Hey Harry, How Are You Still Single?

Over the weekend, Prince Harry began a week-long tour of New Zealand and in typical Harry fashion, he is charming the pants off everyone in his royal wake. While my favorite Prince Harry tour will always be the USA two years ago to date (for obvious reasons), this one is already coming in close second. Everyone who already knew that Harry was the *ultimate* is just even more impressed with him, and the bandwagon Hazza fans are jumping on board so hard the wagon wheels have broken.

After looking at the evidence presented thus far from #RoyalVisitNZ, I have to ask – Harry, how on earth are you still single?

Exhibit A: #HarryWithKids

As I said in December, this is sooo a thing. And it’s seriously catching on. #HarryWithKids is the new black. Was that lame? Whatever, I don’t care. Everybody who is anybody knows that Harry absolutely kills it with the wee ones. He loves them. They love him. It is the cutest. THE CUTEST. And it has been out in full force in New Zealand. Sticking his tongue out at trouble making little rascals? Check. Bending down and taking a young girl’s hand? Check. Posing for photos with children? Check. Letting a group of school kids interview you? Check. Sidebar – Harry revealed to the kids that his favorite food is spaghetti bolognese soooo BRB excuse me while I learn how to cook that.

via Emily Nash, The Sun Newspaper, @emynash

via Emily Nash, The Sun Newspaper, @emynash

Exhibit B: #HarryWithPuppies

Because Harry with one adorable thing (see exhibit a) isn’t enough, he decided to cuddle some puppies in New Zealand. Cool, thanks for that H… just gonna go in the corner and melt into a puddle of mush. Something that will not be a thing? #HarryWithTuataras..

via Emily Nash, The Sun Newspaper, @emynash

via Emily Nash, The Sun Newspaper, @emynash

Exhibit C: Harry wants to be in love and have lots and lots of babies

Okay, I may be putting words in his mouth a little. BUT, Prince Charming did tell Sky News’ Rhiannon Mills that he wants someone to “share the pressure” of these royal tours with and he “wants kids now” but understands there is a “process you have to go through.” The internet then freaked out, seemingly every woman on Twitter volunteered as tribute to take on the role as Harry’s “special someone” and I’m over here all..

kateOh hey, hi Harry I thrive under pressure. Seriously, it’s part of my real life job description. Just saying…

Exhibit D: #HarryWithSnacks

We last left Harry handing out cupcakes to crowds at University of Canterbury. CUPCAKES. They are only like, in my top three favorite foods of all time. Coming in third only to pizza and french fries (oh and now spaghetti bolognese, of course).

So, there you have it – Prince Harry, making it impossible for every guy in the world to impress a girl since 1984.

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