Gushing over George – A Year in Quotes

A year ago, we all had our phones glued to our hands and eyes on Twitter 2/47 as we awaited the arrival of the “royal baby.” Would it be a boy or a girl? Would it look like William or Catherine? What would its name be? Well, quite a lot has changed in the past year – not only did we get our answers, but as expected, we all fell absolutely head over heels in love with HRH Prince George of Cambridge. At the center of all of that love and devotion? The royal family.

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

It’s been a year of smiles, laughs, “oohs” and “ahhs” as we’ve watched Georgie grow up from a distance, but we’ve had some serious help from his proud parents and extended family as we seemed to learn a bit more about the young prince each time they stepped out. Although it’s nearly impossible to narrow down, let’s start the birthday celebrations on the blog with a parade of the firm’s best quotes about the third-in-line to the throne.

Harry – The “Fun” Uncle

Just days after Prince George’s birth, Uncle Harry was asked what his duties will entail – “To make sure he has a good upbringing, and keep him out of harm’s way and to make sure he has fun. The rest I’ll leave to the parents.”

Not one to let a joke slip by, on that same night he said –  “It’s fantastic to have another addition to the family. I only hope my brother knows how expensive my babysitting charges are.” 

While on his recent tour of South America, an onlooker had a chance to speak to Harry about his nephew – “He’s growing up. He is walking, and he has big, chubby cheeks. He looks like a young Winston Churchill.”

Catherine, The Proud Mum

On her son’s looks – “Like most babies, he’s got a mix of both of us.”

In Australia, remarking on their first tour as a family during a speech – “To be here together as a family has been very special.

Prince William – The Doting Dad

Perhaps one of the first big quotes ‘heard around the world’ –  “He’s got a good pair of lungs on him that’s for sure. He’s a good boy, he’s quite heavy.”

He gets it from his mama – “He’s got her (Catherine) looks, thankfully.” Sorry William, George is the spitting image of you!

A month into fatherhood describing his son’s liveliness –  “He’s a little bit of a rascal, I’ll put it that way. He either reminds me of my brother or me when I was younger, I’m not sure, but he’s doing very well at the moment.”

While on tour in New Zealand, making a speech at the governor’s residence – “I hope that George doesn’t keep you up. He has been known to be particularly vocal at 3 a.m.”

Just recently on a visit to the the British Sub-Aqua in London – “At the moment, bath time is quite painful, but hopefully donning a snorkel mask might calm him down.”

During a visit to Coventry’s War Memorial Park last week – “I think George will be running faster than me very soon.”

Prince Charles

Following his first grandchild’s birth, Prince Charles very correctly predicted George’s nickname, saying he would be called “Georgie in no time.”

BONUS round – Aunt Pippa

“He’s amazing. He’s very a dear boy. He’s brought a lot of pleasure and fun for all us, the whole family. He’s very characterful. He’s sort of brought us all together and we love spending weekends with him. He’s very funny.”

What was your favorite quote about George from this year?

The Royal Baby NEEDS These Things

Haven’t bought a gift for the royal baby yet? Don’t worry, I am sure William and Catherine will still invite you to the child’s first birthday party even if your present arrives a little late. But seriously, you better hurry.. the future monarch will be popping out soon.

Let’s start with the BEST GIFT EVER. Clearly Harry’s niece or nephew must have this. INKtastic to the rescue!

INKtastic – $8.99

Be sure not to leave out Pippa! Yikes, this baby is going to have some good looking godparents.

Etsy – $13.75

The royal baby is just about the only baby that can get away with this. And maybe Mick Jagger’s kids.

Born to Bling – $40.00

Do they make these in adult sizes?

Etsy – $16.99

If you have some extra cash to spend, help the royal baby save up for his/her first trip to Vegas.

Tiffany & Co - $1,900

Tiffany & Co – $1,900

If it’s a girl, the little princess must have this baby fascinator. Okay, now I want it to be a girl even more.

Etsy – $45.00

But the best gift of all? Please donate to the Baby Cambridge Fund supporting EACH (Kate is a patron) if you haven’t already. The girls behind the top charitable project have just increased their goal to £5,000, so get on it! You can donate here.

Prince Harry – Free to Move About the Cabin?

If Prince Harry weren’t a prince (or an army captain), would he be serving you wine and Pringles on your next flight? A recent survey conducted by American Airlines in the U.K. found that 21.4 percent of 1,000 people surveyed say Prince Harry is their “fantasy flight attendant.” The handsome royal came in second, just over one percentage less than George Clooney.

I do agree that sharing the skies with Prince Harry is quite fun (he was on my flight from Denver to New Jersey last month), but I think piloting is more his thing. Judging by the commotion he caused on that four hour flight, I am not surprised he reigned in a lot of votes!

Also on the list? Kate and Pippa, who actually have a bit of sky goddess-ness in the family – their parents met while working for British Airways. Kate came in close behind the top choice, Jennifer Aniston, with 17.1 percent while Pippa made up 11 percent of the responses.

 Prince Harry, you’re cleared for takeoff.

Confession: I Miss Prince Harry

Prince Harry is not even halfway through his deployment yet and I am already missing regular updates from @HWalesWatch. And no, I am not counting the stories on his Vegas party companion getting thrown in jail or Harry’s Pippa filled storytime at Camp Bastion as news.

Okay, if I’m being honest I mostly miss the white pants and sharp navy blue suits..

To cope with Prince Hottie withdrawals, I decided to reflect on the top ten reasons to love the 28-year-old royal…in no particular order.

1. He is currently fighting for his country in Afghanistan..flying deadly helicopters. He could have used his title to get thrown on a desk job back in the UK, but no.. Captain Wales wanted to be out on the front lines with his men, shooting down bad guys. HOT.

2. Not only is he good with kids, but he devotes a lot of his time to being there for children in need. Oh, and let’s not forget looking after the bridesmaids and page boys during the royal wedding – don’t forget to wave kids!

3. He is charitable. Not just sit behind a desk and donate tons of money charitable – he gets out there and he fights for the causes he believes in. He trekked to the North Pole with Walking With The Wounded. He established his own charity, Sentebale, aiming to positively change the the lives of vulnerable children in Lesotho.

4. He knows how to have a good time. Don’t think this one needs further explanation.

5. Harry has an edge. Motorcycles, breaking the royal rules of engagement, partying like there’s no tomorrow..c’mon ladies, you all know you like a bad boy.

6. In case you needed a reminder – he is a PRINCE. Of course that is not a reason to love someone, but let’s be honest.. it’s a factor.

7. The name ‘Prince Hottie’ did not appear out of thin air.. he’s the best looking redhead on the planet.

8. His sporting prowess is not limited to rocking white pants on the polo field. Aside from being an all-star polo player, he enjoys rugby, futbol..he’s even gotten down and dirty on the volleyball court. Although he could use some help with basketball.

9. The “H” in Harry probably stands for hysterical. From messing with the paparazzi on his first day of kindergarten “Dude of Cambridge” joke at his brother’s wedding, H could double for a stand-up comedian.

10. The youngest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana is a family man. His bond with brother, Prince William, is beyond adorable and he immediately accepted Kate as if she were his actual sister.

Here’s hoping Captain Wales is off kicking some serious Taliban tail in Afghanistan.. we all look forward to an influx of white pants and parties upon his return.
Do you miss your daily dose of Harry? What do you love most about the prince? Leave some comments!