Big News on My Favorite Royal..

Okay, I know I’m not supposed to have a favorite, but I think the title of the blog says it all! Last night, Clarence House announced that Prince Harry has completed his 18-month Apache helicopter training, making him a fully operational Apache pilot. At a dinner marking the completion of his course, the handsome young prince was awarded a top honor – Best Co-Pilot Gunner. Congratulations Prince Harry! According to the official release from the palace, Harry has reached what is called “Limited Combat Ready status” and will be assigned to 662 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps within 16 Air Assault Brigade. If anyone knows exactly what those titles mean of the top of their heads – I salute you.

As you may recall, the royal family’s “Top Gun” spent two months in the United States at the end of 2011 to train for this honorable goal he has just reached. To see a newly released video of Captain Wales during his stint abroad, check out this posting from The Telegraph: Prince Harry in Afghanistan: MOD release footage of Harry in Apache training.

Royal watchers could sense the end to training was near when it was discovered last week that Harry underwent intense hostage training to prepare for a less than friendly encounter with the Taliban.

Which brings us to the next step – now that the daring prince has completed his training course, where does he go from here? It is no surprise that his next move will be to kick some serious Taliban ass in Afghanistan. Pardon my language, but I like to imagine Harry doing just that as opposed to any alternative. It has been no secret that a deployment would most likely happen by the end of 2012, and Harry himself has made it clear all along that he wished to return to the front lines. This has been a much buzzed about topic since Harry’s early return in 2008; more recently signs have been mounting that the return would happen in 2012. From his training course in the United States to his early overseas Diamond Jubilee tour assignment, observers have simply been waiting for the official announcement.

When will Prince Harry depart for battle? The exact answer is still up in the air; speculation surrounds the end of this summer. It would be difficult for Harry to leave an earlier amidst the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics. The Ministry of Defense is stressing the point that all deployment decisions will be made up until the last minute, leaving the Prime Minister with the final call. As reported by Paul Harrison via Twitter ( @SkyNewsRoyal ), it will be a matter of chain of command. Also up for debate – will there be a media blackout similar to that of his first deployment? This morning, the Telegraph is calling this announcement a major departure from the media protocol followed in 2008. As always, opinions are swirling in the social media space as to whether a media blackout as intense as the first is necessary, why Clarence House would make such an announcement regarding his military status and what precautions will be taken to ensure his safety. We will find out soon enough how it all plays out..

What’s my take on all of this? Yes, it is sad and worrisome to think of Prince Harry in Afghanistan, where every moment is unknown and danger lurks around every corner. However, he would not be the guy that everyone admires and respects if he did not go; his dedication to his country, the armed forces and the men he trains and fights beside is a large part of who he is – the people’s prince that we all love. In talking with my dad following the announcement, he said to me “I’ve gotta hand it to the British Royal Family, they really do their part with the troops.” He is completely right. It may be unsettling, but it’s just one of the many admirable qualities about Captain Harry Wales.

For all official information, please visit the web site of the Prince of Wales – Prince Harry Completes Apache Training and is Awarded Best Co-Pilot Gunner Award.