63 Reasons Why Queen Elizabeth II is an Absolute Legend..

…and we are all just mere mortals.

By now it is no secret that Queen Elizabeth II surpasses Queen Victoria as Britain’s longest reigning monarch today, September 9, 2015, at approximately 5:30pm (GMT). After living life in the public eye since she was born in 1926 and as of today, has reigned for approximately 23,226 days, 16 hours and 30 minutes, we certainly know quite a lot about Her Majesty. However, no good icon would live up their status without a few mysteries, and The Queen is no different. In honor of her 63 + years on the throne, here are 63 Reasons Why Queen Elizabeth II is an absolute legend.

  1. She doesn’t need a passport..because she issues them.
  2. She drives a Range Rover… #cargoals.
  3. She has her own bagpiper. #lifegoals #myfavoritesound
  4. She worked as a mechanic during World War II
  5. 12 Prime Ministers have come for audiences during her 63 years
  6. She is patron of over 600 charities
  7. Her house has its own post office..and atm
  8. She has official residences in more than one country
  9. As of 2012, she answered more than 3.5 million pieces of correspondence
  10. Someone once gifted her an elephant
  11. She has launched 21 ships during her reign 23 in lifetime
  12. She sent a tweet in 2014 and broke all kinds of records #canigetafavorite #followback
  13. She has two birthdays. Her real day of birth, and her official celebration.
  14. She has 30 godchildren
  15. During her Silver Jubilee she toured 36 countries in a year #frequentfliermilegoals
  16. She introduced a new breed of dog.. my sister is still trying to convince my parents to buy her one at the age of 25.
  17. She counts President George H.W. Bush as a personal friend, and he is her favorite president – MINE TOO. Well, the favorite prez thing, we are not BFF.
  18. She introduced the first royal walkabout in New Zealand in 1970. Imagine what we would do without royal walkaboats?!
  19. She was the first British monarch to visit China
  20. She sent her first email 1976 from an army base. Pretty sure I sent mine in between games of the Sims and Minesweeper from my living room.
  21. She received a pope john Paul II in 1982, making her the first monarch to revive a pope in 450 years
  22. She has about 25 horses training every season. I don’t even have my “My Little Pony” collection now
  23. She launched Buckingham Palace’s official website in 1997. I was busy waiting in line for *NSYNC tickets
  24. She hosted the first women’s only event at Buckingham Palace. Who run the world? Queen Beyonce WHO? We have a real Queen here.
  25. She invited the West End musical Les Miserables to perform at Windsor Castle. I can’t eveng get tickets to see The Audience on Broadway..
  26. Her coronation was the first major international event broadcasted on TV
  27. She had 100 new custom made outfits for her first Commonwealth tour
  28. Her horse, Estimate, won the Gold Cup on Ladies Day at Royal Ascot in 2013, making her the first ruuling monarch in the event’s history to win
  29. She technically owns dolphins. When I was younger, I used to ask for a dolphin as a pet and didn’t understand why we couldn’t keep one in our pool…
  30. She joined Facebook in 2005. I wasn’t allowed to join until I had my college email addressed confirmed in 2006.
  31. The Queen, along with Prince Philip, became the first ruling monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary
  32. In an average year she welcomes approximately 50,000 people to Buckingham Palace.
  33. She has sent than 45,000 Christmas cards during her reign. My family Christmas card is hanging in the local pizza place. (Hi Nunzio’s!)
  34. She drinks a cup of tea every day at 7:30 am. Just like my mom!
  35. According to her cousin Margaret Rhodes, her alcohol intake never varies. Ah, if only everyone had the much control.. #college
  36. Her Majesty’s daily drink schedule technically makes her a binge drinker by government standards.
  37. She learned to drive when she joined the army
  38. Her message to Apollo 11 astronauts was literally placed on the moon
  39. She has owned more than 30 corgi
  40. She introduced theme days to celebrate British cultur
  41. She once demoted a footman for giving her corgis whisky.. can I have this kind of power please
  42. She collected clothing coupons for her wedding dres
  43. She gets a gun salute and a fly past for her birthday party
  44. She has given assent to more than 3,500 acts of parliament
  45. She owns every breeding pair of mute swans in Britain
  46. She has seen 6 Archbishops of Canterbury
  47. She’s an Arsenal fan. YES
  48. According to her grandsons, Ali G gives her the giggles
  49. She talks with her hands. I get crap for this all the time, especially since I’m not Italian. I bet she doesn’t. 
  51. She was the first British monarch to visit Republic of Ireland since Irish independenc
  52. She has done a Christmas message every year except for 1969. We send Christmas texts
  53. She likes Scottish country dancing. QEII, I challenge you to a duel on Just Dance
  54. Despite her status, she snuck out and celebrated VE Day with the London crowd
  55. She has NINE Royal thrones. I have to call “fives” every time I vacate my seat at a family part
  56. She is apparently very good at impressions
  57. She apparently excels at solitaire. It is my life goal to win a game
  58. About 1,200 people work royal household.. can I just get a cleaning lady please?
  59. She loves Downton Abbey. AKA – she’s just like us! #doyouthinkshecriedwhenmatthewdied
  60. People fall at her feet, literally. I mean, have you seen Margaret Thatcher’s curtsy
  61. She doesn’t have to pay taxes, but she does anyway
  62. She has sat for about 130 portraits
  63. She is the longest reigning British monarch. Case. Closed.

..and that’s not even the HALF of it. 

Congratulations Your Majesty, you are an inspiration and a legend. We’re all just lucky to be around for the ride…



Reigning Wisdom

There is a lot of talk happening at the moment about Queen Elizabeth II, her life, her reign, her greatest moments, and of course, how it all stacks up against Queen Victoria, whom she will surpass as Britain’s longest reigning monarch on Wednesday. Yes, there are quite a lot of similarities and much room for comparison – both not destined to be monarch at birth yet taking on the title at a young age, both have been a steady presence through trying times, both have faced tragedy and most of all, both have inspired despite all of the difficult moments and questionable times throughout their respective reigns.

Monarchs are a beacon of hope, and both longest reigning queens have had their fair share of  inspirational moments. By now you should all know that I’m a sucker for a good quote and I couldn’t think of a better way to demonstrate just how inspirational both Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II have been.

Queen Victoria

“The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them.”
“We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.”
 Do not let your feelings of momentary irritation and discomfort be seen by others. Don’t let every little feeling be seen on your face or read in your manner.”
“I never imagined that I should find so much love on Earth…” – Queen Victoria on Prince Albert… GOALS.

Queen Elizabeth II

“I have to be seen to be believed.”  – on wearing bright colors – STYLE icon.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.”  

“It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult.”

 “Peace and goodwill have lasting power in the hearts of men and women.”

Let’s be honest, I could go on for 63 years about the ways these two women have inspired not only their realm, but the world. But, it’s Friday of a holiday weekend here (better known as a bank holiday to my British friends), and it’s time for a gin and tonic.. just as The Queen would command!

Beloved Royal Residences from Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II

In case you’ve been living under a rock (a very large rock), you will know that next Wednesday, one week from today, marks the date Queen Elizabeth II will surpass Queen Victoria as Britain’s longest reigning monarch. And unless you’ve been living under an even bigger rock (the biggest one that’s ever existed), you will know that a lot has changed in Britain since Queen Victoria reigned. Something that has remained a constant, however, are the majestic residences the royals call “home.” With the help of VisitBritain, what better time to take drool over some of these iconic residences?

If you have ever been to Britain, chances are you have popped by to say hello at one of the famous royal residences across England and Scotland (okay, not really, you can’t actually go inside and talk to The Queen when you visit). In fact, forty-eight percent of all holiday visitors to Britain visit a castle or stately home during their visit.

The Evolution of Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace, via VisitBritain Images

Buckingham Palace, via VisitBritain Images

It was recently announced that Buckingham Palace, The Queen’s official residence in London, would be undergoing some much needed renovations. Makes sense given that Buckingham Palace was originally the home of the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and Queen Victoria moved in when she took the throne more than a century later. Wouldn’t it be amazing if HGTV could get the rights to this for an episode of House Hunters International? Hello, the monarchy? This needs to happen.

As the first resident of Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria made several renovations that transformed the palace into the icon the world knows today. Perhaps the largest of which being the addition of the balcony that has seen countless appearances by the Royal Family – from weddings to jubilees and everything in between –  since the first one took place in 1851. Us royal watchers LOVE a good balcony appearance.

Balmoral Castle – AKA, Heaven in The Highlands

Balmoral Castle - VisitBritain Blog

Balmoral Castle – VisitBritain Blog

Balmoral Castle, which Queen Victoria once dubbed, “my dear paradise in the highlands,”  and it is so easy to say why. Beautiful castle in one of the most serene areas of the UK? Sign me up please! Which is exactly what The Queen did, as she and her family use it as their summer retreat. Balmoral Castle has been the Scottish home of the Royal Family since it was purchased for Queen Victoria by Prince Albert in 1852 (the best thing a guy ever bought for me was pizza). The  grounds, gardens and Castle Ballroom are open for visitors April through the end of July annually. Get up there, it’ll be worth it!

Forever Victoria’s Home


Kensington Palace, via Keep Calm and Harry On

Kensington Palace – where does one begin? I LOVE this place. Queen Victoria was born at Kensington Palace on May 24, 1819 and it has remained a treasured royal residence since. The State Rooms opened to the public on The Queen’s birthday in 1899 – what a good queen, giving unto others on her special day! Many years and many visitors have passed since then, yet Kensington Palace has remained in the spotlight as a home for the royal family. Among many other royals, Prince William and Prince Harry were raised within the palace walls and still live there to this day, with The Duke of Cambridge and The Duchess of Cambridge calling it their official London residence with their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.  Can’t wait to call it home when I marry Prince Harry.

If you are lucky enough to be visiting Britain in the coming weeks, be sure to stop by Windsor Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse and to the Summer Opening of Buckingham Palace to see a special exhibition put on by The Royal Collection Trust, ‘Long To Reign Over Us’, showcasing official photographs capturing Her Majesty undertaking visits in the UK and across the Commonwealth and informal family moments from 1952 to present day.


Oh Hey April, You’re Going to be AWESOME

Happy April everyone! This month has the potential to be seriously epic. So much Royal activity my head is spinning.

There is a royal baby on the way. The Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth to her second child (in under two years oh hey thanks Kate xx), at some point this month. While the pre-birth hype isn’t as high as it was ahead of Prince George’s birth, we are all secretly – and some of us not so secretly – super excited to watch a door again. Well, not so much the door but SO much welcoming another Cambridge baby into this world.

Aside from the pure fact that Kate is about to have a baby, it’s *when* she could have the baby that’s adding to the potential epicness of it all. How about April 21? The baby would share a birthday with its great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. Or what about April 29? Mom and Dad’s fourth wedding anniversary? I think my royalist heart just exploded at the thought. No matter what, there will be a lot to celebrate this month. They may as well just rename “April” to “Royal.” And by they, I mean the whole world.

Oh and let’s not forget, The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan comes out on April 7. That’s next Tuesday. Baby, you can arrive that day – the fug girls deserve it.

Visiting Royal Britain – Summer at the Palaces

I know this may seem like my most obvious “Visiting Royal Britain” post yet, but as our favorite family prepares to head off on summer holiday, why don’t we all think about visiting their homes while they are away? No, not in a creepy, stalker, stealing the crown jewels type of way. BUT, there are two homes in particular that will see notable royal action in the next couple of months…

Buckingham Palace Summer Opening

Keep Calm and Harry On

Keep Calm and Harry On

Chances are, if you’ve ever been to London, this is the first place you headed. Whether the royal standard is flying, indicating that The Queen is in residence, or the Union Jack, you most likely haven’t been inside. No, that’s reserved for small windows throughout the year when The Queen is away for an extended period of time. The annual summer opening will be July 26 – August 31, September 1 – 28. This year will see a special exhibit, Royal Childhood; aptly opening just days after Prince George turns one. Spanning more than 250 years of objects from the Royal Collection, Royal Archives and personal effects from the Royal Family, this is not to be missed!

The Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh arrive at this Scottish residence next week for Holyrood week. On June 30, the palace will transform to a colorful parade ground and The Queen, accompanied by her husband, will attend the ceremony of the keys, officially marking the opening of the special week. The week will include several engagements from the royal couple throughout Scotland – mainly in Edinburgh, however a visit to Glasgow will also take place. Most notably, the Order of the Thistle will be on July 3, a prominent date on the royal calendar. While new members were appointed in November on St Andrew’s Day, the pomp and pageantry of investiture will happen next week.

Obviously, you are not welcome inside when Her Majesty is hanging her hat, however you can visit The Palace of Holyroodhouse from April – October and November – March, with the exception of June 24 – July 5 and July 20 – 23 this year.

 Have a royal summer!

Visiting Royal Britain – Royal Ceremonies

Ceremonies are at the heart of the British Monarchy – from small investitures at Buckingham Palace to grand parades down The Mall. While we all might not be welcomed into The Queen’s home to watch the high-ranking royals bestow honors on their subjects, as always, there are times that the grandeur is right out in the open for all to enjoy.

The State Opening of Parliament

VisitBritain Images

VisitBritain Images

Having just occurred today, June 4, The State Opening of Parliament is the highlight of the royal ceremonial calendar. As Head of State, The Queen must formally open each new session of Parliament. Why is this the most important event in the ceremonial year? It brings together the House of Commons, the House of Lords and Her Majesty – the three elements of the legislature.

 Accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, The Queen, in full royal regalia, traveled to The Houses of Parliament in a special state coach this year; the Diamond Jubilee state coach incorporated historic monuments and moments from Britain’s history. The perfect opportunity to line the route and see Her Majesty The Queen in a proper crown and elegant state coach. Does it get more royal than that? The answer is no.

Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colour, 1987. VisitBritain Images

Trooping the Colour, 1987. VisitBritain Images

From what has just happened to what happens next – Trooping the Colour is The Queen’s official birthday celebration which takes place in June; this year’s will take place on June 14. Although her actual birthday is April 21, it is tradition that the ceremonial celebration take place on a Saturday in June when the weather is likely better (ahem, I was there the whole month of March and it was glorious). Over 1400 officers and guards are on parade, together with 200 horses, over 400 musicians from 10 bands and groups of drummers marching and playing in unison with the Queen herself attending to take the salute. The parade route goes from Buckingham Palace along The Mall to Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall and back again. Not only will you see all of that, but you will catch a glimpse of the firm standing proudly on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Changing the Guard

Perhaps the most well-known royal ceremony among tourists, Changing the Guard takes place year-round at both Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. While you won’t see the family themselves, this is a must-do for every first time visitor. Be sure to check the schedule before going – and get there early!

Changing the Guard, Buckingham Palace. VisitBritain Images

Changing the Guard, Buckingham Palace. VisitBritain Images

Changing the Guard, Windsor Castle. VisitBritain Images

Changing the Guard, Windsor Castle. VisitBritain Images

New GREAT Portrait Unveiled for Her Majesty’s 88th Birthday

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II!

On April 21, 1962, Princess Elizabeth was born. Now in her sixty-second year on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II is preparing to pass Queen Victoria as the longest reigning monarch. In yet another year of important milestones for Her Majesty, it seems only fitting that a new portrait would be released to mark her birthday.

David Bailey

David Bailey

The photograph was as commissioned on behalf of the British Government’s GREAT Britain campaign. Done by renowned British photographer David Bailey CBE at Buckingham Palace last month and The Queen is wearing wearing pearls and a dress by Ms Angela Kelly, LVO in the historic portrait.

The image will be used in activity to support the GREAT campaign, which aims to generate jobs and growth through highlighting internationally Britain as a world-class destination for trade, tourism, investment and education.

What is the GREAT Britain campaign?

I have no doubt that over the past three years you have encountered the GREAT Britain campaign in one form or another. Did you watch London 2012? You most definitely saw the campaign in action.

The GREAT Britain campaign is the British Government’s most ambitious international marketing campaign ever and showcases the very best of what Britain has to offer, in order to encourage the world to visit, study and do business with the UK.

I know what you’re thinking… what does this have to do with the royals? Well, quite a lot actually. I can almost guarantee that the royals are the main reason why most (if not all) of you reading this blog want to visit Britain. Heritage is GREAT everyone! We all know this. The Royal Family has given strong support to the campaign since its inception in 2011. Prince Harry even launched the GREAT campaign in Brazil during his 2012 tour (and then again participated in a GREAT event with Prime Minister David Cameron in New York last year). while the Duchess of Cambridge attended a reception in 2012 to highlight the excellence of our creative industries. Remember that beautiful lavender dress with the perfect updo? Yes, that night was a GREAT night.

Britain’s monarchy, including the nation’s Royal heritage and property, is one of the biggest drivers of tourism into the UK: a £127 billion industry which employs over 3 million people. It is estimated the Monarchy alone generates over £500 million per year from overseas tourism spend.

#HappyBirthdayYourMajesty! I hope it’s a GREAT year..

14 Royal Moments to Come in 2014

Although 2013 may have been my favorite royal year to date, there will be no shortage of big events in 2014. To kick off the new year, I take a look at 14 royal moments to watch for in 2014. Some of these we know to be true, others are pure speculation and some are just made up so I could get to the number 14. Kidding, I would not just make things up!

1. Zara and Mike’s Baby

Zara Phillips and her husband Mike Tindall are expecting their first child any day now! Princess Anne’s daughter is due to give birth in January 2014 with her  rugby star husband, whom she married in July 2011. We will soon find out if Prince George will have a boy or girl cousin to grow up with.

2. Prince William Returns to School

We all wondered what the second-in-line would do after leaving the military this year, well.. today we got our answer! Kensington Palace announced that The Duke of Cambridge will become a full-time student at Cambridge University to study agricultural management. The Duke of Cambridge going to Cambridge? You can’t make this stuff up! Prince William will take a 10-week course, averaging 4-5 hours a day, in which he will learn of the issues facing the nation’s rural communities and farming industry. The course will begin in January and keep William quite busy through March.

3. Will Prince Harry Settle Down?

The question that is on every royal watcher’s mind – will Prince Harry pop the question to Cressida Bonas? The duo first stepped out together in the summer of 2012, have been through a Vegas scandal, tour of duty and a year + of speculation.. it seems like the natural next step, right? Not so fast – when has Harry ever been known to do the expected? Only time will tell…

4. Cambridges Down Under

After quite a lot of royal rumblings, it was confirmed this month that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will embark on a tour of Australia and New Zealand in April 2014. Although an official decision will not be made until closer to the date, one can only imagine Prince George will accompany his parents; no way they are leaving him behind for nearly a month of travel. A lovely nod to Prince William’s own first overseas visit with his parents in 1983.

5. Irish State Visit

April 2014 will bring another milestone visit for the monarchy as Ireland’s president is to become the first Irish head of state to make a visit to Britain. President Michael D. Higgins and his wife Sabina accepted an invitation from Her Majesty for a 3-day visit, furthering the demonstration of positive relationship building after The Queen’s own landmark visit to Ireland in May 2011.

6. Prince George’s First Birthday

We spent 22 days of July 2013 watching a door; this year we will all take part in a much more ordinary custom – celebrating a first birthday. HRH Prince George Alexander Louis will turn one-year-old on July 22, 2014. One can only imagine the type of birthday festivities this adorable heir will see. We’re all bound to be invited to the party, right?

7. Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games will be held in Glasgow, July 23 – August 3 and it is expected that The Queen will open the games. Her Majesty did mention the international baton relay in her Christmas broadcast, and it is of obvious importance to her as head of the Commonwealth.

8. Prince Harry’s 30th Birthday

Ah yes, thirty glorious years of Prince Harry. He has accomplished so much in his life thus far and this is bound to be another exciting year for him. His twenties saw two tours of duty in Afghanistan, two royal tours overseas, a break-up and a new love. I dare say Prince Harry has will only pick up the pace in his thirties.

9. Beatrice – Princess Bride?

Her older cousin is not the only royal facing engagement speculation as the new year approaches. The royal rumor mill is flying with talk of Princess Beatrice walking down the aisle with longtime boyfriend Dave Clark.

10. A Banner Year for Britain

We can expect to see royal attendance in Glasgow for the Commonwealth Games this coming summer, but I would count on participation in a number of other top events hitting Britain throughout the year. In 2014, Britain will also be home to the Ryder Cup, the passing of the Tour de France and world travelers will flock to Scotland for Homecoming. The year also marks the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare and the centenary of World War I.

11. Her Majesty Takes Flight at Heathrow

June 4, 2014 will mark the opening of the new Terminal 2 at Heathrow Airport. Now, what does this have to do with the royals? Earlier this year Heathrow announced the terminal will be named in honor of Queen Elizabeth II, being called ‘Terminal 2 – The Queen’s Terminal.’ Her Majesty opened the original Terminal 2 in 1955, and recently opened Terminal 5 in 2008; one can gather that she or a member of her family will be present for this dedication as well. Please note – I am just guessing here!

12. Baby Cambridge Number 2?

We’re all thinking it, but only some of us are saying it. This is of course, not a guarantee, however I would not be surprised if we have a pregnancy announcement from Kensington Palace by year’s end. As Prince George turns one this summer and both William and Catherine have siblings about that close in age, it is not out of the question that they would hope for a sibling for him sooner rather than later.

13. Prince Charles Steps Up to the Plate

Although we saw quite a lot of this from the first-in-line to the throne in 2013, Prince Charles is sure to continue to take on greater responsibility on behalf of his mother. This year saw The Prince of Wales visiting Sri Lanka to take his mother’s role at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, and with The Queen marking her 88th birthday this April, it is likely his role will only increase with time.

14. The Year of Prince Harry

My love for Prince Harry aside, any royal watcher may have to admit that all signs point to Harry in 2014. Will he put a ring on it? I’m a bit sick of all this Cressida engagement talk and it hasn’t even happened yet! Another tour of duty? A third overseas tour? (Please yes!) Or perhaps a promotion? Captain Wales is on the brink of reaching the minimum requirement for a bump to major. At this point, your guess for Harry’s happenings are as good as mine.. but we all know that whatever happens, it won’t be boring.

What are your royal predictions for 2014? 

Happy New Year!

2013: Royal Year in Review

As the new year approaches, we are all undoubtedly looking back on the royal year that was, and once again, our beloved royal family did not disappoint! Before reviewing the top moments of 2013, let’s have a brief history lesson..

2010 – William and Kate announce their engagement

2011 – William and Kate get married

2012 – Diamond Jubilee, William and Kate announce pregnancy

2013 – William and Kate become parents

Bottom line: Thank you, William and Kate!

Not only was 2013 a massive year for our favorite family, but it was my favorite year to date – a dream come true, to be exact. Before I get into the royals’ best moments, I need  to thank ALL of the professional royal journalists for being so kind to me on their visit to the US with Prince Harry and for the relationships built since then, and of course – all of my followers. A special thanks to Max Foster for including me in a royal baby special on CNN and Kelly Lynch for sending me on tour with my favorite redhead. I can’t believe this year actually happened.

Okay, onto the stuff you all actually care about… five royal highlights from 2013! (If I didn’t cut myself off at five I would be writing for a week…)

The Summer of George

No, not THAT Summer of George… this one:

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

It really does not get any better than the birth of HRH Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. I don’t think much more needs to be said on the topic..

Prince Harry Visits The United States


 In May 2013, Prince Harry graced America with his presence… and we haven’t been the same since. Okay, at least I haven’t. Prince Harry toured the US, visiting Colorado, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. He played sitting volleyball with wounded warriors, he toured a New Jersey boardwalk, he played baseball with kids in Harlem, he beat Nacho Figueras in polo… he charmed the pants off this nation.

Prince Harry at the Jersey Shore


You might be thinking, “Kelly.. you just talked about Prince Harry in the US!” True as that may be, his visit to Jersey deserves a standout mention. It may have been the best morning ever waking up in my own room and driving less than 30 minutes to see my favorite royal. Harry’s desire to draw attention to the devastation we were still facing six months after Hurricane Sandy was extremely touching, and I am still grateful for that.

Prince William Sings with Job Bon Jovi

Seriously, the royal brothers with their Jersey love this year is just out of control. Just move here already! A few weeks ago Jon Bon Jovi attended the Winter Whites Gala at Kensington Palace alongside The Duke of Cambridge..and William broke out the dad dance moves to sing ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ with the rocker. If this were a bar in the Garden State, the ground would have been shaking.

Queen Elizabeth II’s Horse Winning The Royal Ascot Gold Cup

Her Majesty’s Horse, Estimate, won the Gold Cup at the Royal Ascot this June, marking the first time in the race’s 207 year history that a reigning monarch took home the top prize. The celebration that ensued by the royal party are worth a prize in and of itself.

Thanks for a great year, royal family!

Introducing His Royal Highness George Alexander Louis of Cambridge!

We have a name! Less than 24 hours after The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge departed the hospital with their unnamed baby boy, we have our final piece of the puzzle..

George Alexander Louis! To be known as His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. We have a King George VII in our future (although he could change his name upon ascension).

Via @SPerryPeopleMag

Via @SPerryPeopleMag

George, the number one bet upon finding out the child’s gender, is a long-standing, traditional royal family name, that of The Queen’s father, George VI, and grandfather (founder of the House of Windsor) George V. St. George is also the Patron Saint of England and is a popular name throughout the nation. Alexander is the male version of Queen Elizabeth II’s middle name – Alexandra – as well as Princess Alexandra, William’s godmother. Louis is both Prince Philip’s uncle, Early Mountbatten (whom Prince Charles’ dubbed his ‘honorary godfather’ ) and one of William’s middle names. Traditional, with a unique twist.. could not be more perfect for William and Kate.

Earlier this morning, little George received a visit The Queen, putting the current monarch in the room with the heir who will most likely lead Britain into the twenty-second century – one can assume a name discussion took place. It was also confirmed that Prince Harry visited his 8 lb. 6 oz. nephew – I can’t even process that cuteness overload. Shortly after, William, Catherine and their little ‘Prince Charming’ left Kensington Palace for an unknown destination. It was later confirmed they are at the Middleton’s in Bucklebury for private time as a family.

The happy little family is settled safe and sound in Bucklebury, The Queen is off to Balmoral and I now have to evacuate the royal baby bubble.

Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on beautiful baby George!