#GreatKateWait2 is ON!

Now in the second week of the most royal month ever, we are receiving new information about the impending arrival of the new royal baby. The fearless UK royal press pack showered us all with updates after a briefing from the palace earlier today.

While no official due date has been given (April 25th has been rumored), we have learned more about The Duchess of Cambridge’s “late April birth.”

Here’s what we know:

There will be NO crazy #GreatKateWait outside the Lindo Wing this time around. Cue sigh of relief from the press pack who probably just want to watch their cellphones from the comfort of their own home instead of watching a door from the sidewalk. Accredited media will only be allowed to take up allocated positions outside the Lindo Wing after the Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington.

Once Kate has been admitted, a press release will go to reporters followed by Twitter and Instagram announcement from Kensington Palace two minutes later. Pro tip: turn on those KP Twitter notifications royal watchers!

Here is the kicker: If all of this activity happens after 10pm local time, the announcement will be held until at least 8am the following morning. That is 3am for the East Coast of the US. If you’ll recall from HRH Prince of Cheeks’ birth, us east coasters were woken up at about 4am with the news from Jesal that Kate had gone into labor. Then we found out George had arrived in the middle of the work day – #realworldproblems. DEAR NEW BABY, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS TO US AGAIN. But, to avoid all of the sleep issues for this particular royalist, please just be born April 23 – 26 when I am in London. Preferably the 23rd because my schedule is much more flexible that day.

Just like with George, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will return to Kensington Palace after leaving the hospital with their newborn, but after a few days they will move onto their new Anmer Hall residence at Sandringham. Prince William, who is currently finishing his training with Bond Air Services, will take a two week paternity leave following the baby’s arrival. Kate’s maternity leave will be much longer – and longer than with George – and we are unlikely to see her in an official capacity until the autumn.

While Kate is currently not in London, she plans to return soon to be closer to the hospital where she intends to give birth (although contingency plans are in place near her parents home in Berkshire and Amner Hall in Norfolk). William will have a bit longer of a commute to the big event – about a two hour drive back to London.

Okay new prince or princess (it was also confirmed today that William and Kate do not know the sex of the baby), we can’t wait to meet you!

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