KKHO Update

As the headline might give away, I will be taking a more “official” break from my blog for the next few months. I have not been a stranger to admitting that in the past year, I just have not been able to dedicate the time that I would like to my blog and it’s been a harsh reality for me to swallow. I absolutely love keeping up with the royals, writing about them and using Keep Calm and Harry On as a platform to discuss my royalist ways with those who share my passion for the firm, but one thing I absolutely hate is doing things halfway.

I will be temporarily relocating to the West Coast of the US, and if I thought a 5 hour time difference + a full time job made this tough enough, I just know I will fall even further behind with an 8 hour gap, so I am going to use this opportunity to step back and hit the royal refresh button.

I have never been shy about the fact that this is a fun hobby for me, not my real job and as much as I wish it were not the case, my royal blogger double life takes a backseat more often than I would like. I will still keep up on Twitter (although the live tweeting will fall fewer and further between given the time difference) so please do keep up the conversation over @RoyalReview.

So, between now and early spring, any blog posts will be a special bonus – like to announce my engagement to Harry. Hmm, is moving across the country the real story or am I perhaps covering up my impending royal engagement to throw you all off the scent?

For now, I will leave you with this. xx


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