Prince William Meets Bon Jovi… Where Was My Invite?

The annual Winter Whites Gala was held this evening in the King’s Gallery at Kensington Palace where approximately 200 guests including Centrepoint’s biggest donors mingled with The Duke of Cambridge. In addition to big name British celebrities including Michelle Dockery (bow down) and Colin Firth, two notable American singers had the pleasure of meeting Prince William – Jon Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift.

While I realize a fair amount of Cambridge fans from America are also major T. Swift fans, I was rather “blah” about the country star’s attendance. Bon Jovi on the other hand? Almost as good as when Prince Harry met Governor Christie.

Britain Royals Centrepoint

(AP Photo/PA/Dominic Lipinski/Pool)

I’m still trying to figure out why all royal bloggers who live within a 20-mile radius of Bon Jovi weren’t invited to the reception, but I sense I might be alone in this. Bon Jovi and his beautiful family attended the sold-out gala and after meeting Prince William, the rocker from New Jersey remarked, “I met his father and I met his grandfather. He’s still a young kid to me, but a nice young kid.

Taylor Swift, on the other hand, had a bit more trouble keeping her cool after the seemingly awkward meeting – according to The Daily Mail’s Rebecca English – letting out an enthusiastic “awesome!” after William moved on. Her excitement is understandable and I for one and am just happy Miley Cyrus wasn’t invited..



UPDATE: At the end of the evening, Prince William and Taylor Swift joined the legendary Jon Bon Jovi for an acoustic performance of “Livin on a Prayer,” aka, one of the top ultimate New Jersey party songs. Be still my heart..

The Duke of Cambridge nailed it with his bow-tie and embarrassing dad dance moves, while T. Swift threw protocol to the wind and made that Kensington Palace stage, arms swinging in the air, stealing the microphone from Bon Jovi and making duck faces as she danced. This is not the MTV VMA’s, sweetie.

By the way, we are totally getting a new Taylor Swift song out of this – “Today Was a Fairytale Part Two.”

It is obvious at this point that the royals have a deep love for the Jersey Shore, they should just move here already.. am I right? 😉

Prince Harry Gets “Jersey Strong”

A sentence I never thought I would say: Prince Harry visited the Jersey Shore this morning.   It was quite lovely to wake up in my own bed and drive a mere 30 minutes to greet the young prince this morning as he visited the Seaside boardwalk – an area brutally damaged by Hurricane Sandy. However he had one very significant detour prior to  gracing us with his presence on the boardwalk – he helicoptered to Mantoloking to meet Governor Chris Christie, touring damaged homes and greeting first responders. Oh, and it was better than I could have imagined because the Governor gave His Royal Highness an official Chris Christie fleece – the constant for Jersey residents as we rode out the storm six months ago.


Upon arriving in Seaside, Governor Christie showed Harry the infamous roller-coaster submerged in the ocean; the ride was finally removed almost the moment the prince departed. Then came the cuteness – Harry played classic boardwalk games with a group of twenty-five young children from Seaside Elementary School. My former high school science teacher turned Seaside principal, Chris Reichel, said he asked teachers to select the students who would be the best fit for fun and games with the prince – and he was blocking a gaggle of female teachers from jumping on the bus this morning. While the older children were well aware of what was going on and were excited  he said, the younger ones were a bit more overwhelmed by all the press. Mr. Reichel told me that one young student asked Prince Harry, “where’s your crown?”

When asked about the seeing New Jersey in recovery mode, Prince Harry said: “They’re fantastic, its American spirit.” He then elaborated on the resilience of the Jersey Shore, “Everyone getting together and making things right. Its fantastic, its really good.”

Harry, I could not agree more. Please, feel free to visit whenever you would like. I know a great pizza place to take you. Needless to say, I am thrilled he visited the area that I call “home,” and am hopeful that his visit will bring attention back to the shore – six months may have passed, but Hurricane Sandy is still a daily struggle.

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Prince Harry in New Jersey: To Ocean County He Goes!

Well, it’s not what I was selfishly hoping for, but it was what I was expecting. The towns which Prince Harry will visit during his New Jersey tour stop next Tuesday have been announced – Mantoloking and Seaside Heights.

It’s been said that Harry wanted to see the “hardest hit town in New Jersey,” hence the Mantoloking stop – about 40 minutes south of me. (The Jersey Shore is a huge area.. like, massive). The town’s Mayor George Nebel said that the young royal and Governor Christie will visit about ten homes before getting in the car and heading to Seaside Heights for a press conference. Yes, that Seaside that has seen the drunk and disorderly conduct of Snooki, DJ Pauly D and the rest of their non-Jersey resident crew. No matter where you are from, chances are you have seen the now iconic photos of the historic Seaside roller-coaster submerged in the Atlantic Ocean.


Although I was pulling for my neck of the woods, it is a great thing that Prince Harry will be visiting Mantoloking – that town needs some some cheer in the form of a dashing Brit.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t try to imitate this guy – despite how awesome that actually was.