A Very Royal Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! Eek, that phrase makes me sounds like a politician. Moving along… although the British don’t celebrate turkey day, who says we can’t give thanks for all that is royal and right in this world? In no particular order, here are ten royal happenings to be thankful for..

  1. The return of The Duchess of Cambridge’s white McQueen coat at the Order of the Garter service.
  2. Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th year on the throne, complete with Diamond Jubilee flotillas, concerts and worldwide tours. Giving us countless opportunities to gawk at our favorite family members. Which leads me to number three..
  3. Prince Harry’s tan linen suit.
  4. Prince Philip’s good health after a year of unfortunate hospital visits.
  5. The royal legal team who quickly put the kibosh on the leaked Kate photos. Not cool French tabloids. Not. Cool.
  6. The introduction of new ties into Prince William’s wardrobe. Soooo over that maroon one, Wills. We probably have your wife to thank for this one.
  7. Prince Philip’s sense of humor, which never fails to shine through despite rainy flotillas, hospital stays and scandals.
  8. Lupo. C’mon..who isn’t thankful for an adorable puppy with his very own Twitter account?
  9. Prince William’s safe return from the Falkland Islands.
  10. The overall fabulousness of Sophie, Countess of Wessex. The woman does not get nearly enough credit, so I’m giving her some now.

What royal moments are you thankful for this year? Have I missed any of your favorites? In between scarfing down turkey and potatoes, leave some comments!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Birthday Prince Charles!

A very happy 64th birthday to Prince Charles! The next in line to the throne technically celebrates his birthday twice this year, as he is currently in New Zealand with his wife, Camilla, on the final leg of the Diamond Jubilee tour.

 So, what does one get for the future king who has everything? A hobbit, of course! The Prince of Wales, a reported Tolkien fan, spent time meandering about Middle Earth at the studio behind Peter Jackson’s upcoming Hobbit movie. Jackson himself provided the birthday boy with a personal tour of the property, leaving Charles saying, “I can’t tell you how grateful I am — the best birthday present I’ve had in a long time.”

After an eventful morning in his very own fantasyland, Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall attended a government shindig alongside 64 people also born on Nov. 14. And what’s a 64th birthday celebration without a rendition of “When I’m 64” by the Beatles? Dad, if you’re reading this – don’t expect your 64th birthday in a few years to come complete with a military band.

Happy Birthday Prince Charles!

But Why is the Rum Gone? You Better Belize Harry was in Town..

I’m back! Apologies again for being so behind on the tour and please excuse me if I miss anything in this post..playing catch up on three days of live tweets and news articles is a daunting task! I am doing my best to back track on everything from  Prince Harry’s visit to Belize. Let’s get to it! I would first like to thank a few people, without whom I would never have been able to get up to speed so quickly.. @MaxFosterCNN @SkyNewsRoyal @RegalEyes @HWalesWatch @BBCPeterHunt @ChrisJack_Getty – thank you for your continual twitter updates!

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Prince Harry touched down at Philip Goldson International Airport on Friday, March 2 for the first stop on his Diamond Jubilee tour. This marks Harry’s first visit to Belize, a Commonwealth realm. Touching down around 4:30 pm, the third in line to the throne arrived via a private jet from Miami and was greeted by Belize Defense Force and government officials.

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

The 27-year-old prince then traveled to the capital of Belmopan, where locals were excited to see him live up to his reputation as ‘the party prince.’ Harry came to name a street in honor of his grandmother, who he was traveling on behalf of. Addressing the crowds, the prince remarked, “Obviously, I bring to you the warmest greetings from the Queen of Belize, whose time in Jubilee we’re celebrating here tonight. Her majesty has asked me to send her good wishes to you all.” Prince Harry later joked that the people of Belize were stuck with him, as Her Majesty sent him on her behalf. Something tells me the women of Belize were nothing but happy with the arrangement..

Never one to shy away from a good time, the handsome prince showed off his dance moves, getting down with the locals and embracing the Belmopan culture. No trip to Belize would be complete without a rum tasting..hey, it would be rude not the sample the local fare..right?

People.com/Michael Dunlea/Barcroft/Landov

















Hopefully Harry didn’t drink too much rum at the party, as the next morning he was off to Xunantunich for a day in the sun. First up, Prince Harry toured the OAS (Organisation of American States) Art School. 

The Toronto Star/Getty

On his tour of the Mayan city, Prince Harry strolled through the ruins and took part in the dedication of the Jubilee canoe. Paul Harrison, @SkyNewsRoyal, commented on the canoe launching – as Harry ceremoniously poured beer on the vessel, he remarked that it was a waste of a good brew. Harry, you couldn’t be more right!


Next stop – the Xunantunich Mayan Temple. Harry got in touch with ancient culture at the temple grounds, taking in the country’s beauty and rich history. I’ll let the man bag he’s sporting slide as I hear it was a gift from a local. Wonder if Harry buys into the Mayan philosophy that the world will end this year? If it does, at least he’s going out on top..literally. Prince Harry climbed up the temple for a spectacular view or as the media are calling it – his ‘Lion King moment.’ As a Disney fanatic myself, I love every comparison between the royals and Disney..a premonition for when my own fairy tale of marrying a prince comes true? I’ll be the Nala to his Simba. As Harry gazed over his kingdom from atop the ruins, I can only imaging he was daydreaming of me, wondering where I was in the world at that very moment. I kid, I kid. But no, really..

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

See you in The Bahamas..


Sources: Getty Images, BBC, Daily Mail, PopSugar, People.com, Max Foster, Paul Harrison, Peter Hunt, Socialite Life