Case of the Mondays, What? Royals Take On America

Today was nothing short of EPIC. Kate had NYC falling at her perfectly dressed feet, William showed up in D.C. to conquer America back in the name of Her Majesty (okay, that didn’t actually happen but whatever) and sitting courtside at a NBA game across from Beyonce and Jay-Z. AND THEY MET. And declined an offer for free nachos. I’m sorry, WHAT?! I really don’t often use the word “epic” but I’m pretty sure the word was created for moments like that.

William spent the first half of his first full day stateside with his first-ever visit to Washington D.C. where he had his second-ever meeting with President Barack Obama, to whom he confessed that he was so excited when George was born, he forgot to ask if it was a boy or girl! And yes, it will be a surprise for the second baby as well. Royals in the White House – just what this Yankee likes to see! The highlight of William’s visit to the capital was to speak at International Corruption Hunters Alliance conference, a cause extremely close to his heart and the focal point of his visit. He noted that he was “inspired by my grandfather and my father, who have championed international conservation for over fifty years.” William even blogged for The Huffington Post about his strong feelings on the subject.

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While her other half was away, Kate began her day in Harlem at the Northside Center for Child Development, Harlem with the First Lady of New York City, Chirlane McCray. The center fosters the healthy development of children and families by providing high-quality mental health and educational services – a cause both The Duchess and First Lady’s hearts are champions of. To get in the holiday spirit, they took part in gift-wrapping and craft making with children, who adorably thought that Kate was Princess Elsa from Frozen! Which, I can tell you firsthand was the mood of the day: FROZEN. OMG, NYC SO COLD. (Which, BTW William said later in the day that he “loved.” No, Will, NO).

Photo Credit: British Consulate, New York @UkinNewYork

Photo Credit: British Consulate, New York @UkinNewYork

Then, Kate made her way to midtown to the residence of Her Majesty’s Consul General to New York, Danny Lopez, for a lunch with members of the local British community making contributions in the cultural and business sectors, including Welsh actor Matthew Rhys and Mashable CEO Peter Cashmore.

The residence had a brief break before both The Duke and Duchess attended a Conservation reception there (last minute change of plans as Kate originally was not due to attend). The reception was in recognition of the conservation work carried out by Tusk and United for Wildlife partners: Wildlife Conservation Society; Conservation International; and The Nature Conservancy. Secretary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, were present for the event and spoke to the crowd. In Prince William’s speech, he stressed that “Time is running out, but this room reminds us that time is definitely not running out.”

The wildlife conservation spotlight then led the couple to another borough – Brooklyn, for a NBA game, or “off to shoot some hopes or whatever it is the Americans call it,” according to William. Talk about throwing the royals out of their element! The game played between the Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers was in support of the partnership between the Royal Foundation, United for Wildlife and the NBA. King [LeBron] James? SMH, it’s all about the future king and his future queen. Oh, and the fact that they met Bey and Jay courtside. And they were so cute, so enthusiastic throughout their time watching the game. It was purely precious.

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via @UkinNewYork

via @UkinNewYork


GAME OVER BYEEEE! Oh wait, there’s still tomorrow.

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