thoughts are one in a million, but is always nice to put good vibes out into the universe and dream that they come true. So, I posed the following question to my royal Twitter family – “What is your wish for Will & Kate during their second year of marriage?

@jennkamienski – a happy marriage like mine

@thecambridges – Happy Anniversary, Will and Kate. May the second year (and many those to come) bring just as much love, warmth and success as the first.

@RoyallyKate – Happy one year anniversary, Will and Kate! You’ve all brightened the lives and opened the hearts of many this past year. I wish you so many more years to come, and endless and indefatigable amounts of love and support to come your way in the future. Here’s to a successful year for a beautiful couple! We love you!

@FabulousKate13 – I wish them another enchanting, amazing, and successful year. May the years to come only bring them happiness and joy. Xx

@Kates_Wardrobe – 4 Kate : an outfit by unexpected designer Ford, Westwood, Saab

@RoyalKateDebate – Congratulation Will and Kate on a wonderful first year of marriage. Your love for each other has captured the world’s imagination. Thank you for sharing your day with us. My wish is that you continue to have the strength in your relationship that you have shown in the past 10 years.

@HRH_KLynch – I wish happiness for the both bc will deserves it. And healthy babies!

@allthingsregal – Hmmmm… dare I say a baby willkat?

@nina_lux – Besides happiness, more time together, a bb and world domination? Not much

@ARightRoyalBlog – Wish people would stop clicking on pap shots of them.

@Royaljournalist – Hoping for twinsc called prince George and princess Victoria.

@MPHenriksen – Wills stays in the military. They have a baby or at least Kate is preggers by the end of yr two.

@HuffPostStyle – Kate to take more fashion risks!

 @Kimmi1287 – I’m thinking the one with the real love and respect not for money and tv


@shan_harrison – I wish for William and Kate to have another year of wedded bliss… And to get another puppy

My wish for William & Catherine’s second year of marriage – that the guiding hand doesn’t fade away and they continue to look as happy as they do in the above photo. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind a royal bun in the oven (would that be considered a scone 😉 ?!). And for Kate to add some bright colors to her wardrobe. And Will should find some new suits. But mostly, keep doing what you’re doing young, beloved royals! xoxo

Happy Anniversary William and Catherine! Thanks for being so fabulous and sharing your love story with the world.