Visiting Royal Britain – Summer at the Palaces

I know this may seem like my most obvious “Visiting Royal Britain” post yet, but as our favorite family prepares to head off on summer holiday, why don’t we all think about visiting their homes while they are away? No, not in a creepy, stalker, stealing the crown jewels type of way. BUT, there are two homes in particular that will see notable royal action in the next couple of months…

Buckingham Palace Summer Opening

Keep Calm and Harry On

Keep Calm and Harry On

Chances are, if you’ve ever been to London, this is the first place you headed. Whether the royal standard is flying, indicating that The Queen is in residence, or the Union Jack, you most likely haven’t been inside. No, that’s reserved for small windows throughout the year when The Queen is away for an extended period of time. The annual summer opening will be July 26 – August 31, September 1 – 28. This year will see a special exhibit, Royal Childhood; aptly opening just days after Prince George turns one. Spanning more than 250 years of objects from the Royal Collection, Royal Archives and personal effects from the Royal Family, this is not to be missed!

The Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh arrive at this Scottish residence next week for Holyrood week. On June 30, the palace will transform to a colorful parade ground and The Queen, accompanied by her husband, will attend the ceremony of the keys, officially marking the opening of the special week. The week will include several engagements from the royal couple throughout Scotland – mainly in Edinburgh, however a visit to Glasgow will also take place. Most notably, the Order of the Thistle will be on July 3, a prominent date on the royal calendar. While new members were appointed in November on St Andrew’s Day, the pomp and pageantry of investiture will happen next week.

Obviously, you are not welcome inside when Her Majesty is hanging her hat, however you can visit The Palace of Holyroodhouse from April – October and November – March, with the exception of June 24 – July 5 and July 20 – 23 this year.

 Have a royal summer!

“We Could Not Be Happier”

He didn’t say much, but with those five words, the world’s most famous new father ended a historic day (well, weeks) in London. In that brief statement at approximately 10:00 p.m. (GMT), The Duke of Cambridge kind of made all of our hearts melt. Although there was hope of the second-in-line to the throne stepping out to say something about the now third-in-line (sorry, Uncle H), that will wait for a later time as the new family settled in at the Lindo Wing for the night.

bnnnsxWe may be greeting the new little Cambridge family tomorrow for the big reveal, although Victoria Arbiter predicted on CNN that we won’t see a true official photo of the heir for 2-3 weeks; he could be swaddled so tightly upon departure it would be hard to see a thing!

So, how did William’s family react to the news?

The British Monarchy alerted Twitter that the Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh were rejoicing..

BM And Princes Charles and Camilla’s official website featured a proud grandfather’s reaction to his first grandchild..

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjSurely the Middleton clan will be next with words of excitement, but I’m left wondering.. when will we hear from Uncle Harry? More importantly, why hasn’t he rung me for a celebratory glass of Pimm’s yet?

Here’s hoping everyone gets a bit of sleep tonight (I’m looking at you royal press pack) and that we meet the future king in no time at all. For now, catch up on what we know so far.

Happy Birthday Prince Philip!

There will be no birthday cake and gin o’clock for Prince Philip this year as he spends his 92nd birthday in the hospital. The Duke, who was admitted to the London Clinic last Thursday, underwent exploratory abdominal surgery on Friday and is said to be “progressing satisfactorily.”

The Duke of Edinburgh is expected to spend a fortnight in the hospital, causing him to miss key engagements in the annual royal diary, including his wife’s birthday celebration, Trooping the Colour, this Saturday.

Although Philip himself may not be celebrating this year, birthday rituals continue outside the hospital walls including the 62-gun salute from the Tower of London and a 41-gun salute in Green Park. As per tradition, the British flag flew high above government buildings nationwide.

Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted birthday wishes to Queen Elizabeth II’s consort as the rest of the nation continues to keep Prince Philip in their prayers as he recovers.


Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent for the Daily Express, speculates visits from members of the family may occur today as they stayed away over the weekend allowing Prince Philip to recover from his operation.

Sending the happiest of birthday wishes to The Duke of Edinburgh and continuing to send well wishes for his recovery!

News Update: Prince Philip Admitted to Hospital

The Duke of Edinburgh has been admitted to the hospital today after missing a gala reception for the Royal National Institute of Blind People at St James’s Palace on Monday evening. Prince Philip attended the coronation service at Westminster Abbey the following day and was driven to the London Clinic via car after today’s garden party.

Buckingham Palace says:

“His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh has been admitted to the London Clinic for an exploratory operation following abdominal investigations. He is expected to stay in hospital for up to two weeks.”

According to the BBC’s Peter Hunt, Prince Philip has been having “abdominal investigations”  unannounced at the London Clinic for the past week. HRH is scheduled to undergo an operation tomorrow while his wife, Queen Elizabeth II will go ahead with a planned visit to the BBC.

The 91-year-old duke, who turns 92-years-old this coming Monday, fell ill this time last year with a bladder infection. That hospital stay caused him to miss some of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. As he is scheduled to stay in the hospital for up to two weeks, it appears he will miss the annual Trooping the Colour next Saturday, June 15 and the Order of the Garter Service on June 17. Royal Ascot, another gold star in the royal diary and taking place June 18 – 22, will also fall during his recovery period.

Sending well wishes across the pond to one of my all time favorites. Thoughts and prayers are with The Duke of Edinburgh as well as Her Majesty.

Stay tuned for updates..

Throwback Thursday: Mind the Gap!

Throwing it back across the decades this week in celebration of the London Underground’s 150th anniversary. To mark the momentous occasion, Queen Elizabeth II, The Duke of Edinburgh and The Duchess of Cambridge visited the Baker Street station yesterday as some of the best dressed passengers in the Tube’s history.



Her Majesty was looking well at her first major public engagement since her hospital stay for gastroenteritis, weaering a lovely tweed Karl Ludwig coat, although I do wish she was in a brighter hue- may have added some color to her cheeks! I am beyond obsessed with Kate’s Malene Birger coat – I do love a royal in some sparkle!



This was not The Queen and Prince Philips’ first venture below the bustling streets of London – the royal couple have hopped on the Tube before, including the Victoria line in 1966 and Heathrow Airport in 1977.

The Victoria Line, 1966 - via The British Monarchy

The Victoria Line, 1966 – via The British Monarchy

Heathrow Airport, 1977 - via The British Monarchy

Heathrow Airport, 1977 – via The British Monarchy

Kate confessed to frequenting the public transport system B.D. – before duchess, although this is the first time she took to the tube with this adorable accessory..



A baby never forgets its first ride on the Tube! Okay, maybe they do..

Happy 150th Anniversary to the London Underground!


A Very Royal Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! Eek, that phrase makes me sounds like a politician. Moving along… although the British don’t celebrate turkey day, who says we can’t give thanks for all that is royal and right in this world? In no particular order, here are ten royal happenings to be thankful for..

  1. The return of The Duchess of Cambridge’s white McQueen coat at the Order of the Garter service.
  2. Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year on the throne, complete with Diamond Jubilee flotillas, concerts and worldwide tours. Giving us countless opportunities to gawk at our favorite family members. Which leads me to number three..
  3. Prince Harry’s tan linen suit.
  4. Prince Philip’s good health after a year of unfortunate hospital visits.
  5. The royal legal team who quickly put the kibosh on the leaked Kate photos. Not cool French tabloids. Not. Cool.
  6. The introduction of new ties into Prince William’s wardrobe. Soooo over that maroon one, Wills. We probably have your wife to thank for this one.
  7. Prince Philip’s sense of humor, which never fails to shine through despite rainy flotillas, hospital stays and scandals.
  8. Lupo. C’mon..who isn’t thankful for an adorable puppy with his very own Twitter account?
  9. Prince William’s safe return from the Falkland Islands.
  10. The overall fabulousness of Sophie, Countess of Wessex. The woman does not get nearly enough credit, so I’m giving her some now.

What royal moments are you thankful for this year? Have I missed any of your favorites? In between scarfing down turkey and potatoes, leave some comments!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Can’t Keep Up With The Queen..

I am 60 years younger than The Queen and I cannot seem to keep up with her! Her Majesty is always on the go and I can’t even seem to keep my blogging capabilities up up to date.

As you all know by now, it has been a busy few days for the royals, from pomp and pageantry to polo, the family was zooming around England like their pants were on fire, (and part of me wishes Harry’s were..okay, I’m kidding, but seriously..).

Trooping the Colour

It all started on Saturday with the Trooping the Colour to celebrate Her Majesty’s official birthday. I always love this day and I know many of you feel the same. Hats, carriage rides, balcony appearance, horse guards, a gun salute and a flypast – all in honor of The Queen – what’s not to love? Oh wait, Kate’s Erdem dress. Sorry, just had to.


This is truly the first time I’ve been disappointed in Kate’s outfit, and I’m not the only one to say so! As much as we all love you Kate, it was not a dress for a 30-year-old, gorgeous royal. The Queen, however, was shining in the yellow Angela Kelly she wore to William and Catherine’s wedding last year.

Press Association

Thankfully, we were blessed with my classic favorite shots of Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh. Her facial expressions when he is in those hats is always priceless. Could they be any more adorable?

Garter Day

In one of the most important dates on the calendar, the Order of the Garter Service took place at Windsor Castle on Monday. Dressed in the traditional black robes, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh took part in the procession to St George’s Chapel, as well as The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of York and The Earl of Wessex.

Press Association

The royal ladies looked on as the men processed to the chapel; Camilla, Kate and Sophie all looked lovely in pale colors. Prayers and tweets were answered as Kate repeated the white McQueen coat from last year’s Trooping the Colour. I was excited. Twitter was excited. We all LOVE that coat, Kate! Sophie looked fabulous as always – she is certainly a favorite of mine.

Press Association

Press Association


Oh and in between, William and Harry hit the polo field – twice. In white pants. Oh yea, and Lupo was there too. That’s pretty much all you need to know.

Happy 91st Birthday Prince Philip!

Happy Birthday Prince Philip!

Queen Elizabeth II’s other half turns 91 today, after spending most of the past week in the hospital. In true Duke of Edinburgh fashion, he left the hospital just in time for his birthday, looking sprightly and dapper as ever in a suit, waving and smiling to the waiting cameras. The Duke is said to be spending this special day in relaxing with family.

AFP/Getty Images

Just one week ago, the then 90-year-old royal was enjoying the Diamond Jubilee River Pageant alongside his family and from the looks of it, cracking a few jokes with his grandsons. Prince Philip – you are by far one of my favorite people around, and I know I speak for everyone when I say how happy I am you have recovered in time for your birthday. Here’s to many more years of smiles and good humor. Hopefully we see you in Nottingham this Wednesday!

Keep Calm and Float On

Anchors Away! Despite the less than pleasant conditions, the Diamond Jubilee river pageant hit the Thames, breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest parade of boats with 1,000 vessels participating. After watching a combined four hours of coverage, there is an abundance to write about – this post would never end if I attempted to cover it all. I am choosing to stick to what today was truly all about – Queen Elizabeth II, her sixty years on the throne and the pomp and pageantry that makes her nation so great.


Wearing a “diamond white” creation by Angela Kelly, Her Majesty was the definition of sparkle, bringing a burst of sunshine into an otherwise dreary day. Dressed in diamonds for her Diamond Jubilee? C’mon, The Queen is too fabulous for words! Have you ever seen such a genuinely bright smile last for hours on end? The Queen and her husband The Duke of Edinburgh made the 15-mile journey down the famed London waterway on the Spirit of Chartwell alongside their eldest son, Prince Charles, his wife, The Duchess of Cornwall and their grandchildren The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. All impeccably dressed, the weather did not seem to damped their spirits or their outfits – do the royal women ever not look elegant? If I spent an hour and a half on the water in the freezing ran I would look like a drowned rat. Yes, Catherine looked stunning in a red McQueen frock and the royal fellas looked dashing in their dress uniforms, but this day was about Her Majesty – everything else is just background details. I know, it’s a shock I’m not saying more than two words about Harry! Okay fine..he looked stunning in his No. 1 ceremonial dress of the Blues and Royals. What’s even more impressive? The royal couple of the hour – with a combined 177 years between them – did not sit on their glorious thrones once during the entire flotilla. Talk about impressive..

Hello! Magazine

I think it also important to recognize Prince Philip during this auspicious occasion. In the months, weeks and days leading up to this jubilant weekend, other members of the firm have made it known that Her Majesty would be quite lost without her other half. She may have reigned supreme for the past sixty years, but let’s not forget the man who has stood beside her every step of the way. Also, he just happens to be the most adorable almost 91-year-old on the planet. What I would have done to have him miked up on that barge – I’m sure there were some classic comments coming from him.

PA/Daily Mail

As a through and through Anglophile, people ask me all the time – what is so special about the royal family? Why do you care so much? You’re not from England, she’s not your queen and they’re stuffy and outdated. Well, to all of you I you got your answer. I don’t care if you’re a dedicated royal watcher, fan of Catherine’s fashion or average American who doesn’t give two hoots about The British Monarchy – no one does pomp and pageantry like the British. Throughout the UK today, 10,000 celebratory street parties were held – can you think of one person in America that 10,000 street parties would burst out for? I certainly cannot. Never will we have a President who looks after our country for sixty years. Queen Elizabeth II and The British Monarchy as a whole are one of the most long-standing, strongest traditions in the world. Say what you want about them, but they are something to be proud of, something to hold a nation together when the going gets tough, something that has been by the people’s sides through wars, weddings and tragic deaths. What can I say? I’m a sucker for tradition.

Today, the royal family completely and totally embodied the phrase “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Today, two people in their 80’s and 90’s spend two hours on their feet, in cold temperatures and downpours, waving their arms off and smiling true and genuine smiles of happiness. Today, the world got a glimpse of a family who would do just about anything to make their nation proud. No matter what your political affiliation, the majority of the British people absolutely adore The Queen. In fact, she has an 82% likability rating – how often does that happen with an American politician?

Call me old fashioned, call the royal family uptight and out of touch – but if you were watching today and not the least bit in awe of the show they put on, well..I honestly don’t know what to say! The ceremonial raising of the Tower Bridge, the crowds lining the streets, the fireworks and the London Philharmonic and Royal College of Music Chamber Choir playing and singing their hearts out while getting utterly soaked was a unique sight to behold.

If you did not catch the finale of the pageant, I highly recommend you watch The BBC’s video of it here. It will give you goosebumps and most likely get you beyond excited for the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics.

God Save the Queen.

And They’re Off!

Today marked the first day of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations! What better way for Her Majesty to kick off this auspicious occasion than indulging in one of her favorite pastimes – horse racing at the Epsom Derby! The Queen, along with her husband, Prince Philip, son Prince Andrew and granddaughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie; the Countess of Wessex, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent were also on hand to partake in the fun.

Photo Credit: Hello! Magazine

The Queen looked stunning in a royal blue number by Stewart Pavin – does the woman ever fail? Loving the top hat on The Duke of Edinburgh; what a class act!

Union Jack flags waved proudly as the royal motorcade made its way into Epsom Downs, welcomed by the Royal Marine band and singer Katherine Jenkins breaking out into “God Save the Queen.” The Red Devils parachuted down, making it a truly unique sight to be seen.

The best part of the day was how truly elated Her Majesty looked; it always wonderful to see the woman who lights up so many people’s lives with a look of pure joy across her face.

Photo Credit: Socialite Life, Getty Images

Photo Credit: Hello! Magazine

As she does each year, The Queen presented the newly minted Diamond Jubilee Coronation Cup (usually known as simply the Coronation Cup) and inspected some of the competing horses – just what they needed, to be more nervous at a big race!

Here’s hoping the firm had a lovely afternoon and continues to do so over the next few days.