Visiting Royal Britain

You may have noticed my (terrible) lack of posting over the past month, but I assure you I have a very good reason for it – I was on a business trip in Britain for three weeks! While traveling throughout England and Wales I uncovered royal touches in the most unexpected places. Yes, I popped by Buckingham Palace (okay, more than once), and hit Kensington Palace when I was there a few months back, but there is so much more to “royal Britain” than the obvious attractions.

I could go on for ages about planning your perfect trip to Britain and where to rock your invisible crown, but I neither have that time nor would you read that much. So here’s the plan, I am introducing a new monthly series on the topic. First up, my own personal experiences and insider tips from my most recent hops across the pond.

Always be on the lookout – royal mentions can pop up in the most unlikely of places

We are all well aware of how many openings and commemorative celebrations the royal family attends in England, Wales and Scotland, but once the hour has passed, do we really remember every single center opened, hospital wing visited or hotel stayed in? Well, most of those places are happy to tout their royal visitors, and chances are, you might stumble upon a fun photo opp!

When visiting the Parc y Scarlets rugby stadium in Llanelli, Wales, the legendary Phil Bennett showed off his suite, featuring a photo of him with a young, dapper Prince Charles.

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In Portmeirion Village, AKA the most adorable/unique/beautiful place to visit, I sat in the exact spot in the golf cart that Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall sat in on their visit… #dorkalert

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I obviously had to pose with the plaque at the Bodnant Food Centre (#nomnomnom), commemorating when Prince Charles and Camilla opened the site in 3

Visit Shops Boasting Royal Warrants

Popping into a place that holds a Royal Warrant is an easy to way to “feel the regal.” When you step into a place that has a personal seal of approval, you truly feel like you’re a part of something special. My favorite place to do this? Fortnum and Mason.

On my final day, I enjoyed a pot of “Jubilee Tea” before heading off to Heathrow… I may or may not have bought a box of “Royal Tea” to bring home.


Check back next month for the next installment of “Visiting Royal Britain!” In the meantime, get vacation planning already, would ya?