Duchess Catherine Shines at National Portrait Gallery

Tonight marked The Duchess of Cambridge’s first solo public engagement in her role as a royal. Catherine attended the National Portrait Gallery preview of  Lucian Freud Portraits at the gallery, one of her newly chosen patronages. The new exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery highlights more than 100 works of art from Lucian Freud, who passed away last year. Need a refresher on Catherine’s cause? Learn more about the gallery and how you can help support Catherine’s cause here.

Let’s be honest, most people stare at their Twitter feeds rolling in for the answer to one simple question: What was she wearing? Nearly a year into her royal marriage, we are used to seeing gorgeous frocks from a handful of designers – Alexander McQueen, Jenny Packham and Alice Temperley – but this evening, the always elegant royal surprised us all by stepping out in Jesire number. After much questioning in the twitterverse as to wear Kopy Kates could find the fabulous frock,  Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) shared word from the palace that the label had gone into liquidation. Although it may not be easy to replicate, this has quickly taken a spot as one of my favorite looks from the stylish duchess thus far. Simple, understated and elegant, Catherine paired the gray, belted, cold-weather coat dress with sky high pumps and sparkling jewels. I love that she stepped out of the box for her this milestone appearance; the above-the-knee full skirt was complemented by an over-sized collar. One thing is for sure – royal watchers have yet to see the newly minted royal in heels this high! I spy a platform! High shoes for a highly important woman of the world 🙂

Now, let’s get to those photos!

Meeting Freud's daughter

*Photo Credit: AFP, Getty Images

For additional fabulous photos, please visit The Huffington Post – Kate Middleton Visit To Lucien Freud Exhibit Marks Duchess’ First Solo Appearance

What did you think of Catherine’s look? Leave comments!

Week in Review: Jan. 30 – Feb. 4, 2012

I think I spoke too soon when I said there was a lull in royal news as there was no shortage of stories this past week! With the very special occasion happening on Monday, wanted to recap the week’s happenings. I, for one, was thrilled with the endless stories on Prince Harry in the last few days..so let’s get to it!

The Diamond Jubilee

This Monday, February 6, marks the date that Princess Elizabeth officially became Queen Elizabeth. As you can imagine, there are endless articles, photo galleries and videos being released leading up to the big day; will post more on that later, but for now here are some headlines surrounding the celebrations..

  • Church of England: Prayers and Liturgical Resources – the official prayer to be used in the Church of England during the Diamond Jubilee year was released.
  • The Daily Express: The Queen’s 60 Glorious Years in Pictures to be Celebrated in Public Display – photos of The Queen’s 60 years on the throne are now on display at Windsor Castle. Entrance to the exhibit entitled: The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years, is included in the price of general admission to Windsor Castle.
  • The Telegraph: The Queen plants Diamond Jubilee tree in Sandringham – earlier this week, Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne planted an oak tree at Sandringham Estate, which will be at the center of the new 20-acre Jubilee Wood, honoring the milestone.
  • ABC News: Spice Girls Reuniting for Queen Elizabeth II Celebration?one of my favorite stories surrounding the Diamond Jubilee this week; there is talks of the Spice Girls reuniting for the June 4 celebrations. What better time to reunite the leaders of the “Girl Power” movement than for Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee? That has girl power written all over it..

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

After a quiet holiday in the Caribbean with Catherine’s family, the dynamic duo took the media by storm this week with announcements and their general fabulousness. We are happy to have them back!

Prince Harry

My favorite royal was out and about this week; from news on his Diamond Jubilee tour itinerary and his participation in the Walking with the Wound organization. 

Additional Dates: Prince Harry supported Walking with the Wounded on Feb. 3 as they launched their Everest expedition. On Feb. 10 & 11, Harry will be at the Newbury Racecourse.

Week in Review: Jan. 8 – 14, 2012

Hello Royal Watchers! Apologies for the lack of updates this week, I was quite sick for a few days – blogging is a little difficult when you can’t stay awake! Now that I am on the mend and caught up on all of my regal news, thought it would be a good idea to compile all of the week’s headlines in one post.  This is a simple post to get back in the swing of things and share the week’s news. I was hoping to do more in-depth posts on major stories, however that was just not possible this week. I promise to be back with clever posts soon and continue to work on taking this site to the next level.

There was not shortage of headlines this week; from controversy to accolades, royal news was all over the map:

The Duchess of Cambridge

As always, Catherine was a daily fixture in the news this week- from a milestone birthday to show-stopping fashion moments, she has held our attention..

* More on Catherine’s Birthday: Happy 30th Birthday to The Duchess of Cambridge, A Birthday Present to Kate

The War Horse Premiere

* More on The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the ‘War Horse’ Premiere: William & Catherine Attend ‘War Horse’ Premiere, Jan. 8th 

Royal Gifts – 2011

Diamond Jubilee

  • London Evening Standard: Fit for a Queen: first sight of barge to lead Diamond Jubilee river pageant – An 88 foot rowbarge will be gifted to The Queen after it leads the family in the June 3rd Queen’s Diamond Jubilee pageant down the Thames River. The gift will become the first state barge in the monarch’s possession in nearly a century
  • Travel with Val: Upper East Side British Candy Store Looks Forward to a Jubilee Year – This is not a story that has made major royal headlines, in fact, unless you are from the New York City area you may not have heard of it. It is not a necessarily a news making story, but for us Americans it is something to look forward to in 2012. For those of us who can’t make the hop across the pond, this NYC British candy store – The London Candy Company – will be all decked out and serving the most extensive selection of British candies this side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Miscellaneous Royal Happenings

A Birthday Present to Kate..

What do you get the princess who has everything? In honor of Catherine’s 30th birthday, I pose a challenge to all of you royal watchers – make a donation to The Duchess’ chosen patronages. In the week leading up to her milestone birthday, Catherine announced the charities she would support as Royal Patron, including volunteer position. If you are looking to celebrate the big day along with HRH, make a donation and help support the causes close to her heart.

Every donation, small or large, can make a difference. If you are from the area, hands on help can take your dedication to the cause one step further. Happy Birthday to The Duchess of Cambridge – let’s help her kick off her 30th year right!

Are you going to donate? How are you celebrating Kate’s big day? Leave comments!

William & Catherine Attend ‘War Horse’ Premiere, Jan. 8

Catherine, along with her husband William, spent the last night of her 20s walking the red carpet and taking in a film. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the London premiere of ‘War Horse’ on behalf of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry tonight. As the event benefited the Princes’ organization, 600 active and former soldiers, along their families, were invited to partake in the event, held in London’s Leicester Square. Some of the special attendees even serve alongside William, a RAF search and rescue pilot.

The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry is working with the charity Mind Trust to help veterans readjust to civilian life. Mind Trust works to help veterans who are struggling with poor mental health, addiction and breakdown due to hardships experience during time of war, as well as helping them deal with new financial pressures.

War Horse, directed by the award winning Steven Spielberg, is the tale of friendship between a man and a horse during the First World War. The film, set in rural England and Europe, premiered in the United States two weeks ago to stunning reviews and a slew of award nominations. ‘War Horse’ begins as Albert, a young horse trainer, is separated from the beloved horse Joey as Joey is sent off to war. The story follows Albert’s journey without Joey by his side, as Joey travels through World War I, touching the lives of all he comes across.

Everyone’s favorite part of a star-studded Hollywood event is the red carpet, and with the world’s favorite royal couple in attendance, the excitement only grew. Heads turned, jaws dropped and cameras flashed as the young couple stepped onto the carpet. In the days leading up to this evening, guesses, and even bets, rolled in as to what the fashionable Duchess of Cambridge would wear to the black-tie affair. Never to disappoint the press and her “Mini-Middletons,” Kate donned a stunning Alice Temperley creation. The cream dress with black lace overlay was a classic choice for The Duchess, while her husband complemented her look in a black tuxedo. The couple’s signature accessory for the premiere? A clear umbrella; rain struck the red carpet moments before their arrival. Joey the horse was also in attendance – no royals were pooped on in the making of this premiere.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images.

(Sources: Getty Images, BBC, Sky News)

Spotlight On: National Portrait Gallery

What is the National Portrait Gallery?

The National Portrait Gallery promotes the understanding and appreciation of not only portraits, but those artists who have contributed to British history and culture through way of art. According to the web site, the aim of the organization is “to bring history to life through its extensive display, exhibition, research, learning, outreach, publishing and digital programmes.” This national museum looks to be at the foreground of portraiture research and bringing understanding to its visitors and the media.

The Gallery was established in 1856 and currently has the world’s most extensive collection of portraits. The Collection is in London with several other other locations throughout the United Kingdom.

Why is the National Portrait Gallery of Interest to Catherine?

It is no secret that Catherine has a deep rooted understanding of the arts and as she studied history of art at St. Andrews in Scotland. The National Portrait Gallery aims to promote the history of art and how portraiture has greatly impacted British culture and history. Catherine will make the perfect Royal Patron for an organization such as this since not only does she have an understanding for the cause, but it is ingrained into who she is; Catherine will be able to speak from the heart on behalf of the gallery.

How Can I Support the National Portrait Gallery?

The National Portrait Gallery depends on the support of not only its Members and benefactors, but individual visitors, trust and other foundations. The gallery funds 60% of the operational funds and asks for donations to keep this piece of history open and available to all who wish to visit.

As an individual supporter, you can become a Member, Associate or Patron of the gallery to provide continual support of its legacy, all the while enjoying exclusive benefits. The National Portrait Gallery also accepts gifts of all sizes from its visitors as well as help with conservation. Corporations, foundations and trusts can also pledge their help. To find out more, please visit the support page on the web site.

If you are on Twitter, please follow the National Portrait Gallery: @NPGLondon.

Spotlight On: Action on Addiction

What is Action on Addiction?

Action on Addiction is the only registered charity in the UK working in all fields of addiction to both prevent addiction and support current and recovering addicts. According to its website, the organization “the addiction field in research, prevention, treatment, professional education and family support.” The ultimate vision of Action on Addiction? To free people from addiction.

Why is Action on Addiction of Interest to Catherine?

Addiction can destroy the lives of not only addicts, but family and friends who love them; simply put, Action on Addiction takes strong actions to prevent and resolve the damaging impact of all who suffer. Catherine is a firm believer in a better life for all so naturally, she would be drawn to an organization that takes a stand against the biggest preventable killer in the country. Through her upcoming work with the charity, Catherine will have a platform to help renew and save lives throughout England.

How Can I Help?

You can help support the charity through donations, whether it be though a straight donation or buying a product in the online bookstore. Action on Addiction also hosts various events, including he Great North Run, The Great South Run, The Royal Parks Half Marathon and The Virgin London Marathon.

To see Action on Addiction’s official announcement on Catherine’s involvement, please visit http://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk/HRH.aspx.

If you are on Twitter, please follow Action on Addiction: @ActionAddiction

Spotlight On: East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices

What is East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices?

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices supports children who are battling life-threatening conditions, as well as their families, throughout  Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. EACH will provide whatever the families may need, either at home or in one of their three facilities. Family members can take advantage of the organization’s familial support groups and bereavement support; youth facing these conditions can partake in music therapy and specialized care.

Why is East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices of Interest to Catherine?

From the beginning, Catherine has set out to make a difference in the lives of people of all ages. Most specifically, The Duchess of Cambridge has a strong interest in the youth population – no matter what their struggles, she wants to contribute to their well-being. EACH gives Catherine the platform to not only bring a smile to the faces of struggling youth, but to their parents, sibling and extended family, bridging her desire to help the people as a whole.

How Can I Help?

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices is a charity that runs on donations from the public. EACH is thrilled to have The Duchess of Cambridge as its Royal Patron as her involvement can only fuel the public’s knowledge of the cause and desire to contribute. This year, the organization will need to raise £4.8 million in public donations to fully operate. Donations can be made in all shapes in sizes through various internal programs; each hospice center has a fundraising committee for the local community to be involved in, donations can be made in memory of a loved one, there are drives within the schools and over the holidays and so much more. Please visit http://www.each.org.uk/how-to-help to chose the donation method that is right for you.

If you are Twitter, please follow the charitable organiztion at @EACH_hospices.

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices’ official announcement regarding its newest Royal Patron can be found here.

Spotlight On: The Art Room

Over the next five days I will post on each of The Duchess of Cambridge’s chosen patronages; providing background on the organization and highlighting Catherine’s interests in regards to the cause. Today, let’s take a closer look at The Art Room.

What is The Art Room?

As described on its website, The Art Room is ” a charity based in Oxford aimed at 5 – 16 year olds who are experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.” Currently, there are five Art Rooms in both London and Oxford which provide art therapy to the cities’ youth. The purpose of art therapy is to increase children’s overall self-awareness, strengthening their self-esteem, confidence and general independence.

Who does The Art Room benefit?

As state above, The Art Room targets children ages 5 – 16 who need the opportunity to learn and expand upon their skills outside of the classroom. These children experience learning hardships in school, whether it be due to a learning disability, emotional difficulties or perhaps they have just arrived in England and need assistance adapting. The Art Room descibres the students as having an “interrupted education;” they may be disruptive in the classroom, withdrawn from lessons and activities and even bullied by their classmates. Students are admitted into the program by way of recommendation from a teacher, the school system, psychologists or social workers and even by their parents and guardians.

Why is The Art Room of Interest to Catherine?

The Duchess of Cambridge has always had a deep-routed passion for the arts. Catherine graduated from St. Andrews University with a degree in History of Art. After graduation, Catherine continued to stay involved with the arts, from painting to photography. While visiting Los Angeles in July, 2011, Catherine, along with her husband Prince William, visited Skid Row – an impoverished community in the city – and painted with the children. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Inner-City Arts, a non-profit which provides free art education to the youth of Skid Row. The visit further fueld specualtion that Catherine would soon undertake an arts program as a chosen patronage. The Art Room is the perfect combination of both her love for art and desire to make a difference in the lives of young people.

How Can I Support The Art Room?

The Art Room is always looking for financial donations to enable the continuation of the program. If you would like to donate to The Duchess of Cambridge’s chosen patronage, please visit http://www.theartroom.org.uk/8-02-donate.html. You can also learn about fundraising events here: http://www.theartroom.org.uk/8-04-fundraising.html.

If you are on Twitter, please follow the organization @TheArtRoomUK.

To see The Art Room’s official announcement of the patronage announcement, please visit: http://www.theartroom.org.uk/7-20120105-patron-announcement.html.

The Duchess of Cambridge Chooses Her Patronages

Tonight, Clarence House broke news that all royal watchers have been waiting for since Catherine Middleton became The Duchess of Cambridge in April – Catherine has chosen the UK charities she will be patron of, all of which reflect her personal passions and interests. Catherine’s four honorary positions are with the Art Room Action on Addiction, the National Portrait Gallery and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices; she will also volunteer with the Scout Association.

BBC News is reporting that “St James’s Palace said the choices reflected her interests in the arts, promotion of outdoor activity and supporting people in need of all ages.”

In late 2011, Catherine was named an official Patron of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry; this announcement marks the first external organizations she will work with, however they also reflect the charities The Duke of Cambridge has previously supported.

In the next five days – which, coincidentally is the number of days leading up to Catherine’s 30th birthday, I will post on the individual patronages. For now, please feel free to visit their web sites and follow them on Twitter.

The Art Room: @TheArtRoomUKhttp://www.theartroom.org.uk/

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices: @EACH_hospiceshttp://www.each.org.uk/

The National Portrait Gallery@NPGLondonhttp://www.npg.org.uk/

Action on Addiction: http://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk/home.aspx

The Scout Association: @UKScoutinghttp://www.scouts.org.uk/