Lest We Forget: A Day of Remembrance

Sunday, November 9 is Remembrance Day (then followed by Veterans Day on the 11th for all of my fellow Americans). Remembrance Day is an important, and somber, date that the royal family comes out strong for each year. The day first arose in 1919, when King George V declared it a day of remembrance for all those who lost their lives on the front lines during World War I. As this year marks the centenary of World War I, emphasis on remembering the fall is even greater and more in the spotlight – as it should be each year.

The royals have been out across the globe this year with engagements commemorating the outbreak of the war, from tours in Belgium and France to the poppy installation at the Tower of London and now, Poppy Day events throughout this past week.

via @royalreview

via @royalreview

While all the royals are of course, supporters of the armed forces, come out to honor them each year and many of whom, have served themselves.. this blog is called “Keep Calm and Harry On,” so, I want to call out two quotes from Captain Wales that I think, speak to the meaning of today.

“Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer.”

“Loss of life is as tragic and devastating as it gets, but to see young lads – much younger than me – wrapped in plastic and missing limbs, with hundreds of tubes coming out of them, was something I never prepared myself for.”

Lest we forget.


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