In honor of my favorite Olympian pulling out the first gold medal for Team USA..



In my opinion, there is nothing better than Olympic Swimming and it is very fitting that our first gold goes to a guy who has worked himself to the bone for the past four years to become one of our country’s top competitors. I mean, the guy flips tires and pushes cars for his dry-land workouts – that alone deserves some sort of medal. It also doesn’t hurt that he is extremely good looking.

This boy was made for a Wheaties box.


Congratulations on blowing everyone out of the water in the 400 Individual Medley, Ryan. You deserve it!

PS – that American flag grill, you are beyond awesome.


London 2012

Oh and Ryan, if you ever want to swap out that 800-pound tire for something lighter to flip, call me.

London 2012 Takes Flight at Heathrow Airport

Just over a week to go until The Opening Ceremonies of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games and the athletes are starting to trickle into the host city, making themselves at home in the Olympic Village, which opened today. What many of you may not realize is that the athletes’ journey does not begin when they check into the village, but when they step off the plane at Heathrow Airport.

As 80% of Olympic passengers begin to make their way through Heathrow over the next couple of weeks, the airport was expected to welcome record passengers  from more than 50 countries on this first big day of arrivals, smashing a previous record from last summer.

What else is Heathrow expecting throughout the Games? Take a look at some staggering stats..

Not Usain Bolt or Serena Williams? No worries..you can still travel like an Olympian and arrive looking as gorgeous as Ryan Lochte..

Lucky enough to be traveling to London for the Games? (ps – i hate you. kidding, kind of..). Make sure to keep your eyes out for the “purple people” volunteer team who can help get you on your way. You don’t want to be late snagging a seat next to Prince Harry at the volleyball match, do you?

Since I am obsessed with the Olympics, you will be seeing a lote more posts like this in the coming days and weeks!

Disclosure: Heathrow Airport is a client. All graphics and facts courtesy of BAA.