Throwback Thursday!

Welcome to the first post of my newest blog installment – Throwback Thursday! After Harry’s return last week and the last minute ambush to get posts up, I got to thinking about the “royal news cycle.” When something major happens the posts go up like girls’ swoon levels when they see H in his fatigues, but no news = no posts. Throwback Thursday is my solution! From now on, I will revisit a favorite royal moments/news stories from B.B. – before blog. Let’s see how long this lasts..

In honor of Captain Wales’ return (yes, I will be celebrating this for a while), I’m throwing it back to where it all began for the soldier prince..


When Harry was eight-years-old, his mother, Princess Diana, brought him along to visit the barracks of the Light Dragoons in Hanover, Germany. From then on Harry dreamed of being in the army and he was destined to have that dream fulfilled. That’s funny, in 1993 I was dreaming of becoming a princess.. yea, I’m looking at you Captain!


Twenty years later Prince Harry has returned from his second tour of duty in Afghanistan and was named top co-pilot gunner in his class. He has also grown into that uniform quite nicely..

Break Out the Tequila & Lock Up Your Daughters..

..That’s right, Prince Harry has made landfall in the UK after decrompressing in Cyprus on the way home from his 20 week tour of duty in Afghanistan. After arriving at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire to snow covered grounds (slight change of weather from his time in the desert, huh..) a freshly tanned Harry gave one more interview about his time in Afghanistan and what’s to come in 2013.

via @ClarenceHouse

Good news for us – Captain Wales says he is looking forward to taking on more “royal stuff” in 2013 – after a 4-5 week leave of course! Not surprisingly, the uncle-to-be can’t wait to visit with his brother and sister-in-law..behind closed doors, no media present! Glad to see the harshness of the front lines hasn’t stolen his priceless sense of humor.

He could make the world’s dumbest comments right now and I would not even care, the excitement levels are at an all time high and I know I speak for a lot of you when I say I am just thrilled to have him home!

Paul Crouch/MoD/Crown Copyright/PA Wire

Is it just me or has Prince Hottie gained a new smoldering face while he was away? Whatever it is, keep it up H!

Have I mentioned how thrilled I am to have him back? Enjoy the time off Harry.. we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year!

Welcome Home Prince Harry!

I’m going to give you all an insider’s tip – when you see that I am away on vacation, keep your eyes glued to Twitter because that is when all of the exciting news will happen. Yes, I was out of town and away from my phone/computer when news broke that Prince Harry has left combat in Afghanistan, just as I was when The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced the pregnancy.

FINALLY, Prince Harry is out of danger and headed home to the UK! I hadn’t realized it until now, but I have definitely been holding my breath for the past five months. Thanks for the wrinkles, Captain Wales.

Since I am so behind on the most exciting news since, well.. December 3rd, you all know by now that one of Captain Hottie’s most revealing interviews to date has been released upon his return. Max Foster’s CNN article serves as a great round-up of all the highlights.

Those royals sure know how to tag team it don’t they? William & Catherine come out with the big news while Harry is out of the spotlight and just as the parents-to-be take a step back.. enter the rowdy royal, stage left.

I’m going to pretend that the brevity of this post is because I’m still so excited that I can barely string a sentence together, let alone type an ode to Harry, but really he just picked an extremely inconvenient time to come home. Can’t he see that I’m traveling and working here? Hopefully by the time he is done decompressing in Cyprus I will have my act together.

Happy Birthday Prince Harry!


Twenty-eight years ago today, Prince Charles and Princess Diana welcomed Prince Henry Charles Albert David into the world at 4:20 p.m. at St Mary’s Hospital in Central London. Weighing in at 6lb 14oz, the red-headed baby prince (better known to all of us as “Harry”) became the cutest thing in Britain and not much has changed since.

Although Prince Hottie has been known to throw down at wild parties over the years, he is spending his 28th birthday in a completely different world – fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Today marks the Apache helicopter pilot’s second full week on his second tour of duty and instead of tequila shots and a bevy of blondes, Captain Wales rang in his birthday with an horrific attack on his base, Camp Bastion. The Taliban has claimed the violent attack, which killed two U.S. Marines, was aimed at the birthday boy.

So for your 28th birthday, Prince Harry, I send wishes of safety and pray that you return to home to the UK in four months completely unharmed. Oh, and shoot down some bad, a lot of them.