Spotlight On: The Art Room

Over the next five days I will post on each of The Duchess of Cambridge’s chosen patronages; providing background on the organization and highlighting Catherine’s interests in regards to the cause. Today, let’s take a closer look at The Art Room.

What is The Art Room?

As described on its website, The Art Room is ” a charity based in Oxford aimed at 5 – 16 year olds who are experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.” Currently, there are five Art Rooms in both London and Oxford which provide art therapy to the cities’ youth. The purpose of art therapy is to increase children’s overall self-awareness, strengthening their self-esteem, confidence and general independence.

Who does The Art Room benefit?

As state above, The Art Room targets children ages 5 – 16 who need the opportunity to learn and expand upon their skills outside of the classroom. These children experience learning hardships in school, whether it be due to a learning disability, emotional difficulties or perhaps they have just arrived in England and need assistance adapting. The Art Room descibres the students as having an “interrupted education;” they may be disruptive in the classroom, withdrawn from lessons and activities and even bullied by their classmates. Students are admitted into the program by way of recommendation from a teacher, the school system, psychologists or social workers and even by their parents and guardians.

Why is The Art Room of Interest to Catherine?

The Duchess of Cambridge has always had a deep-routed passion for the arts. Catherine graduated from St. Andrews University with a degree in History of Art. After graduation, Catherine continued to stay involved with the arts, from painting to photography. While visiting Los Angeles in July, 2011, Catherine, along with her husband Prince William, visited Skid Row – an impoverished community in the city – and painted with the children. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Inner-City Arts, a non-profit which provides free art education to the youth of Skid Row. The visit further fueld specualtion that Catherine would soon undertake an arts program as a chosen patronage. The Art Room is the perfect combination of both her love for art and desire to make a difference in the lives of young people.

How Can I Support The Art Room?

The Art Room is always looking for financial donations to enable the continuation of the program. If you would like to donate to The Duchess of Cambridge’s chosen patronage, please visit You can also learn about fundraising events here:

If you are on Twitter, please follow the organization @TheArtRoomUK.

To see The Art Room’s official announcement of the patronage announcement, please visit:

The Duchess of Cambridge Chooses Her Patronages

Tonight, Clarence House broke news that all royal watchers have been waiting for since Catherine Middleton became The Duchess of Cambridge in April – Catherine has chosen the UK charities she will be patron of, all of which reflect her personal passions and interests. Catherine’s four honorary positions are with the Art Room Action on Addiction, the National Portrait Gallery and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices; she will also volunteer with the Scout Association.

BBC News is reporting that “St James’s Palace said the choices reflected her interests in the arts, promotion of outdoor activity and supporting people in need of all ages.”

In late 2011, Catherine was named an official Patron of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry; this announcement marks the first external organizations she will work with, however they also reflect the charities The Duke of Cambridge has previously supported.

In the next five days – which, coincidentally is the number of days leading up to Catherine’s 30th birthday, I will post on the individual patronages. For now, please feel free to visit their web sites and follow them on Twitter.

The Art Room: @TheArtRoomUK

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices: @EACH_hospices

The National Portrait Gallery@NPGLondon

Action on Addiction:

The Scout Association: @UKScouting