Happy 31st Birthday Prince Harry!

It’s the best day of the year – Prince Harry’s birthday! Why is this the best day of the year? Well, for starters we get to celebrate Harry all day long and not be judged for it (because apparently celebrating some guy you don’t know the other 364 days of the year isn’t totally sane.. #debatable). Secondly, Harry’s birthday is the only other birthday other than my own that I get a present to. And by “present” I mean the gift of Harry’s life.

Okay, I *may* be taking this a little too far…

Bonus round: His birthday is made even better this year as he returns to public engagements after he spent the summer in Africa saving wild life and being an all-around baller prince. HRH is in Sussex today for a Battle of Britain flypast, that’s right – he’s taking to the skies. And after Harry the birthday aviator calls it a day, we have a month of Rugby World Cup engagements and a trip to America to look forward to. Hazza, you are just the gift that keeps on giving..


Hip Hip for Harry! Hope you have the happiest birthday ever. XOXO

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