Prince Harry is Hitting the Road! (HI, AMERICA!)

After months of Prince Harry hiding away (and saving the wildlife world NBD) in Afirca, Kensington Palace took pity on us Harry fans and announced today that the young royal will be hitting the road this fall. On the docket is another trip to Africa (sensing a theme here, H), but up first – that other red, white and blue… AMERICA!


Prince Harry will visit Washington D.C. at the end of October (exact dates to be confirmed), for events leading up to his 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida. That’s right, two US announcements in two months. And yes, Harry has visited Washington D.C. recently as well – 2013 Harry mania tour ring a bell? Harry, you should really just move here already.. we get it, you like us, we have said we like you too, just make it official already. Wait, am I talking about a visit or a relationship? Either way, we’re ready for you.

During his visit to Africa, which will take place November 26 – December 4, Prince Harry will visit South Africa and Lesotho. The visit to South Africa comes as a request from the FCO on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, while the visit to Lesotho will be on behalf of his charity, Sentebale. We all know what happens when Harry visits Lesotho for his charity. HRH is seriously making up for leaving us in the dark for this entire summer with America and babies in Africa.

The full announcement can be read here. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, please call the cardiac care units at your local hospitals to have your bed pre-made in preparation for the above activity.