Happy 31st Birthday Prince Harry!

It’s the best day of the year – Prince Harry’s birthday! Why is this the best day of the year? Well, for starters we get to celebrate Harry all day long and not be judged for it (because apparently celebrating some guy you don’t know the other 364 days of the year isn’t totally sane.. #debatable). Secondly, Harry’s birthday is the only other birthday other than my own that I get a present to. And by “present” I mean the gift of Harry’s life.

Okay, I *may* be taking this a little too far…

Bonus round: His birthday is made even better this year as he returns to public engagements after he spent the summer in Africa saving wild life and being an all-around baller prince. HRH is in Sussex today for a Battle of Britain flypast, that’s right – he’s taking to the skies. And after Harry the birthday aviator calls it a day, we have a month of Rugby World Cup engagements and a trip to America to look forward to. Hazza, you are just the gift that keeps on giving..


Hip Hip for Harry! Hope you have the happiest birthday ever. XOXO

Prince Harry’s Birthday: An Interview with Emily Andrews

#HarrysDirty30 bonus round! As with most things in life, I’ve saved the best for last.

If you are involved in the world of royal watching, you undoubtedly are familiar with The Sun’s royal correspondent, Emily Andrews. She is a royal road warrior, avid tweeter and incredibly kind to us royal bloggers/social media freaks. No tweet ever goes unnoticed and she is always more than willing to share her photos and personal experiences. So, when it came time to map out my “Month of Harry” I immediately knew I wanted to talk to Emily, and she did not hesitate to help me out.

Emily not only agreed straight away to do this interview, but she did it from her holiday in Greece. I hope you will appreciate her openness as much as I do; she could have provided me with blanket responses, but we all know that’s not how Emily rolls. From his special relationship with children around the world, to his (not so special) relationship with the press and social media sphere, Emily lays it on the line and provides a glimpse into our favorite prince on this, his milestone thirtieth birthday.

You were with Harry on his tour of Chile and Brazil – which didn’t get a ton of coverage back home. What was the best moment that you wish everyone could have seen?

Two things stand out which probably best convey the competing sides of Harry’s personality. The first was at a children’s day care centre in a poor suburb of Santiago, Chile. Harry loved visiting the nursery- he’s in his element with kids and these pre-schoolers (ages 18 months to five years) were incredibly cute. He joined a couple of classes, tried a bit of Spanish and sat on the floor to play musical instruments with the babies. They loved him-he’s very natural with children, like his mum-and one little girl with leaning disabilities took a particular shine to him. He even cradled one of the babies-such a cute picture that his press officer grabbed me to make sure I covered it! He was very friendly to me and seemed to be having a great time. The second was at a fire station the next day in Valparaiso. The proud fire fighters gave Harry a display of their hoses-using the force of the water to unveil a large Chilean flag. Unfortunately most of the British and Chilean journalists were stood in a press pen in the way and got completely soaked (very luckily I was next to Harry out of harm’s way!). All the press started running to avoid getting sprayed and Harry just loved it. He laughed so much and was delighted the journalists got wet. Anyone who says Harry doesn’t have a problem with the press is sadly mistaken…He took great delight in them getting a soaking.

#HarryWithKids has become my favorite part of his tours and most of his engagements, and we had a lot of that in South America… what is it about him that fosters such incredible moments?

I think he’s just a real natural. That comes from innate personality. He bonds with them very quickly, even when he doesn’t share their language. He is a very relaxed guy which transmits to the kids and they immediately respond. He’s not afraid of making a fool of himself either, he’s not hung up about protocol or looking serious. The fact that he’s the “spare” not the heir gives him some more leeway (doesn’t have to be so formal) but he also has a great sense of humour – which sees the fun in everything- and emotional empathy. And kids don’t ask difficult questions!

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

It’s often said there’s many sides to Harry – Prince Harry vs. Captain Wales and everything in between – do you see a difference in him depending on the engagement?

Yes. He can do “serious royal” Harry just as well as “down-with-the-kids” Harry. His recent south American tour saw lots of the latter (football, dancing, cradling babies) while the WW1 commemorations in the UK and Belgium showed his serious side. And what he’s achieved with the Invictus Games displays just what am organising powerhouse he can be. When he wants to get something done, he just goes for it. He seemed quite nervous at the Opening Ceremony for Invictus, which was very endearing. You could see how much he meant to him that it goes well. And it has- which is a massive credit to him.

Harry’s visit to Memphis with William for Guy Pelly’s wedding caused quite the media storm – and not in a good way. What did you make of that on your side of the pond?

It was the “Party Prince” raising his head again… Look, the guy had just split up from his (only second serious) girlfriend and wanted to cut loose. I think we’ve all been there. It’s just that most of us don’t have to cope with doing under the spotlight of the world’s media… It was interesting: Harry is very critical of the UK press interest in his private life, but if he lived in the States I think the scrutiny would be a lot worse! There’s quite a lot he gets away with…

Harry has recently made his lack of enthusiasm for social media known, but it seems social media is increasingly taking over as an important vehicle for getting the royals’ messages out – whether it is with a cause they are championing, like the Invictus Games, or an overseas visit. As a royal reporter, what is your reaction to Harry’s confession and what should we all take away from it for our social media posting?

I know many bloggers/social media aficionados were very upset with his comments on this. Twitter even emailed him asking if he wanted any help on how to use it!!! Ironically Harry is very interested in it, uses it (under a pseudonym) and pretty much reads everything we all write. He even helps the Queen with it. He follows all the main people on Twitter-and has even talked to me about what I post!! He loves to know who are behind some of the more positive/negative users, and so do his press team. He cares very much about public perception of him, so I can guarantee he’ll read your blogs at some stage Kelly. Yet at the same time he hates the fact he can’t do anything private (his supermarket shopping, going to the cinema, buying a burger etc. ) without someone spotting him, taking a phone picture and putting it on social media. He wants to be like all of us, with the anonymity we enjoy. But he can’t – and this massively frustrates him. But his press team use social media increasingly as it’s a way of them getting his/their message straight out without it being diluted/distorted (as they would see it…) by the press.  

One word to describe Prince Harry..


This is a big birthday for Harry, what do you think we will see from him in this milestone year?

This is a massive opportunity for Harry (see my piece on him last month in The Sun) as to the direction his life takes. He’s arguably the most popular royal- probably the only member of The Firm most ordinary people would want to buy a drink. I think the success of the Invictus Games will be a massive boost to his confidence and we’ll see him become a campaigning great like his mother. It’s interesting that he’s really stealing a march on his brother in this area. I think he’ll also go back to active service in the Army- a job that he loves. And hopefully he’ll find a lovely new girlfriend – one whom will help, finally, consign the “Party Prince” headline to history!

It’s September 15, 2015 – what was The Sun’s biggest Harry headline of the year?

On his engagement: I’m gonna marry Harry!


I cannot thank Emily enough for not only agreeing to this interview, but for putting so much thought and candor into it. If you’re not following Emily on Twitter, get on that right now!

Happy 30th Birthday Prince Harry!

Happiest of birthdays to the one and only Prince Harry!

Henry Charles Albert David was born this day thirty years ago at 4:20pm in London to Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

You will have seen many articles, round ups and shows about Harry’s monumental birthday, so I will not subject you to another “top” whatever list …although let’s be real, a day of nothing but the best Harry moments is basically heaven.

I’m keeping this simple on his big day.  The world loves Harry, he’s been called everything from the most loved royal to the people’s prince, and everyone has their reasons for loving him and their favorite moment. Nothing sums up who he is and why we’ve all come to love him over the past thirty years than the Invictus Games, which wrapped not too long before before the clock struck midnight.

Harry concluded his 20’s in an extremely meaningful way; he saw a dream come to life and he made a significant difference in the lives of so many from around the world. This is the power of Prince Harry. At the heart of every single thing he does, it is obvious he genuinely cares. His family, his military comrades, the young, the old – he loves, he inspires, he leaves places and people better than how he found them. It’s why we love him. Yes, he’s nice to look at, but that’s not it. You’ve all realized that by now… this guy is legit.

Here’s to you Harry, may your thirtieth year be the best yet.

30 for 30 – Counting Down ‘Til Harry’s Big Birthday!

With one big royal birthday down for this year, it’s almost time to light the candles on another cake. That’s right – Prince Harry turns thirty-years-old one month from today. So, how does one celebrate the king of celebrations? With an entire month dedicated to him, how else?!


Over the next thirty days, I am going to tweet out a special moment, event, anecdote or photo from throughout Harry’s life until September 15th. As much as I’d like to say I’ll be blogging each day until his birthday, we all know that is not happening… but it’s safe to say you will get your fair share of H on this blog in the coming weeks.

In addition to the @RoyalReview “The Month of Harry” on Twitter, I want to hear from you – what is your favorite Harry moment over the past thirty years? I know, this is an impossible task – it’s like asking what you like more, sunshine or rainbows, but I have faith that you’re all up for the challenge. Tweet me, comment, etc. using the hashtag #harrysdirty30 and share your favorite Harry memory.

Happy Harry Month!

Happy 29th Birthday, Prince Harry!

First off, I know I haven’t been around lately – I was traveling with Harry. Okay, not really.. I’ve just been busy. What better occasion to come back than Prince Harry’s birthday?

Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales was born 29 years ago today, but I must say that 28th year has been my favorite of all. Why is that? Well, here’s 29 reasons (in no particular order) in honor of Prince Harry’s last year in his twenties.???????????????????????

1. He waved and smiled at me on our flight back to New Jersey from Colorado (okay, I lied – this is definitely #1…the rest are in no order of awesomeness)

2. He visited my home, the Jersey Shore, and shed light on the ongoing struggles after Hurricane Sandy

3. He called us (Jersey Shore residents) “fantastic”

4. He played sitting volleyball with wounded warriors in Colorado..and had a very difficult time keeping his bum on the ground

5. He was all serious and army captain-like at the opening ceremony of the Warrior Games

6. He looked really good on a horse in Connecticut

7. He played baseball with adorable kids in Harlem

8. He left a touching note for fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetary

9. He surprised a group of oblivious kids at The White House

10. Basically everything about his trip the United States

11. He became an uncle. I repeat – Harry has a nephew. Whom he probably holds and plays with and babysits. Yup.

12. Oh, and he admitted to enjoying a “cuddle” with Prince George just days after his birth

13. He was adorable, charitable and made ill children smile at the WellChild Awards, telling one young girl he just saw Georgie smile for the first time. Swoon.

14. He went to Lesotho in February for his charity, Sentebale, and wore a purple teddy bear apon

15. He danced with local children in Lesotho. Not sure if I would exactly call that “dancing..”

16. He came home from Afghanistan in one piece

17. He did an amazing interview during his time as an Apache helicopter pilot in Afghanistan..and ran to the fighting machine so heroically when duty called

18. He attended the London Marathon and honored the Boston Marathon bombing victims. Not backing down from the terrorists once again.

19. He went to Angola to continue his mother’s mission of working with The Halo Trust

20. He announced that he will trek to the South Pole with Walking With The Wounded 

21. He looked perfect in a tux with the Walking With The Wounded Crystal Ball

22. He went to several weddings, yet is still not getting married himself *sigh of relief*

23. He played polo with his brother quite often this summer – and had fun doing it

24. He played trader for a day in honor of the September 11th victims at the annual BGC Charity Day

25. Oh, and he broke a record for funds raised – while still managing to rib on his big brother

26. He stunned the crowd at The Cosford Air Show with his piloting prowess

27. Everything about his tour of the Warner Bros. Studios with William and Kate

28. He changed a baby doll’s diaper during a visit to Headway’s headquarters

29. He didn’t get back together with Chelsy Davy. Sorry, Chels.


Happy Birthday Prince Harry!


Twenty-eight years ago today, Prince Charles and Princess Diana welcomed Prince Henry Charles Albert David into the world at 4:20 p.m. at St Mary’s Hospital in Central London. Weighing in at 6lb 14oz, the red-headed baby prince (better known to all of us as “Harry”) became the cutest thing in Britain and not much has changed since.

Although Prince Hottie has been known to throw down at wild parties over the years, he is spending his 28th birthday in a completely different world – fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Today marks the Apache helicopter pilot’s second full week on his second tour of duty and instead of tequila shots and a bevy of blondes, Captain Wales rang in his birthday with an horrific attack on his base, Camp Bastion. The Taliban has claimed the violent attack, which killed two U.S. Marines, was aimed at the birthday boy.

So for your 28th birthday, Prince Harry, I send wishes of safety and pray that you return to home to the UK in four months completely unharmed. Oh, and shoot down some bad guys..like, a lot of them.