London 2012 Takes Flight at Heathrow Airport

Just over a week to go until The Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games and the athletes are starting to trickle into the host city, making themselves at home in the Olympic Village, which opened today. What many of you may not realize is that the athletes’ journey does not begin when they check into the village, but when they step off the plane at Heathrow Airport.

As 80% of Olympic passengers begin to make their way through Heathrow over the next couple of weeks, the airport was expected to welcome record passengers  from more than 50 countries on this first big day of arrivals, smashing a previous record from last summer.

What else is Heathrow expecting throughout the Games? Take a look at some staggering stats..

Not Usain Bolt or Serena Williams? No can still travel like an Olympian and arrive looking as gorgeous as Ryan Lochte..

Lucky enough to be traveling to London for the Games? (ps – i hate you. kidding, kind of..). Make sure to keep your eyes out for the “purple people” volunteer team who can help get you on your way. You don’t want to be late snagging a seat next to Prince Harry at the volleyball match, do you?

Since I am obsessed with the Olympics, you will be seeing a lote more posts like this in the coming days and weeks!

Disclosure: Heathrow Airport is a client. All graphics and facts courtesy of BAA.

I Can’t Wait for London 2012

There is less than a month to go until the opening ceremony for London 2012 – and I cannot wait! I’ve always been a huge fan of the Summer Olympics and the fact that the Games are taking place in London this year.. I’ll be glued to the 3,500 hours of online coverage.

So, why am I so excited for the Olympics? Here are my top ten reasons why the Summer Olympics will be kick no particular order.

1. Two Words – Ryan Lochte.

2. That look of pure joy on The Queen’s face that she had throughout the entire Diamond Jubilee and we are sure to see during the opening and closing ceremonies. C’mon, Her Majesty is too adorable when she grins from ear to ear!

3. Two weeks of possible wardrobe heaven from The Duchess of Cambridge – who knows what events she will appear at!

4. If London can do this with the Diamond Jubilee, I can only imagine the spectacle we are in for when the entire world is watching. No one does pomp and pageantry like the British!

5. The slight chance that Usain Bolt will challenge Prince Harry to a do-over. Okay, yes..the chance that will happen is way less than slight.

6. Endless coverage of my favorite city in the’s like a free trip to London from the comfort of my couch.

7. Uniforms. I can’t wait to see how each country’s uniforms, especially after all of the controversy surrounding Team GB’s Stella McCartney kits.

8. Team USA is guaranteed to bring home some serious hardware and well, that makes me proud.

9. Is there anything more exciting than Olympic swimming? Nope. Don’t think so.

10. Call me a dork, but something about the world coming together, despite war, economic bailouts, governments collapsing and all of our problems..that’s pretty special.

If you want to keep up with all of the excitement on Twitter, be sure to follow @London2012 (all individual sport handles are listed on this page), @Olympics, @NBCOlympics, @TeamGB, @USOlympic, @VisitBritain, @VisitLondon and @HeathrowAirport.

Can’t wait to see you amaze the world, London!

What is your favorite part of the Olympics? Are you as excited for London 2012 as I am? Leave some comments! Go Team USA!