Prince George Turns 2!

Happy second birthday to HRH Prince George of Cambridge!

Honestly, I feel like a gushing parent when I say this, but I can’t even believe it has been two years since we all had our eyes glued to a hospital door? I totally said the same thing last year, but whatever, I have zero chill when it comes to royal babies.

Looking back on what I hoped we would see from Prince George in his second year, none of it happened. Okay, kidding – his cheeks are still chubby so that’s all good. And he definitely has said his first word, we just didn’t hear it. No photo with Harry. NO PHOTO WITH HARRY. C’mon William and Kate give the people what they want!

However, despite that one tiny thing I am clearly very bitter about, we had some incredible moments from our favorite toddler this year. So many cute pictures. and videos. Playing outside at dad’s polo matches. MEETING HIS NEW LITTLE SISTER. His first balcony appearance. So many matching outfits with dad. So many. George has certainly developed a full blown personality this year; dare I say, a little reminiscent of a certain uncle he has yet to be publicly photographed with?

As expected, the Cambridge clan, aka the “lovely little family,” will be celebrating George’s birthday in private at Anmer Hall in Norfolk.

Happiest of birthdays to our dearest Cheeks!

We have a name! HRH Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge!

Was I actually 100% accurate in my prediction? I cannot believe it!

Two days after her birth, Britain’s beautiful baby princess has a name – HRH Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous little girl.


Charlotte, who is the first Princess of Cambridge in 180 years, is also the first senior royal princess to be born in 65 years; it was only fitting that her name also have a truly significant family meaning.

via Emily Nash, @emynash, The Sun

via Emily Nash, @emynash, The Sun

So, what’s in a name?

Charlotte – a family name; George III was married to Charlotte, whom he had 15 children with. In fact, he bought Buckingham Palace for his wife. In a touching sentiment, it is also the female form of Charles, William’s father’s name, and Pippa Middleton’s middle name.

Elizabeth – this one is quite obvious and not a surprise at all for royal watchers. In addition to being Her Majesty’s first name, it is also the middle name of Kate and her mother Carole.

Diana – some thought this would be the child’s first name, others were betting a sure thing as a middle name and some thought they might stay away completely. I never thought it had a shot at a first name, but this beautiful tribute to William’s late mother, Princess Diana, is absolutely perfect.

A stunning name for a stunning little girl. Congratulations once again to the new Cambridge family of four!

Introducing The Princess of Cambridge!

Did today even happen? I feel like I’ve been bamboozled! Kate went into hospital, had a baby and left all in the same day – TWELVE HOURS. Further proof that I was right and she is, in fact, a legitimate superhero. Kate totally made up for the long wait with this one. Here’s a recap:

6am – Kate admitted to St Mary’s Hospital

8:34am – Kate gives birth to her second child, a princess!

4:00pm – Prince William leaves the Lindo Wing to pick up Prince George from Kensington Palace

4:20pm (approximately) – Prince William returns to the Lindo Wing with his first-born son to meet his new baby sister. World goes mad. How is Twitter still even functioning? His hair. His cheeks. His shorts. His matching outfit with dad. The kiss from William. That wave. Reminder: the cuteness has just begun.

6:00pm – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge leave the hospital with their new daughter, the first Princess of Cambridge in 180 years. Kate, HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL?! Flawless. Yellow and white bespoke Jenny Packham dress, hair down in her classic full curls. And heels. She gave birth hours ago and was wearing heels.

via Emily Nash, @emynash, The Sun

via Emily Nash, @emynash, The Sun

So, we have a new princess. Kate is a superhero. We want to be here. But we can’t. We are merely humans. We are not worthy. Bow down. Cursty. All that. This is the best and most insane day that has happened. I need to sleep. Adrenaline high. Send help.

All that’s left is the name….. Congratulations once again to the family and we hope you enjoy your first night at home together!

It’s a PRINCESS! The Duchess of Cambridge Gives Birth to a Girl

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a daughter at 8.34am”

In this edition of “while you were all sleeping like normal humans on a Saturday morning…”

Just two and a half hours after being admitted to the famed Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital, The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her second child, now fourth-in-line to the throne. IT’S A GIRL!  CONGRATULATIONS TO THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE!

Official Announcement from Kensington Palace

Official Announcement from Kensington Palace

I can’t even believe this is happening. I was asleep 2 1/2 hours ago. Talk about a change of pace from Prince George’s birth (although the 4am wakeup call is exactly the same, the waiting all day for the birth announcement is totally different).

The baby princess was born at 8 lbs, 3 oz and mother and baby are said to be doing well. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry (who is currently in Australia) have all been informed of the news.

We all thought girl, we all hoped girl (healthy and happy of course being the first hope) – THIS IS SO EXCITING.


When you’re all, “What a long week, can’t wait to sleep in on Saturday!” and Kate is all, “nah, that sounds boring.”…. I will let it slide that I was literally staying one mile away from the hospital this time last week and was yet again woken up in the middle of the night for the royal baby. Seriously, thank goodness I stocked up on Fortnum & Mason’s Royal Blend tea while I was over.


News on the name will be released in due course; remember we did not learn of George’s name until the family were home at Kensington Palace and The Queen had met the newborn and heard the name. (I’m still holding strong on Charlotte). Will Prince George visit his new baby sister? Will the family leave the hospital today? All we know thus far is that we have a new HRH Princess of Cambridge and that, right now, is enough for me.


How to keep busy during the #GreatKateWait2

The date is April 28, 2015. Royal watchers are growing restless. People are stealing poor Terry Hutt’s sleeping bag. William and Kate even sent coffee and croissants to the die-hards camping out at the Lindo Wing. I went to London and NOTHING happened. We are growing restless. Everyone is bored. The royal world is in distress. How can we possibly occupy our time, other than watching a door? I mean, the world is starting to think we’re all a little bonkers with this door watching obsession.

Here I am staring at the Lindo Wing door on one of Kate's rumored due dates - April 23.

Here I am staring at the Lindo Wing door on one of Kate’s rumored due dates – April 23.

Here are my suggestions for passing the time – yet still maintaining peak royal excitement levels – during the homestretch of #GreatKateWait2..

Watch William & Kate – The Lifetime Movie on Netflix

Sorry but I think this is only a viable option for the Americans. I may or may not have tried to watch it while I was in London but my IP address blocked it. So, good option for Americans or hackers.

Look at these photos of Prince Harry

Remember that time Prince Harry went to Lesotho and took the most heart-stoppingly beautiful photos with children and Chris Jackson sent us all into the hospital? You’re welcome for reminding you.

Plan your visit to royal Britain

A pilgrimage to the royal motherland is a must for every royalist. Be honest, you spend 99% of your day dreaming about visiting Buckingham Palace or running into Kate shopping in Kensington.

Read “The Royal We”

If you haven’t read it already, I’m really disappointed in you. (It also means you don’t listen to me). If you have read, hip hip to you, and start reading it again!

Donate to Charity

A non-royal activity to keep you busy but we all know the royal family are extremely passionate about not only their own charities, but helping anywhere and anyway they can. It was just announced that Prince Charles made a sizeable donation to the earthquake recovery efforts in Nepal. I am going to shamelessly draw your attention to Team Rubicon, where skilled military veterans put their knowledge, passion and expertise to good use in times like these. My cousin just deployed to assist in the recovery, and something tells me Captain Wales would be a huge supporter of this cause.

Hang in there royal baby watchers, it can’t be too much longer. Can it?

#GreatKateWait2 is ON!

Now in the second week of the most royal month ever, we are receiving new information about the impending arrival of the new royal baby. The fearless UK royal press pack showered us all with updates after a briefing from the palace earlier today.

While no official due date has been given (April 25th has been rumored), we have learned more about The Duchess of Cambridge’s “late April birth.”

Here’s what we know:

There will be NO crazy #GreatKateWait outside the Lindo Wing this time around. Cue sigh of relief from the press pack who probably just want to watch their cellphones from the comfort of their own home instead of watching a door from the sidewalk. Accredited media will only be allowed to take up allocated positions outside the Lindo Wing after the Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington.

Once Kate has been admitted, a press release will go to reporters followed by Twitter and Instagram announcement from Kensington Palace two minutes later. Pro tip: turn on those KP Twitter notifications royal watchers!

Here is the kicker: If all of this activity happens after 10pm local time, the announcement will be held until at least 8am the following morning. That is 3am for the East Coast of the US. If you’ll recall from HRH Prince of Cheeks’ birth, us east coasters were woken up at about 4am with the news from Jesal that Kate had gone into labor. Then we found out George had arrived in the middle of the work day – #realworldproblems. DEAR NEW BABY, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS TO US AGAIN. But, to avoid all of the sleep issues for this particular royalist, please just be born April 23 – 26 when I am in London. Preferably the 23rd because my schedule is much more flexible that day.

Just like with George, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will return to Kensington Palace after leaving the hospital with their newborn, but after a few days they will move onto their new Anmer Hall residence at Sandringham. Prince William, who is currently finishing his training with Bond Air Services, will take a two week paternity leave following the baby’s arrival. Kate’s maternity leave will be much longer – and longer than with George – and we are unlikely to see her in an official capacity until the autumn.

While Kate is currently not in London, she plans to return soon to be closer to the hospital where she intends to give birth (although contingency plans are in place near her parents home in Berkshire and Amner Hall in Norfolk). William will have a bit longer of a commute to the big event – about a two hour drive back to London.

Okay new prince or princess (it was also confirmed today that William and Kate do not know the sex of the baby), we can’t wait to meet you!

Oh Hey April, You’re Going to be AWESOME

Happy April everyone! This month has the potential to be seriously epic. So much Royal activity my head is spinning.

There is a royal baby on the way. The Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth to her second child (in under two years oh hey thanks Kate xx), at some point this month. While the pre-birth hype isn’t as high as it was ahead of Prince George’s birth, we are all secretly – and some of us not so secretly – super excited to watch a door again. Well, not so much the door but SO much welcoming another Cambridge baby into this world.

Aside from the pure fact that Kate is about to have a baby, it’s *when* she could have the baby that’s adding to the potential epicness of it all. How about April 21? The baby would share a birthday with its great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. Or what about April 29? Mom and Dad’s fourth wedding anniversary? I think my royalist heart just exploded at the thought. No matter what, there will be a lot to celebrate this month. They may as well just rename “April” to “Royal.” And by they, I mean the whole world.

Oh and let’s not forget, The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan comes out on April 7. That’s next Tuesday. Baby, you can arrive that day – the fug girls deserve it.

April, We’re Ready For You! Palace Confirms Kate’s Due Date

Although we may have predicted it when the news broke on September 8th, Kensington Palace just made it official – The Duchess of Cambridge is due to deliver her second child in April.

April, you say? Hmm.. why does that month sound important? Oh right, William and Kate’s anniversary. The Queen’s birthday. April 2015 is about to be the most royal month that ever royaled. Or, as I am now calling it “The Month of Cambridge.” Get your souvenir calendars, get your t-shirts, get your mugs.. it’s a thing. If Prince Harry gets engaged that month I swear…

The official announcement from Kensington Palace is as follows:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in April 2015.

The Duchess of Cambridge continues to be affected by Hyperemisis Gravidarum, but her condition is steadily improving.

So not one, but two pieces of good news today as it seems The Duchess of Cambridge is finally feeling some relief. In fact, we are due to see her tomorrow – twice. Both at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards and alongside her husband and The Queen, welcoming the president of Singapore and his wife to the UK.

Now, the waiting game begins…again. If the baby is born April 11th it will have to become an international holiday right? Like, “Super Cambridge Day?” Or how about April 21st? Sharing a birthday with its great-grandmother? No pressure here at all Kate and little royal crumpet..none. at. all.

Congratulations once again to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.. and Prince George!

Ready the Lindo Wing… The Duchess of Cambridge is Pregnant!

HAPPY MONDAY Y’ALL… The Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her second child!

But seriously, talk about an exciting early morning wakeup on a Monday. I 100% have royal baby ESP… I should not be awake yet. Same as when she was in labor with Prince George. I get a feeling, I spring to life before the sun rises. Royal baby adrenaline – it’s the new coffee.

Kensington Palace released a statement this morning:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their second child.The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news. As with her first pregnancy, The Duchess is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Her Royal Highness will no longer accompany The Duke of Cambridge on their planned engagement in Oxford today. The Duchess of Cambridge is being treated by doctors at Kensington Palace.

It is unfortunate Kate is experiencing this severe morning sickness again, sadly meaning the couple had to make the announcement in this manor once again and before her 12 week mark. The Duchess of Cambridge will not accompanying her husband on an engagement in Oxford today, and one would assume that based on this, her appearance at the Invictus Games Opening ceremony on Wednesday to support her brother-in-law (and almost fifth-in-line to the throne) is up in the air now, although no word yet as I am sure it is day by day. Kate is due for another defining moment on September 20-21 when she undertakes her first solo overseas tour to Malta.

William and Kate will be parents to another beautiful baby. Prince George will be a big brother – he is soo cute with Lupo, imagine with another baby?! Harry will be an uncle again. It’s all too much for this early in the morning.

No due date has been announced yet…but should be April (shocked I can do math this early). Hope that all the local ladder selling shops are fully stocked. 



Visiting Royal Britain: All About George

Yes, I realize Prince George’s first birthday was two weeks ago, but in my family we celebrate for weeks, so I am continuing that tradition here for this edition of “Visiting Royal Britain.”

unnamed (2)

We have taken a look at the palaces and parks where George will frequent throughout his life, but what about those locations specifically tied to his birthday and first year? Let’s take a look!

The Natural History Museum, London

Natural History Museum, via VisitBritain Images

Natural History Museum, via VisitBritain Images

The three photos released for George’s birthday might just be the cutest thing we see all summer, but did you know that you can visit the very spot that the little prince marched about for the portraits? While The Natural History Museum itself is a staple in London culture (the museum has served as the backdrop for several films, reportedly including the upcoming Paddington Bear movie), but the Sensational Butterflies exhibit is for a limited time only – September 14 to be exact. Tickets are just £5.50 and free for Georgie’s cohorts (children under three).

Buckingham Palace – Royal Childhood Exhibit

Buckingham Palace, via VisitBritain Images

Buckingham Palace, via VisitBritain Images

Families visiting London this summer will be able to experience the first-ever Royal Childhood exhibit at Buckingham Palace,which opened just four days into George’s second year.Some of the Royal family’s most treasured possessions from childhood will be on display, giving visitors an unprecedented glimpse into life as a young member of the royal family growing up at Buckingham Palace – including the christening gown George wore last year. Spanning more than 250 years, Royal Childhood brings together objects from the Royal Collection, the Royal Archives and the private collections of members of the Royal Family, including family gifts, clothing and toes, as well as previously unseen photographs and film footage. The exhibit will be open for two months only, closing on September 28, and concluding with a one-time educational session on growing up in a royal palace.

Buckingham Palace was also an important location for George’s celebrations – he reportedly went swimming there the morning of his birthday. Adult supervision provided by The Duchess of Cambridge.

Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace, via VisitBritain Images

Kensington Palace, via VisitBritain Images

This is an obvious one. Prince George’s home, where he will likely do a large portion of his growing up, and one of the many royal palaces open to visitors (no, you cannot actually go into the Cambridge’s apartment). While Kate has been spotted walking George along in his stroller during his newborn days, you’re not all that likely to catch a glimpse. However, if you happened to be in the hood on July 22, you may have seen his family driving in for his first birthday party – including his great-grandmother, The Queen. One can only imagine what this celebration entailed (I may have alluded to it before he was even born cough*shamelessplug*cough).