14 Reasons to Love Prince Harry this Valentine’s Day


Let’s be honest, we love him 365 days of the year, but something about a mushy Hallmark holiday makes a girl want to love on Prince Harry even more. Even though I hate Valentine’s Day, I will never pass up an excuse to list out the reasons why Prince Harry is amazing. Don’t fight me on this, these are all 100% proven facts.


  1. His red hair. He has a shade all his own. Not too bright, just right.
  2. His freckles when he gets a little bit of sun.
  3. His piercing eyes
  4. The way he is with kids
  5. The way he looks in a suit
  6. The way he looks in a uniform
  7. He’s funny
  8. He loves his family
  9. His devotion to Queen & country. Because it’s not enough to be a prince and spread the UK love across the world, he also went into battle to serve and protect.
  10. He’s charitable
  11. He’s a good dancer. I’m using the term “good” loosely here..
  12. He’s sporty
  13. He knows how to have fun
  14. There is no one like him in the world. Others have tried, and failed miserably. There is only one Prince Harry. And he’s amazing.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Prince Charming. We love you. Or, at least I do. 

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