Kibbles ’n Bits Pups – Just like Lupo?

Survey says – pet parents think Lupo is a top puppy pal!


In conjunction with its “Doggie Voice” video contest, Kibbles ’n Bits® Dog Food, along with Kelton Research, conducted a survey of pup parents that highlighted canine communication. Given the chance to have their four-legged friend hang with a celeb dog, twenty-three percent believe a royal would
make a better canine companion, specifically, the one and only Lupo Middleton.

I know many humans (myself included) who would rather hang with a royal then say, any other celebrity, so it doesn’t surprise me that dogs would want to kick back with a regal sidekick too.

Think this dog has a Twitter like Lupo?

Think this dog has a Twitter like Lupo?

Who knows, maybe with the royal baby on the horizon Lupo might need some new friends to play fetch with. Line forms to the left, Kibbles ’n Bits parents!

*disclosure: Kibbles ’n Bits is a client

A Very Royal Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! Eek, that phrase makes me sounds like a politician. Moving along… although the British don’t celebrate turkey day, who says we can’t give thanks for all that is royal and right in this world? In no particular order, here are ten royal happenings to be thankful for..

  1. The return of The Duchess of Cambridge’s white McQueen coat at the Order of the Garter service.
  2. Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year on the throne, complete with Diamond Jubilee flotillas, concerts and worldwide tours. Giving us countless opportunities to gawk at our favorite family members. Which leads me to number three..
  3. Prince Harry’s tan linen suit.
  4. Prince Philip’s good health after a year of unfortunate hospital visits.
  5. The royal legal team who quickly put the kibosh on the leaked Kate photos. Not cool French tabloids. Not. Cool.
  6. The introduction of new ties into Prince William’s wardrobe. Soooo over that maroon one, Wills. We probably have your wife to thank for this one.
  7. Prince Philip’s sense of humor, which never fails to shine through despite rainy flotillas, hospital stays and scandals.
  8. Lupo. C’mon..who isn’t thankful for an adorable puppy with his very own Twitter account?
  9. Prince William’s safe return from the Falkland Islands.
  10. The overall fabulousness of Sophie, Countess of Wessex. The woman does not get nearly enough credit, so I’m giving her some now.

What royal moments are you thankful for this year? Have I missed any of your favorites? In between scarfing down turkey and potatoes, leave some comments!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Can’t Keep Up With The Queen..

I am 60 years younger than The Queen and I cannot seem to keep up with her! Her Majesty is always on the go and I can’t even seem to keep my blogging capabilities up up to date.

As you all know by now, it has been a busy few days for the royals, from pomp and pageantry to polo, the family was zooming around England like their pants were on fire, (and part of me wishes Harry’s were..okay, I’m kidding, but seriously..).

Trooping the Colour

It all started on Saturday with the Trooping the Colour to celebrate Her Majesty’s official birthday. I always love this day and I know many of you feel the same. Hats, carriage rides, balcony appearance, horse guards, a gun salute and a flypast – all in honor of The Queen – what’s not to love? Oh wait, Kate’s Erdem dress. Sorry, just had to.


This is truly the first time I’ve been disappointed in Kate’s outfit, and I’m not the only one to say so! As much as we all love you Kate, it was not a dress for a 30-year-old, gorgeous royal. The Queen, however, was shining in the yellow Angela Kelly she wore to William and Catherine’s wedding last year.

Press Association

Thankfully, we were blessed with my classic favorite shots of Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh. Her facial expressions when he is in those hats is always priceless. Could they be any more adorable?

Garter Day

In one of the most important dates on the calendar, the Order of the Garter Service took place at Windsor Castle on Monday. Dressed in the traditional black robes, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh took part in the procession to St George’s Chapel, as well as The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of York and The Earl of Wessex.

Press Association

The royal ladies looked on as the men processed to the chapel; Camilla, Kate and Sophie all looked lovely in pale colors. Prayers and tweets were answered as Kate repeated the white McQueen coat from last year’s Trooping the Colour. I was excited. Twitter was excited. We all LOVE that coat, Kate! Sophie looked fabulous as always – she is certainly a favorite of mine.

Press Association

Press Association


Oh and in between, William and Harry hit the polo field – twice. In white pants. Oh yea, and Lupo was there too. That’s pretty much all you need to know.

Catch me if you can…

Time to play a game of royal catch up! I was absolutely shocked when I logged on to write this post and realized my last was on May 4..that is just unacceptable! If it helps, I was spending a lot of that time doing British related things. I would also like to thank the firm for having some of their busiest weeks while I was too preoccupied to blog about it all.

May 7 – Prince Harry Visits Washington D.C.

Daily Mail

Prince Harry just can’t stay away from the United States! The young, philanthropic royal spent the day in the nation’s capital to accept 2012 Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Leadership from The Atlantic Council. Harry was awarded the honor for his work with servicemen and women; I am sure you are all familiar with Captain Wales’ charitable work with Walking with the Wounded. Prince Harry accepted the award on behalf of his brother, Prince William, who was not in attendance. General Colin Powell introduced the tuxedo-clad prince, making note of all the single, young ladies present for the event and praising him for his work both on and off the battlefield. Perhaps my favorite moment from his introduction came when he said, “Clearly the loving effort Diana made to teach her sons the importance of serving others has touched the heart and souls of her two sons and continues her legacy.” During Harry’s remarkable and inspiring speech, he did appear nervous, but had the audience laughing and most likely even crying as he praised his fellow soldiers. The Telegraph has a video of Harry’s speech, or you can read the transcript at

Prior to the evening’s black-tie festivities, Prince Harry hit the British Ambassador’s residence to mingle with American and British disable athletes who participated in the Warrior Games. The Vice President’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, was also in attendance for the event where Prince Harry got down and dirty, planting a ceremonial tree.

The Daily Mail

May 8 – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Attend a “Secret” Dinner

E! Online

On May 8, Prince William and Catherine stepped out at Claridge’s hotel in Mayfair for a private reception at the Thirty Club, where William was due to make a speech. Once again, it was his wife who stole the show in a jaw-dropping cream dress and my favorite Jimmy Choo sparkling sandals. From the moment she stepped out of the car, this high-slit Roland Mouret floor-length gown became one of my top Kate looks of all time. Paired with the sky-high stilettos, dropped diamond earrings and glittered clutch, Kate proved to be flawless once again. Thank goodness she had the sense to stay away from colored drinks that evening.

Daily Mail

May 10 – Prince Charles, Weatherman?

In a moment of pure hilarity, Prince Charles visited BBC Scotland and took his turn at presenting the day’s weather report. Although the short script was pre-written, that did not stop The Prince of Wales from making viewers laugh during his hour-long visit to the Pacific Quay headquarters. If you feel like having a giggle, I would suggest checking out the video from BBC.


Remember when I said the cream floor-length was my new favorite Kate look? Yea, scratch that. Mini-Middletons were having heart attacks all across the globe when The Duchess of Cambridge, alongside her husband The Duke of Cambridge, stepped out for the Team GB London 2012 event in this Jenny Packham evening gown. After months of begging via Twitter, Kate followers got what we wished for – a bright color and hair up! Kate, have you been following the #teambrightcolors #teamhairup hashtags? As the icing on the decadent cake, Kate even strapped on my favorite Jimmy Choo sparklers for the gala at Royal Albert Hall. As Olympic Ambassadors for this summer’s Games, William and Catherine spent the evening with fellow ambassadors and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Prince William made his way to the podium for an inspiring speech, chock full of humor and well wishes for Team GB.

US Weekly

May 13 – Audi Polo Challenge

US Weekly

Over the past week we had them separately, but on this Sunday afternoon in Ascot, the three musketeers reunited for the Audi Polo Challenge. Princes William and Harry took to the field for the charity polo match, but it was the newest member of the family who had all eyes on him – Lupo. The royal pup, accompanied by his mum The Duchess of Cambridge, played on the sidelines before presenting congratulations to the brothers after their win. In another teal number, this time from Libuela, Kate and Lupo had heads turning at Coworth Park.

US Weekly

May 18 – Sovereigns’ Lunch at Windsor Castle


On Friday, royals and representatives of monarchies from 26 countries flocked to Windsor Castle for the Sovereigns’ Lunch in honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. Although the meeting was not without controversy (is that even possible when diplomats from around the world gather in one room?) The British Royal Family seemed to enjoy themselves and looked fabulous while doing so. The Queen looked lovely as always in a pale blue number, while once again The Duchess of Cambridge had fashionistas spinning with her nearly $2,000 pale pink Emilia Wickstead’s knee-length dress. Once again, I would like to thank Kate for throwing a splash of color into her wardrobe! I am convinced she is reading our Twitter feeds – weren’t we all just thinking pink not too long ago? I must say, if you’re going to go High Street for an occasion, this would be the one; the international luncheon gave the new royal a chance to converse with fellow royals from around the globe unlike ever before. Prince William and Prince Harry, along with their cousins Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, were among the young members of the firm on hand.

E! Online

That evening, Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall hosted the ensemble of royals for a dinner reception at Buckingham Palace.

Okay, now I am exhausted…the royals sure know how to keep a girl busy.

*Sources: BBC,, E! Online, The British Monarchy, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph

Getting Artsy with The Duchess of Cambridge

While the ball and chain away, the wife will…work? Wait, that’s not how the saying goes..

The Duchess of Cambridge was back to work for her patronages yesterday, just a week after making her first official solo engagement. Catherine spent Pancake Day visiting two schools on behalf of The Art Room. Last year, Kate Middleton spent Pancake Day with her fiance flipping pancakes in Belfast; my how things have changed!

First up – Rose Hill Primary School, where Catherine arrived to a crowd of well wishers. In fact, the crowds were so excited to see their beloved Catherine, Max Foster tweeted that between The Duchess of Cambridge and all of the teenage girls he wished he brought earplugs! Once inside, Catherine visited with a group of eight children as they worked on a poem.

The Duchess of Cambridge continued her day at Oxford Spires Academy School. While visiting The Art Room facilities there, Catherine met with both current and former students and heard of how the organization had imrpoved their lives. The Duchess of Cambridge aproned up and spent time with the children as they painted.

Both appearances left students, staff and onlookers in awe of Catherine as she earned high praise from all who interacted with her. The Art Room trustee Pat Norman was quoted as saying: “It’s very special that we have her patronage.” Perhaps Mr. Norman is alluding to Catherine’s strong connection to the arts; students and teachers alike commented on her knowledge and understanding of the program. As you will recall, The Duchess of Cambridge has a deep-rooted passion for the cause; she graduated St. Andrews University with a degree in History of Art.

For video of The Duchess of Cambridge in Oxford yesterday, please visit The Huffington Post and BBC News.

The Duchess appeared in a coat dress by Irish designer Orla Kiely. As usual, the brown, patterened frock, which looked stunning on Kate, had the Twitter universe fluttering with discussion. Personally, I could never pull the pattern off (most others I have chatted to agree), but Catherine wore it well. Can that woman do no wrong? I have yet to see her look bad. I was disappointed to see her hair down; it would have been nice to see it up as she wore it for the Skid Row day of arts in Los Angeles. I have to hand it to her though – if I had spent the day around paints and children with my hair down, I would come out with fresh highlights!

For more on Catherine’s outfit, check out What Kate Wore’s latest post and be sure to follow along on Twitter – the go-to source on Kate’s style.


All images via PopSugar.

Finally, after curiosity over the most guarded royal secret since Kate’s wedding dress, the name of the Cambridge puppy has been revelead – Lupo! Wait..what? Yea, that was my reaction too. Chances are if you placed your bets in Las Vegas, you lost big. Lupo is an adorable name;will be curious if we ever learn the meaning behind it!


Image Via People Magazine