Prince Harry of Harlem

After what had to be the best morning of his life at the Jersey Shore, Prince Harry hit Manhattan for a series of events with politicians, children and pageant queens.

Up first – a double decker bus ride with Prime Minister David the middle of New York City. The two Brits pulled up to Milk Studios in Chelsea on London Routemaster bus as part of a UK business campaign, ‘GREAT.’

Rebecca English, @RE_DailyMail

Rebecca English, @RE_DailyMail

Once inside, the prince and the prime minister took part in a demonstration of 3-D printing technology and receive “look-a-like” dolls. Using the term “look-a-like” loosely here.

Rebecca English, @RE_DailyMail

Rebecca English, @RE_DailyMail

H Doll

Rebecca English, @RE_DailyMail

His Royal Highness then shed the suit and tie (dare I say he rocks one better than Justin Timberlake), and headed to Harlem to play ball with Harlem RBI, an inner-city youth program that is working with The Royal Foundation.

Prince Harry took pitches from New York Yankee first baseman Mark Teixeira – even hitting a homerun, participating in drills with kids and overall serving as an uplifting beacon of baseball in East Harlem. I’m just thankful he hung out with a Yankee this time as opposed to the Mets! Harlem RBI’s Executive Director, Rich Berlin, even dubbed the slugging royal “Prince Harry of Harlem.”

To top it all off, The Royal Foundation announced its support of Harlem RBI, alongside Project Coach, helping the program expand to The Bronx – home of the Yankees. Teixeira takes part in Project Coach, whose goal is to enhance the quality of the program’s coaching and training while also increasing the number of participants.

As always, the young royal was cracking jokes – aimed at the press.

afafWho knew Harry was so good at baseball?

aggfagTonight, His Royal Highness is at a reception for The Royal Foundation with  “friends of the foundation.” How do I become a friend? Do I send them friendship bracelets or something?

You know who is a friend? Miss USA Nana Meriwether.

sagasgasgaGet in line, Nana. Side note: if marriages were based on height, I have slim pickins. #shorty

See you in Connecticut tomorrow!

America For The Win!

It’s the first day post-Olympics and if you’re anything like me, you’re feeling pretty sad today – as if something is missing from your life. No, I’m not just talking about Ryan Lochte in a swimsuit taking over your TV.

Sometimes the best cure for a hangover is to get up and keep on drinking. So, to cure your London 2012 blues, here are my top ten favorite moments from the past two weeks.


I could spend an entire post on the accomplishments of Team USA during the Olympics, 104 of them to be exact, but since most of my readers are Team GB I will refrain. Team USA took over London, heading for Heathrow this morning with more medals than any other nation. From Gabby Douglas and the Fab Five to David Boudia and Serena Williams, the Americans leaped, dove, served, swam and ran their way into the history books. At the end of it all, 255 American athletes stood on the podium, claiming 26 gold medals. AMERICA FOR THE WIN!

#2 – USA Swimming & Michael Phelps

I can exclusively report the following breaking news: Michael Phelps was raised by mermaids. 


Okay, clearly that’s not actually true, but he seriously came from some special gene pool. During his final Olympics (cue the crying), Michael Phelps claimed his 22nd medal and title of most decorated Olympian in history. USA Swimming as a whole kicked serious fin; from my favorite Olympian Ryan Lochte to the adorable Missy Franklin (who apparently I need to fight for Prince Harry), both the men and women had an almost constant presence on the podium in the aquatic center. Must be something in the water over here…


#3 – The Duke & Duchess of PDA

Just when you thought Will and Kate could not get any cuter, this happened:

Getty Images

For all of those who say the royals never show affection/emotion I say.. welcome to Club Cambridge. The first week of the Olympics saw the world’s most popular couple showing constant displays of affection and excitement before Kate and her perfect hair took over with almost daily appearances when Will returned to work. The Duchess of Cambridge takes gold for best facial expressions of the Olympics.


#4 – Prince Harry

SO much Prince Harry throughout the Olympics, I can’t even deal. Everywhere he went – and he went A LOT of places – Prince Hottie lived up to his nickname. He laughed, he cried, he made us all swoon. Thank you International Olympic Committee for gifting London with the 2012 Games and allowing us to have fourteen days of hotness. I’m pretty sure I hit a decibel I didn’t know existed when he made his way into the Closing Ceremony, looking like some sort of blue suited god.


Bauer Griffin

#5 – People of the World, SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!

Viva Forever! I feel badly for anyone who didn’t have the pleasure of growing up with the Spice Girls in their lives. Thank you Baby, Ginger, Posh, Scary and Sporty for reuniting- we missed you. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to break out my Spice World VHS.


#6 – Usain Bolt, Raised by Cheetahs

How could you not love Usain Bolt? Crazy stat: Three gold medals in under 40 seconds. If I’m ever caught in a burning build/getting mugged/running from a bear, I want this guy by my side. Partly for comic relief, mostly for the running thing.


#7 – Queen by Day, Bond Girl by Night

Gotta hand it to Queen Elizabeth II for making her acting debut alongside James Bond. Don’t ever accuse her of being old and stuffy again.

#8 – Andy Murray

In what may be the quickest redemption the tennis world has ever seen, Andy Murray overtook Roger Federer to win gold on centre court at Wimbledon just one month after the Swiss tennis star claimed the Grand Slam title. It was one of those classic moments that only the Olympics can bring.

London 2012

#9 – Boris Johnson

I went back and forth about adding London’s colorful mayor to my list of top moments, but after NBC captured the perfect shot of him spicing up his life during the Closing Ceremony, he made the final cut. Even before the Games officially got underway, Johnson had us laughing with his tour of the Olympic Village. Then, he went and got himself stuck on a zipline. Thanks for the laughs, Boris.

NBC News

#10 – London

It is no secret that a big reason I was overly excited for this Olympics was the host city. As predicted, London did not disappoint. The images from around Great Britain that flooded my television, Twitter timeline and newspapers were breathtaking. The British certainly know how to throw a celebration and this was one the world will be talking about for a while. I was pretty let down when I turned on the news this morning to once again be flooded by shots of the New Jersey Turnpike and Hudson River. Give me back the Thames and Big Ben!

As David Cameron put it – Britain delivered.


Congratulations on a successful Olympics, London!