Catch me if you can…

Time to play a game of royal catch up! I was absolutely shocked when I logged on to write this post and realized my last was on May 4..that is just unacceptable! If it helps, I was spending a lot of that time doing British related things. I would also like to thank the firm for having some of their busiest weeks while I was too preoccupied to blog about it all.

May 7 – Prince Harry Visits Washington D.C.

Daily Mail

Prince Harry just can’t stay away from the United States! The young, philanthropic royal spent the day in the nation’s capital to accept 2012 Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Leadership from The Atlantic Council. Harry was awarded the honor for his work with servicemen and women; I am sure you are all familiar with Captain Wales’ charitable work with Walking with the Wounded. Prince Harry accepted the award on behalf of his brother, Prince William, who was not in attendance. General Colin Powell introduced the tuxedo-clad prince, making note of all the single, young ladies present for the event and praising him for his work both on and off the battlefield. Perhaps my favorite moment from his introduction came when he said, “Clearly the loving effort Diana made to teach her sons the importance of serving others has touched the heart and souls of her two sons and continues her legacy.” During Harry’s remarkable and inspiring speech, he did appear nervous, but had the audience laughing and most likely even crying as he praised his fellow soldiers. The Telegraph has a video of Harry’s speech, or you can read the transcript at

Prior to the evening’s black-tie festivities, Prince Harry hit the British Ambassador’s residence to mingle with American and British disable athletes who participated in the Warrior Games. The Vice President’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, was also in attendance for the event where Prince Harry got down and dirty, planting a ceremonial tree.

The Daily Mail

May 8 – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Attend a “Secret” Dinner

E! Online

On May 8, Prince William and Catherine stepped out at Claridge’s hotel in Mayfair for a private reception at the Thirty Club, where William was due to make a speech. Once again, it was his wife who stole the show in a jaw-dropping cream dress and my favorite Jimmy Choo sparkling sandals. From the moment she stepped out of the car, this high-slit Roland Mouret floor-length gown became one of my top Kate looks of all time. Paired with the sky-high stilettos, dropped diamond earrings and glittered clutch, Kate proved to be flawless once again. Thank goodness she had the sense to stay away from colored drinks that evening.

Daily Mail

May 10 – Prince Charles, Weatherman?

In a moment of pure hilarity, Prince Charles visited BBC Scotland and took his turn at presenting the day’s weather report. Although the short script was pre-written, that did not stop The Prince of Wales from making viewers laugh during his hour-long visit to the Pacific Quay headquarters. If you feel like having a giggle, I would suggest checking out the video from BBC.


Remember when I said the cream floor-length was my new favorite Kate look? Yea, scratch that. Mini-Middletons were having heart attacks all across the globe when The Duchess of Cambridge, alongside her husband The Duke of Cambridge, stepped out for the Team GB London 2012 event in this Jenny Packham evening gown. After months of begging via Twitter, Kate followers got what we wished for – a bright color and hair up! Kate, have you been following the #teambrightcolors #teamhairup hashtags? As the icing on the decadent cake, Kate even strapped on my favorite Jimmy Choo sparklers for the gala at Royal Albert Hall. As Olympic Ambassadors for this summer’s Games, William and Catherine spent the evening with fellow ambassadors and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Prince William made his way to the podium for an inspiring speech, chock full of humor and well wishes for Team GB.

US Weekly

May 13 – Audi Polo Challenge

US Weekly

Over the past week we had them separately, but on this Sunday afternoon in Ascot, the three musketeers reunited for the Audi Polo Challenge. Princes William and Harry took to the field for the charity polo match, but it was the newest member of the family who had all eyes on him – Lupo. The royal pup, accompanied by his mum The Duchess of Cambridge, played on the sidelines before presenting congratulations to the brothers after their win. In another teal number, this time from Libuela, Kate and Lupo had heads turning at Coworth Park.

US Weekly

May 18 – Sovereigns’ Lunch at Windsor Castle


On Friday, royals and representatives of monarchies from 26 countries flocked to Windsor Castle for the Sovereigns’ Lunch in honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. Although the meeting was not without controversy (is that even possible when diplomats from around the world gather in one room?) The British Royal Family seemed to enjoy themselves and looked fabulous while doing so. The Queen looked lovely as always in a pale blue number, while once again The Duchess of Cambridge had fashionistas spinning with her nearly $2,000 pale pink Emilia Wickstead’s knee-length dress. Once again, I would like to thank Kate for throwing a splash of color into her wardrobe! I am convinced she is reading our Twitter feeds – weren’t we all just thinking pink not too long ago? I must say, if you’re going to go High Street for an occasion, this would be the one; the international luncheon gave the new royal a chance to converse with fellow royals from around the globe unlike ever before. Prince William and Prince Harry, along with their cousins Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, were among the young members of the firm on hand.

E! Online

That evening, Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall hosted the ensemble of royals for a dinner reception at Buckingham Palace.

Okay, now I am exhausted…the royals sure know how to keep a girl busy.

*Sources: BBC,, E! Online, The British Monarchy, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph

My Visit to The London Candy Co.

Earlier this week I had the joy of going to London..without even leaving home! If you’re a New Yorker looking for a touch of England, I highly recommend a visit to The London Candy Co. on the Upper East Side.  A few months back I caught wind of this boutique British sweets shop thanks to a ‘Travel With Val’ story by Valarie D’Elia and have been eager to go ever since. Luckily, an opportunity to hit the sweets store for a work event came my way and I welcomed the assignment.

From the moment I walked in the door I was instantly transported to a trendy London shop with the exposed brick on the walls, locals sipping tea and Union Jack colors draped throughout. In fact, all of the memorabilia comes straight from Britain..check it out!

The store houses all the famous British candies and snacks, from Cadbury to Hob Nob, as well as specialty treats like this Diamond Jubilee bar..

On my way out, the nice fellas in the world offered me a complimentary homemade ice cream. After what was one of the more difficult decisions of my week, I selected the Earl Grey shortbread ice cream – you have not lived until you have tasted it.

So, if you are in New York City, please stop by The London Candy Co. – I promise you will not be disappointed! Don’t forget to follow them on Twitter!

The London Candy Co. is located on 94th & Lexington, New York City.

An Interview with Victoria Arbiter

Last week, I had the honor of conducting a special interview with royal expert Victoria Arbiter. After chatting on Twitter for some time, I was curious to learn more about this CBS News royal contributor; Victoria quickly agreed to let me pick her brain on all things royal. Victoria is a true veteran; growing up a stone’s throw from our favorite family (her father Dickie Arbiter is a broadcaster, journalist and former press secretary to Queen Elizabeth II), Victoria has done everything from go-carting with Princess Diana to sitting alongside Katie Couric for last year’s royal wedding.

Aside from touching stories about Her Majesty and the family, Victoria opened up about how she got to where she is today and what her dream royal assignment would be. In accordance with recent news, Victoria provides her thoughts on Prince Harry’s tour, America’s fascination with the royals and who she owes a huge thank you to (hint: they have a big anniversary coming up). She even offers up advice for the newest generation of royal watchers, so pay attention! If you are not following Victoria on Twitter, please do so @VictoriaArbiter.

You have worked with everyone from Perez Hilton to Oprah – what has it been like to truly run the gamut of reporting?

In a word it’s been a tremendous privilege. Thanks to my job I have been fortunate enough to have the chance to see and do so many different things. I never thought I would be standing on stage next to Oprah or kayaking across a bio-luminescent bay in Puerto Rico. Work has made me push the envelope and often times I have had to step out of my comfort zone and do things that have been utterly terrifying, but I’m always glad I had a go. It really does prove that anything’s possible and I’m excited to see what the future holds in store.

To date, what do you see as the greatest highlight of your career?

While it may seem like an obvious choice in terms of career highlights, it would be pretty hard to beat covering last year’s Royal Wedding for CBS News. It was an enormous privilege to have a front row seat to such a historic event but also to work alongside people like Katie Couric and Erica Hill. They are among the best in their field and I had many a pinch me moment throughout the three months I reported on the wedding. It was a thrilling time to be in London and on a personal note it was wonderful to be able to share the experience with my father.Aside from the wedding another huge career high was finding myself on the set of CBS This Morning for the premiere show. As we were chatting I suddenly had a moment when I thought I’m the one doing all the talking and here we have Charlie Rose, Erica Hill and Gayle King listening to what I have to say. It had been a long road to that point and my gratitude at being there was overwhelming. I so admire Charlie Rose. He really makes you raise your game and I absolutely love the challenge of having an answer for even his trickiest questions.

Although you grew up around journalism, accompanying your father to important state occasions, you turned to acting and dance. What has brought you back full circle to where you are today? 

To be honest where I am today has all happened completely by accident. As a child I dreamed of being a ballet dancer and I went to a full time ballet school from the age of 12. A back injury at 18 resulted in me having to stop dancing so drama school seemed like the obvious next choice. In a quest for a change of scenery I decided to move to New York to attend The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. When I finished school I got a “survival” job working for a web TV company and within 6 weeks I had moved from answering the phones on reception to working as the Senior Entertainment Correspondent. From there I continued in the broadcast world but really I had to wait for a job to open up that would best suit my area of expertise. I honestly don’t remember a time when the royal family didn’t serve as a backdrop to my life. I grew up in Windsor, opposite the castle. We lived at Kensington Palace for a time where I met Diana on several occasions and sadly I attended her funeral. When William and Kate got engaged it was finally a big enough event for networks to start seeking experts and that’s when the call from CBS came in. It was a tremendous honor and I feel like I owe William and Kate a huge thank you letter. In hindsight I can see that all roads were leading to this one opportunity. My childhood gave me a look at life both in front and behind palace walls and no doubt much of my knowledge was picked up by osmosis simply from tagging along with my Dad, but finally I feel at home in my career and I hope to have this job for many years to come. 

As Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee year, what is your favorite memory of Her Majesty?

Oh, I just adore the Queen and my husband teases me relentlessly…..apparently whenever I see her I say, “Doesn’t the Queen look lovely today.” It makes him laugh every time but I am immensely proud of her and I believe our country is better for having her. There are so many moments in time when I have admired her, but I suppose the time she broke my heart really stands out the most. The Queen has only been seen to cry in public once and it was when HMY Britannia was decommissioned in 1997. It was a devastating blow to her due to all the personal moments and family history that had been shared while on board. It was a floating sanctuary of privacy for her and had meant a great deal to her. She’s so admired for her stoicism but that day we saw her vulnerability which was a stark reminder that she too is only human and yet she has dedicated her life to her country. She’s there no matter what and we could all stand to learn from her strength, dedication and determination.

Prince Harry just wrapped up is first overseas tour on behalf of his grandmother; there has been praise on how he handled himself and questions raised as to how the family will leverage him in the future – what is your take on this? Many are beginning to compare him more to Princess Diana..

There’s no question Harry has done a spectacular job and I have always said that he embodies the very best qualities of both his parents. He’s kind, compassionate, funny and game for anything which makes him instantly likable and accessible. The Queen knew what she was doing in choosing to send Harry in particular to Belize, the Bahamas and Jamaica. He has won over the old and young alike and he has clearly risen to the ranks of rock star status which in turn has done wonders in terms of sentiment towards Britain. While Harry will continue to take part in public engagements once he’s home his first responsibility will be to his military career. He will be redeployed to Afghanistan later this year as well as serve as an official ambassador for the Olympics so the remainder of his year promises to be very busy. We will see great things from Harry as his royal career continues and he has made no secret of his desire to continue the work of his mother. I think she would be very proud of the man he has become.    

What is your favorite story since covering the royal family? A moment or memory that stands out more than the rest?

Bizarrely my most memorable moment since covering the royal family doesn’t directly involve one of the royals. A couple of weeks before the wedding the press had been given access to the Household Cavalry Barracks in Knightsbridge to see a demonstration of what they would be doing come wedding day. I have always been a bit of a geek when it comes to pomp and pageantry and so as far as I was concerned this was going to be a plum assignment. Little did I know however, that they were planning on pulling out all the stops. It was 7:30am on a grey and rainy morning and we were all tired. We had been gallivanting up and down the country trying to cover every little detail in the final days leading up to the wedding and this was just another early start. As we were all standing around having a moan I suddenly heard the thud, thud, thud of what sounded like an approaching drum. Just then through the trees in Hype Park came 200 Cavalry Officers on horseback playing the most beautiful piece of music. It was so breathtaking to see and it was a private display just for the assembled press. I was completely out of my mind with excitement and equally heartbroken that my little boy wasn’t there to see it. Following the display we were given a tour of the barracks, shown the exact uniform Harry would be wearing on wedding day and then treated to a fanfare by the State Trumpeters of the Household Cavalry who would be inside Westminster Abbey on the big day. Simply amazing and a memory that I will cherish forever.

The royal family seems to be gaining more support and interest on a daily basis – a great deal of which has come from the United States. What is your take on the sudden boom from “across the pond?” Do you see if continuing to grow as the younger royals take the stage, or fall off as the wedding becomes a more distant memory?

Americans have always loved the British Royal Family but it has been a long time since the glory days of Charles and Diana so I think last year’s royal wedding really reignited the public’s fascination. I think they look to William and Kate as the happy ending Diana never had and they’re thrilled to see the couple so clearly in love. Interest has continued to grow since the I do’s from endless talk of fashion to when there will be baby so I don’t expect the fervor to die down anytime soon. Add to that the fact that Harry has risen to the ranks of the world’s most eligible bachelor, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations are coming up and London will be hosting the Olympics and you have plenty to keep people chatting for the foreseeable future. 

What advice do you have for new “royal watchers?” It appears most new followers are of the younger generation. Any words of wisdom?

The best piece of advice I could give to anyone starting out is KNOW YOUR STUFF. I can’t even begin to tell you how many inaccuracies are reported and to me it just shows sloppy work. I saw one journalist refer to Harry as the Prince of Wales this morning which I find unforgivable. Some might say that’s silly and it’s just a title but it’s flat out wrong and we look to reporters to bring us factually correct information. So many stories seem to be pulled out the sky these days in an effort to sell newspapers and I find it incredibly irritating. Before reporting anything it is your responsibility to fact check and then cross fact check. Of course errors will be made but take responsibility for them and get back to the business of reporting correct information. Otherwise you just end up with egg on your face. Do your research and learn who the reliable sources are. If in doubt don’t put the story out as once it’s in the public domain you lose all control over it. I suppose the rules would be…

 1. Know your stuff

2. Show up on time/meet your deadline on time

3. Be nice to everybody as you never know who is connected to who

4. Keep out of other people’s business – show up, do your job and do it to the best of your ability while letting others handle their own jobs.

Is there something you have observed about the royal family that would surprise people?

The one trait people never seem to give members of the Royal Family is a sense of humor. They are all blessed with a very quick wit and you’d better be on your toes when the cracks start flying. You see a little more of it shine through with William and Harry but it really is across the board.

Traveling all over the globe, what has been your favorite destination? If royal correspondence could take you anywhere, what would your dream location be?

Ah, this is a tricky one as I truly do love an adventure! If I could travel to any location of my choosing with a royal of my choosing then I would relish the opportunity to take in Kenya with either William or Harry. I was born in Zimbabwe and I have a deep love for Africa so I think it would be fascinating to see the entire continent through their eyes. Knowing Harry he’d probably want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, but how fun would that be?!

Outside of the royal family, who has been your most interesting interview? Most exciting assignment?

Another tricky one…..I suppose the interviewees from the celebrity world who have surprised me the most would be Nicole Kidman and Uma Thurman. It was still quite early in my career when I had the chance to chat to them and I have to say both were extraordinarily kind and gracious. In terms of exciting it would have to be the Bee Gees. They were in New York to promote their one night only by request concert and were giving interviews at The Russian Tea Room. I’m a bit of a granny when it comes to music so it’s pretty safe to say that I have always loved the Bee Gees. All three of them had a wicked sense of humor and they were utterly charming, but what makes that memory especially poignant for me is that it was the last time that they were altogether for an interview in NY as Maurice died a couple of years later.

Many, many thanks to the lovely Victoria for taking time out of her busy schedule to give me such heartfelt, thought out answers to my questions. It was an absolute pleasure getting to know her a little bit better and I hope we cross paths on the streets of New York one day!

Prince Harry’s Tour – Top Moments

Prince Harry’s first overseas tour on behlaf of his grandmother has come to a close, and what a journey it has been! If you enjoyed daily Harry updates over the past week and a half as much as I have, you’re most likely very sad right now. Doesn’t it feel like something is missing? I’ve got that taken care of! After four countries, some rum, blue suede dancing shoes and countless beauty queens and models, I’ve compiled my top five favorite moments from Prince Harry’s big tour. Trust me, it was tough to pick just five..

5) Diplomat in the making – Harry meets Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller


It is no secret that Harry’s visit to Jamaica would be the greatest political test of the tour, as Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller talked of leaving the Queen’s jurisdiction. The meeting had every potential to go less than perfect, but I believe Her Majesty was pleased with the results; she definitely knew what she was doing when she sent Prince Harry there! 

4) Tan Linen Suit

Harry stepped out in this tan linen suit for a youth rally at Thomas A Robinson stadium in Nassau, Bahamas. I don’t think I need to elaborate on this one..

3) Harry drives a horse-drawn carriage to the Sentebale charity polo match in Brazil

He really has that whole ‘prince charming’ thing going on, huh? As if playing polo was not prince-like enough, Harry arrived at a charity polo match in Brazil at the reigns of a horse-drawn carriage. Harry played on behalf of his charity, Sentebale.

 2) Don’t you step on my blue suede shoes! Harry dances reggae in Jamaica


Harry broke out his blue suede dancing shoes on a visit to Rise Life in an impoverished area of Kingston, Jamaica where met Rita Marley, wife of the late, great Bob Marley. No meeting with a Marley can be complete without good old fashioned reggae dancing, and please, if you know what’s good for you, you will watch this video.

1) Harry Can Bolt!


Come on, how could this not be my favorite moment of the tour? Prince Harry took to the track at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica to race the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt. This meeting has been talked about for months, and although Usain Bolt claimed he would not let Harry win, the comical prince left Bolt in the dust as he false started his way to victory. The BBC has full video of this hilarious encounter, an absolute must see. Major credit has to be given to Chris Jackson for his outstanding photography skills, capturing the mood of the day perfectly with one incredible shot.

Many, many thanks to a top team of royal correspondents, photographers and watchers, without whom this blog would not exist. @MaxFosterCNN, @SkyNewsRoyal, @ChrisJack_Getty, @RE_DailyMail, @RegalEyes, @ArthurJEdwards, @JulesSkyNews, @BobWoodruff, @bvitag, @Georginaitv, @BBCPeterHunt and @HWalesWatch. Thank you all for such outstanding tour coverage.. now, go have a drink and a take a nap!

What was your favorite moment of the tour? Do you think Harry has cemented his title as the world’s most eligible bachelor? Did he make Queen Elizabeth II proud? Leave some comments!

Prince Harry: the Real Sporty Spice

All good things must come to an end. Why that is, I’m not totally sure.. but Harry’s overseas tour coming to a close is certainly proof of that. After charming his way through the Caribbean, Prince Harry brought his talents to Brazil on the final leg of the tour. Not only did the 27-year-old grandson to Queen Elizabeth II make a lasting impression on the South American nation, but something (a kiss with a Brazilian model) tells me he quite enjoyed his time there as well. Let’s take a look!

The high energy three-day tour kicked off Friday in Rio de Janeiro; in a banner year for his country, the prince was on a mission from the British government to promote all things British – from sports to the economy. Of the trip, his private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, remarked: “The itinerary of the three-day official tour will reflect the vibrancy and diversity of Brazil, and its growing, strong relationship with the United Kingdom, especially in a year when we will hand over the Olympic baton to Rio de Janeiro.”

Upon arrival, Prince Harry stole some much needed rest after his overnight journey from Jamaica and took in a scenic helicopter ride; then it was time to samba! Did a dance school in England endorse Harry’s tour? Harry stepped out on the iconic Sugarloaf Mountain to launch the GREAT campaign; a Government initiative focused on reaching full economic potential of the 2012 Olympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Showcasing the best of Brtain, the red carpet affair had all the makings of a top Harry evening – dancing, music, food, drinks and  models. Harry’s really had a rough time of it hasn’t he? 😉



After a night of Britain in Brazil Harry continued his athletic journey, hitting the Copacabana for a beach volleyball match. Prior to hitting the sand, Harry took tips from Olympian Adriana Behar and shared that he’s already bought tickets to take in the matches during the London Olympics this summer. Even though he was up against some of Brazil’s top players, Harry held his own and of course, looked stylish while doing so.



Because he didn’t get enough of a work out running around the beach in 88 degree heat, Harry participated in The Sport Relief Mile, which he completed in 8 minutes and 32 seconds, further cementing his new title as the world’s fastest prince. Move over, Usain Bolt! Adding the classic Harry comedic touch to the run, he sported a cardboard mask of his brother Prince William. You’re not fooling anyone Harry! From there, his love for children was on display once again as he taught local children to play rugby on the beach. I hope he had time for a nap after this day..





You can watch video from The Sport Relief Mile on The Royal Channel.

Finally, Prince Harry returned to his roots and played in a charity polo match for his organization, Sentebale. Harry arrived in true prince charming fashion – taking the reigns of a horse-drawn carriage. After his team’s victory over Argentina, Brazilian swimwear model Fernanda Motta presented Harry and his teammates with the trophy. Let’s just say Harry was truly in his element, sealing the final tour activity with a kiss. Some models have all the luck..


Getty Images








I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, more men should take up polo.

After the match, Harry reflected on his tour, describing it as emotional, exhausting and most of all, an amazing trip. Sky News’ Paul Harrison, @SkyNewsRoyal, delivers a wonderful final correspondence – includes interview with Prince Harry.

Well Harry, it’s been real. Check back tomorrow for my thoughts on the tour. I need some time to reflect!

Jamaican Me Crazy!

Today, Prince Harry wrapped up his first official overseas tour in Brazil..and I am days behind. Although he left Jamaica on Friday, I am still catching up!

The third stop in Harry’s Caribbean tour was the most anticipated and important of them all as Jamaica has been talking of leaving Queen Elizabeth’s reign – I think it is safe to say Her Majesty knew exactly what she was doing when she sent Harry there on her behalf. From the moment he touched down to the moment he left, Prince Harry charmed the dancing shoes off the Jamaican people.

Looking dashing in a navy blue suit, Prince Harry arrived in Jamaica to a salute from the armed forces. You can watch his arrival on The Royal Channel on YouTube.

Hello! Magazine

In what observers are calling one of the greatest royal moments in a long time, Prince Harry took to the track at the University of the West Indies to race the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt. This meeting has been talked about for months, and although Usain Bolt claimed he would not let Harry win, the comical prince left Bolt in the dust as he false started his way to victory. The BBC has full video of this hilarious encounter, an absolute must see.

Major credit has to be given to Chris Jackson for his outstanding photography skills, capturing the mood of the day perfectly with one incredible shot.

Chris Jackson, Getty





I will pay big money to anyone who can get me that shirt. Must. Have.

The fastest prince alive then changed into that perfect linen suit and visited Bustamante Hospital For Children where he continued to spark conversation about his striking similarities to his late mother. Harry once again proved to be a natural with children, lifting their spirits and clearly enjoying every moment of it. Diana was scheduled to visit the hospital in 1997 before her untimely passing.



The true test of Harry’s charm came later that day in a highly anticipated meeting with Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller. All eyes were on the blossoming prince as he came face to face with the woman who has made her feelings of The British Monarchy all too clear. From a photo call on the steps of the national monument Devon Hall to the state dinner at King’s House, Prince Harry blew the Prime Minister away with his dashing personality and she quickly embraced him. Something tells me Grandma was beaming from ear to ear after these photos surfaced..






At the evening’s dinner, Prince Harry made a speech where he let his love for the country be known, commenting: “I haven’t been here for long, but – wow – if I had, I’m not sure my Grandmother would get me back.” Cheeky Harry embraced his inner comedian, opening the speech with the infamous line: everything liddle ting gonna be aright! To read the prince’s full speech, visit The Prince of Wales’ official web site. You can watch it here.

Harry broke out his blue suede dancing shoes on a visit to Rise Life in an impoverished area of Kingston; the center helps local children reach their full potential through the aid of music. There, Harry met Rita Marley, wife of the late, great Bob Marley. Rita honored the prince with a touching gift – a scarf the ‘One Love’ singer had worn during his touring years. No meeting with a Marley can be complete without good old fashioned reggae dancing, and please, if you know what’s good for you, you will watch this video.


Harry visited Up Park Camp to partake in exercises with the Jamaica Defense Force, even meeting up with Sandhurst cadet Lieutenant Kayon Mills. Although scaling down his agenda due to breaking news of tragic British deaths in Afghanistan, the respectful prince still took to the firing range, scoring an almost perfect 39 out of 40. Lighting up an intense and somber mood, Harry joked with the crowd – “does anyone with a camera want to stand at the other end?”


Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Daily Mail

No Jamaican trip would be complete without a visit to Sandals resort, where Harry wrapped up his adventure at the Montego Bay vacation spot. At the private dinner, Harry was gifted two bottles of rum – one for him, one for his brother.


Get in line, Miss Bahamas..

After an exciting couple of days of rum tasting and booty shaking in Belize, his royal hotness, I mean, Prince Harry, was off to The Bahamas!

Before Prince Harry even touched down in the tropical paradise, Miss Bahamas Anastagia Pierre, had her flashiest outfits picked out and ready to go, declaring she was just there for one reason and one reason only – to meet and marry Harry. I think I speak for all dedicated Harry watchers when I say – take a number lady. Okay, maybe I should give her a chance, I’m being a little harsh – you never know, it could be true love. Wait, you say the reason she wants to marry Harry is that he is hot and single? Something tells me “hot and single” does not a marriage make. And no, I am not joking – Pierre’s exact words: “He’s hot! He is single now so I would marry him, yes!” How did this girl win the question and answer portion of her beauty pageant?

One thing this 23-year-old beauty queen does have on me? She had the opportunity to meet prince charming during his visit..oh yea, and I guess she’s pretty..

Press Association

Other than meeting scantily clad beauty queens, what was on Harry’s agenda for his royal Bahamian tour? The Apache helicopter pilot donned his No. 1 Tropical Dress of The Blues and Royals for Sunday service at Christ Church Cathedral as well as the official Diamond Jubilee medal – the first time it has been worn in public.  During the service, Anglican Bishop of the Bahamas Laish Boyd praised Queen Elizabeth II, much to the delight of her grandson.

As Harry left the service, he greeted well wishers and met with government officials. In a speech given later that day, the young royal remarked: “I am greatly looking forward to the next 24 hours and the chance to explore and meet more of the people of these stunning islands. I hope, for me, that this is the first of many visits. I’ll certainly be showing off about it to my brother and sister-in-law when I return home.” Harry, we are waiting anxiously for your return..goodness knows I won’t miss out that time!

Who doesn’t love a man in uniform?


USA Today/Chris Jackson Getty

Reuters/John Stillwell




Then, Harry changed out of his uniform and into a crisp suit to open the Diamond Jubilee exhibition in Nassau. At the event, Harry was presented a drawing of himself. Who drew that and how do I commission them?

Camera Press/Mark Stewart




Getty Images

Later, we saw Harry interact with local children on a visit to Harbour Island. As usual, the prince was met to a throng of cheering fans, all of whom were over the moon to see him. Harry hit a little speed bump on his way to the small Bahamian island – his boat had mechanical issues and he had to seize the media’s boat. Interestingly enough, India Hicks, a bridesmaid to his mother Princess Diana, was along for the ride. Thank you to @MaxFosterCNN for clarifying who the leggy blonde in the boat was – we thought we had another Miss Bahamas on our hands. By the way, loving the polo shirt on Harry. Gentlemen take note – polo is the sport to play. Just saying..


Getty Images

James Whatling/Splash News

Getty Images

Getty Images

Getty Images


Want to see Harry skip boats mid-ocean? There’s Reuters for that..

We arrive at Harry’s final day in the Bahamas, or as I like to call favorite day. Harry attended a youth rally at a local stadium to praise the young children of the Bahamas for their accomplishments. Thousands of children packed into Thomas A Robinson stadium in Nassau, including student Anna Albury, a blind Bahamian student being honored for overcoming disability. In a brief speech to the adoring crowds, Prince Harry said: “I know Her Majesty would wish me to extend her personal encouragement to you all in your endeavours, whether they be in education, civic and community activities or in the sporting arena.”

Why may you ask was this my favorite day? Three words: tan linen suit.

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Sources: BBC, Daily Mail, E! Online, Chris Jackson, Mark Stewart, Max Foster, @RoyalBeans, Reuters, PopSugar, AP

But Why is the Rum Gone? You Better Belize Harry was in Town..

I’m back! Apologies again for being so behind on the tour and please excuse me if I miss anything in this post..playing catch up on three days of live tweets and news articles is a daunting task! I am doing my best to back track on everything from  Prince Harry’s visit to Belize. Let’s get to it! I would first like to thank a few people, without whom I would never have been able to get up to speed so quickly.. @MaxFosterCNN @SkyNewsRoyal @RegalEyes @HWalesWatch @BBCPeterHunt @ChrisJack_Getty – thank you for your continual twitter updates!

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Prince Harry touched down at Philip Goldson International Airport on Friday, March 2 for the first stop on his Diamond Jubilee tour. This marks Harry’s first visit to Belize, a Commonwealth realm. Touching down around 4:30 pm, the third in line to the throne arrived via a private jet from Miami and was greeted by Belize Defense Force and government officials.

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

Socialite Life/Chris Jackson Getty

The 27-year-old prince then traveled to the capital of Belmopan, where locals were excited to see him live up to his reputation as ‘the party prince.’ Harry came to name a street in honor of his grandmother, who he was traveling on behalf of. Addressing the crowds, the prince remarked, “Obviously, I bring to you the warmest greetings from the Queen of Belize, whose time in Jubilee we’re celebrating here tonight. Her majesty has asked me to send her good wishes to you all.” Prince Harry later joked that the people of Belize were stuck with him, as Her Majesty sent him on her behalf. Something tells me the women of Belize were nothing but happy with the arrangement..

Never one to shy away from a good time, the handsome prince showed off his dance moves, getting down with the locals and embracing the Belmopan culture. No trip to Belize would be complete without a rum tasting..hey, it would be rude not the sample the local fare..right? Dunlea/Barcroft/Landov

















Hopefully Harry didn’t drink too much rum at the party, as the next morning he was off to Xunantunich for a day in the sun. First up, Prince Harry toured the OAS (Organisation of American States) Art School. 

The Toronto Star/Getty

On his tour of the Mayan city, Prince Harry strolled through the ruins and took part in the dedication of the Jubilee canoe. Paul Harrison, @SkyNewsRoyal, commented on the canoe launching – as Harry ceremoniously poured beer on the vessel, he remarked that it was a waste of a good brew. Harry, you couldn’t be more right!


Next stop – the Xunantunich Mayan Temple. Harry got in touch with ancient culture at the temple grounds, taking in the country’s beauty and rich history. I’ll let the man bag he’s sporting slide as I hear it was a gift from a local. Wonder if Harry buys into the Mayan philosophy that the world will end this year? If it does, at least he’s going out on top..literally. Prince Harry climbed up the temple for a spectacular view or as the media are calling it – his ‘Lion King moment.’ As a Disney fanatic myself, I love every comparison between the royals and Disney..a premonition for when my own fairy tale of marrying a prince comes true? I’ll be the Nala to his Simba. As Harry gazed over his kingdom from atop the ruins, I can only imaging he was daydreaming of me, wondering where I was in the world at that very moment. I kid, I kid. But no, really..

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

See you in The Bahamas..


Sources: Getty Images, BBC, Daily Mail, PopSugar,, Max Foster, Paul Harrison, Peter Hunt, Socialite Life

Sorry to Say..

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend before the royal storm of events ahead at the end of this week – especially all of you royal correspondents we adore so much..something tells me you won’t be sleeping for a while! Speaking of, this post is to give a heads up and my apologies that I will not be live tweeting, blogging and following along with the first few days of Harry’s tour and Catherine’s tea time with the women of the family. As of today, I am out of commission until Sunday, possibly even Monday. I will do my best to check in randomly throughout the week because let’s face it, when Prince Harry is involved it is difficult for me to be completely in the dark. I can’t wait to catch up with everyone’s tweets, photos and blog posts upon my return to the royal watching world! In the meantime, if you can find a way for me to make a living off tweeting and blogging about Prince Harry all day long.. I’m all ears. Enjoy the whirlwind, and please feel free to tweet me photos and videos that you come across – it will make my day!

In case you have somehow forgotten what’s going on this week (i don’t know how you could, I’ve been counting down for months), Prince Harry will embark on his first official overseas tour on behlalf of his grandmother for the Diamond Jubilee. Catherine will continue her introduction to my favorite family, having tea with Queen Elizabeth II and The Duchess of Cornwall this Thursday, March 1 at  Fortnum and Mason’s in Piccadilly.

I will leave you with one of my favorite photos of Prince Harry. Yes, I know it’s a completely random photo..don’t know why it’s so high on my list, just is. Maybe it is the color of the suit? Suits him well..

Big News on My Favorite Royal..

Okay, I know I’m not supposed to have a favorite, but I think the title of the blog says it all! Last night, Clarence House announced that Prince Harry has completed his 18-month Apache helicopter training, making him a fully operational Apache pilot. At a dinner marking the completion of his course, the handsome young prince was awarded a top honor – Best Co-Pilot Gunner. Congratulations Prince Harry! According to the official release from the palace, Harry has reached what is called “Limited Combat Ready status” and will be assigned to 662 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps within 16 Air Assault Brigade. If anyone knows exactly what those titles mean of the top of their heads – I salute you.

As you may recall, the royal family’s “Top Gun” spent two months in the United States at the end of 2011 to train for this honorable goal he has just reached. To see a newly released video of Captain Wales during his stint abroad, check out this posting from The Telegraph: Prince Harry in Afghanistan: MOD release footage of Harry in Apache training.

Royal watchers could sense the end to training was near when it was discovered last week that Harry underwent intense hostage training to prepare for a less than friendly encounter with the Taliban.

Which brings us to the next step – now that the daring prince has completed his training course, where does he go from here? It is no surprise that his next move will be to kick some serious Taliban ass in Afghanistan. Pardon my language, but I like to imagine Harry doing just that as opposed to any alternative. It has been no secret that a deployment would most likely happen by the end of 2012, and Harry himself has made it clear all along that he wished to return to the front lines. This has been a much buzzed about topic since Harry’s early return in 2008; more recently signs have been mounting that the return would happen in 2012. From his training course in the United States to his early overseas Diamond Jubilee tour assignment, observers have simply been waiting for the official announcement.

When will Prince Harry depart for battle? The exact answer is still up in the air; speculation surrounds the end of this summer. It would be difficult for Harry to leave an earlier amidst the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics. The Ministry of Defense is stressing the point that all deployment decisions will be made up until the last minute, leaving the Prime Minister with the final call. As reported by Paul Harrison via Twitter ( @SkyNewsRoyal ), it will be a matter of chain of command. Also up for debate – will there be a media blackout similar to that of his first deployment? This morning, the Telegraph is calling this announcement a major departure from the media protocol followed in 2008. As always, opinions are swirling in the social media space as to whether a media blackout as intense as the first is necessary, why Clarence House would make such an announcement regarding his military status and what precautions will be taken to ensure his safety. We will find out soon enough how it all plays out..

What’s my take on all of this? Yes, it is sad and worrisome to think of Prince Harry in Afghanistan, where every moment is unknown and danger lurks around every corner. However, he would not be the guy that everyone admires and respects if he did not go; his dedication to his country, the armed forces and the men he trains and fights beside is a large part of who he is – the people’s prince that we all love. In talking with my dad following the announcement, he said to me “I’ve gotta hand it to the British Royal Family, they really do their part with the troops.” He is completely right. It may be unsettling, but it’s just one of the many admirable qualities about Captain Harry Wales.

For all official information, please visit the web site of the Prince of Wales – Prince Harry Completes Apache Training and is Awarded Best Co-Pilot Gunner Award.