Oh Hey April, You’re Going to be AWESOME

Happy April everyone! This month has the potential to be seriously epic. So much Royal activity my head is spinning.

There is a royal baby on the way. The Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth to her second child (in under two years oh hey thanks Kate xx), at some point this month. While the pre-birth hype isn’t as high as it was ahead of Prince George’s birth, we are all secretly – and some of us not so secretly – super excited to watch a door again. Well, not so much the door but SO much welcoming another Cambridge baby into this world.

Aside from the pure fact that Kate is about to have a baby, it’s *when* she could have the baby that’s adding to the potential epicness of it all. How about April 21? The baby would share a birthday with its great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. Or what about April 29? Mom and Dad’s fourth wedding anniversary? I think my royalist heart just exploded at the thought. No matter what, there will be a lot to celebrate this month. They may as well just rename “April” to “Royal.” And by they, I mean the whole world.

Oh and let’s not forget, The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan comes out on April 7. That’s next Tuesday. Baby, you can arrive that day – the fug girls deserve it.

1 thought on “Oh Hey April, You’re Going to be AWESOME

  1. Pingback: #GreatKateWait2 is ON! | Keep Calm and Harry On

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