Happy Birthday Prince William!

Today is the 32nd birthday of The Duke of Cambridge and his first as a father. Born William Arthur Philip Louis on 21 June 1982 at St Mary’s Hospital in London; although his name was not announced until 28 June.

Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

Many parallels have been drawn between his birth and that of his son on 22 July last year. His wife’s choice of dress upon leaving the hospital paying tribute to his late mother, Princess Diana and Prince George’s looks – those cheeks!

One thing is for sure – William is going into his 32nd year differently than he did his 31st, a lot has changed in a year. Most notable of course being the birth of his first son, but he and Kate have also left their home in Anglesey, where they began their life together and he went back to school at Cambridge University.

Something tells me a year from now when we reflect back on this 32nd year, The Duke of Cambridge’s life will have taken on new life yet again… maybe a literal new life? šŸ˜‰

So, happiest of birthdays to you Prince William! May you pinch Georgie’s cheeks 32 times today.

Happy 30th Birthday William!

Happy 30th Birthday Prince William!

On this day thirty years ago, Princess Diana and Prince Charles welcomed Prince William Arthur Philip Louis into the world, and for that we are forever grateful to them. Making his appearance at 9:03 p.m., the 7lb 1 1/2oz. baby William immedaitely became the apple of the nation’s eye, and not much as changed since then.

Now, thirty years later, William – Ā aka The Duke of Cambridge, The Earl of Strathearn and The Baron of Carrickfergus – celebrates his special day alongside his wife of more than a year. Having spent the day hard at work for the Royal Air Force, William is said to be relaxing during a private celebrationĀ at Highgrove with loved ones.

For your 30th year I wish you happiness, good fortune, dance lessons for your trip to the Soloman Islands, a successfully pulled prank on your brother and a pregant wife.

Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all. .you are loved!