Happy Anniversary William and Catherine!

I know everyone is saying this today, but wow..can you believe it has been a year?! It feels like yesterday I was up at 3:00 am, crying my eyes out. Yes, I cried – don’t tell me you didn’t too! And then I went to work with puffy eyes; I may have been a little late that day (don’t worry, i was given the ok to watch the kiss before heading in).

Today, William and Catherine, now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, celebrate their first year of marriage..after nearly a decade of dating. I don’t think anyone ever had any doubts that they would coast through their first year, happier than ever. To honor the special day, I am taking a “Will & Kate” approach to this blog post – simple. Word around town is that the young royal couple will be keeping it low key and carefree today – very true to form. I am sure many bloggers/royal watchers will be commemorating the day with lists of favorite moments and such, so I would like to share with you my top William and Catherine moment from their first year of wedded bliss..


The above picture, taken after the dragon boat races Dalvay-by-the-Sea on Prince Edward Island, completely captures the essence of William and Catherine’s relationship – and the reason why we all adore them. During their first royal tour together just a few months into their marriage, the competitive lovebirds showed their skills in a friendly race, followed by this absolutely adorable moment. This photo embodies the playfulness, compassion, adoration and total love these two have for each other. I also think it displays what a seemingly normal couple they are; a trait that royal fans everywhere admire and can relate to. Sure, she wears tiaras, he will one day be a king and they save the save the world in their spare time..but deep down they are just a regular, married couple – right?

Anniversary Gifts…

The customary first wedding anniversary gift is paper, so why not give William and Kate the best kind of paper…MONEY! As most of you know, in lieu of wedding gifts the philanthropic duo asked guests to donate to The Prince William & Miss Catherine Middleton Charitable Gift Fund, which raised approximately $1.7 million for 26 charitable organizations that are special to The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

As I did for Catherine’s 30th birthday this past January, I encourage those who would like to give the couple who has everything an anniversary gift, to donate to one of their many chosen charities, including:

Tusk Trust, Centre Point UKThe Art Room, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, Action on Addiction,  The National Portrait Gallery and The Scout Association. To learn about other causes close to the couple’s hearts you can visit The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

Best Wishes from the Fans..

Two nights before the big day I had an idea.. wouldn’t it be nice to have William and Catherine supporters share their hopes for their favorite couple? Yes, the chances of Will and Kate actually seeing these thoughts are one in a million, but is always nice to put good vibes out into the universe and dream that they come true. So, I posed the following question to my royal Twitter family – “What is your wish for Will & Kate during their second year of marriage?

@jennkamienski – a happy marriage like mine

@thecambridges – Happy Anniversary, Will and Kate. May the second year (and many those to come) bring just as much love, warmth and success as the first.

@RoyallyKate – Happy one year anniversary, Will and Kate! You’ve all brightened the lives and opened the hearts of many this past year. I wish you so many more years to come, and endless and indefatigable amounts of love and support to come your way in the future. Here’s to a successful year for a beautiful couple! We love you!

@FabulousKate13 – I wish them another enchanting, amazing, and successful year. May the years to come only bring them happiness and joy. Xx

@Kates_Wardrobe – 4 Kate : an outfit by unexpected designer Ford, Westwood, Saab

@RoyalKateDebate – Congratulation Will and Kate on a wonderful first year of marriage. Your love for each other has captured the world’s imagination. Thank you for sharing your day with us. My wish is that you continue to have the strength in your relationship that you have shown in the past 10 years.

@HRH_KLynch – I wish happiness for the both bc will deserves it. And healthy babies!

@allthingsregal – Hmmmm… dare I say a baby willkat?

@nina_lux – Besides happiness, more time together, a bb and world domination? Not much

@ARightRoyalBlog – Wish people would stop clicking on pap shots of them.

@Royaljournalist – Hoping for twinsc called prince George and princess Victoria.

@MPHenriksen – Wills stays in the military. They have a baby or at least Kate is preggers by the end of yr two.

@HuffPostStyle – Kate to take more fashion risks!

 @Kimmi1287 – I’m thinking the one with the real love and respect not for money and tv


@shan_harrison – I wish for William and Kate to have another year of wedded bliss… And to get another puppy

My wish for William & Catherine’s second year of marriage – that the guiding hand doesn’t fade away and they continue to look as happy as they do in the above photo. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind a royal bun in the oven (would that be considered a scone 😉 ?!). And for Kate to add some bright colors to her wardrobe. And Will should find some new suits. But mostly, keep doing what you’re doing young, beloved royals! xoxo

Happy Anniversary William and Catherine! Thanks for being so fabulous and sharing your love story with the world. 

Week in Review: Jan. 30 – Feb. 4, 2012

I think I spoke too soon when I said there was a lull in royal news as there was no shortage of stories this past week! With the very special occasion happening on Monday, wanted to recap the week’s happenings. I, for one, was thrilled with the endless stories on Prince Harry in the last few days..so let’s get to it!

The Diamond Jubilee

This Monday, February 6, marks the date that Princess Elizabeth officially became Queen Elizabeth. As you can imagine, there are endless articles, photo galleries and videos being released leading up to the big day; will post more on that later, but for now here are some headlines surrounding the celebrations..

  • Church of England: Prayers and Liturgical Resources – the official prayer to be used in the Church of England during the Diamond Jubilee year was released.
  • The Daily Express: The Queen’s 60 Glorious Years in Pictures to be Celebrated in Public Display – photos of The Queen’s 60 years on the throne are now on display at Windsor Castle. Entrance to the exhibit entitled: The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years, is included in the price of general admission to Windsor Castle.
  • The Telegraph: The Queen plants Diamond Jubilee tree in Sandringham – earlier this week, Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne planted an oak tree at Sandringham Estate, which will be at the center of the new 20-acre Jubilee Wood, honoring the milestone.
  • ABC News: Spice Girls Reuniting for Queen Elizabeth II Celebration?one of my favorite stories surrounding the Diamond Jubilee this week; there is talks of the Spice Girls reuniting for the June 4 celebrations. What better time to reunite the leaders of the “Girl Power” movement than for Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee? That has girl power written all over it..

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

After a quiet holiday in the Caribbean with Catherine’s family, the dynamic duo took the media by storm this week with announcements and their general fabulousness. We are happy to have them back!

Prince Harry

My favorite royal was out and about this week; from news on his Diamond Jubilee tour itinerary and his participation in the Walking with the Wound organization. 

Additional Dates: Prince Harry supported Walking with the Wounded on Feb. 3 as they launched their Everest expedition. On Feb. 10 & 11, Harry will be at the Newbury Racecourse.

Spotlight On: Action on Addiction

What is Action on Addiction?

Action on Addiction is the only registered charity in the UK working in all fields of addiction to both prevent addiction and support current and recovering addicts. According to its website, the organization “the addiction field in research, prevention, treatment, professional education and family support.” The ultimate vision of Action on Addiction? To free people from addiction.

Why is Action on Addiction of Interest to Catherine?

Addiction can destroy the lives of not only addicts, but family and friends who love them; simply put, Action on Addiction takes strong actions to prevent and resolve the damaging impact of all who suffer. Catherine is a firm believer in a better life for all so naturally, she would be drawn to an organization that takes a stand against the biggest preventable killer in the country. Through her upcoming work with the charity, Catherine will have a platform to help renew and save lives throughout England.

How Can I Help?

You can help support the charity through donations, whether it be though a straight donation or buying a product in the online bookstore. Action on Addiction also hosts various events, including he Great North Run, The Great South Run, The Royal Parks Half Marathon and The Virgin London Marathon.

To see Action on Addiction’s official announcement on Catherine’s involvement, please visit http://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk/HRH.aspx.

If you are on Twitter, please follow Action on Addiction: @ActionAddiction