A Very Royal Thanksgiving… Wait, What?

Yes, I realize the royals do not celebrate Thanksgiving. However, Thanksgiving (IMO) is one of the few legs up (turkey legs, that is), we have on the Brits… so KKHO is going to celebrate, okay? Don’t worry, there’s a royal spin to it.

Thanksgiving is all about counting your blessings (and loading up yummy food, duh), and what better way to show thanks than to give back? Enter, the royal connection to this American holiday. Royals LOVE giving back – it is what they do. From Her Majesty to Princess Beatrice, each member of the firm has causes and patronages close to their hearts. AKA – this post could go on until the Fourth of July. Don’t worry, I will spare you… I have loads of mashed potatoes to eat, after all.

 Ahead of William and Kate’s upcoming visit to NYC, I would like to focus on The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, which will be at the center of the visit’s activities. Sidebar – they should’ve come for Thanksgiving, hellooo a day dedicated to eating, Kate could even rock Joey’s Thanksgiving pants and get away with it because she is actually pregnant. Not only is it a timely choice, but this foundation encompasses all of the causes close to the three royals’ hearts, and thus, giving you all plenty to give back to. The foundation, established in 2009 and becoming fully operational two years later, is the main vehicle in which William, Kate and Harry carry out their charitable duties and passions.

From conservation efforts (William will be in the US in large part due to his work with United for Wildlife), armed forces (Prince Harry’s Invictus Games just announced the bidding process for next year’s host destination) and children and young people (another focus of the NYC visit and Catherine just stepped out in support of EACH Hospices in Norfolk), The Royal Foundation embodies everything important to the trio.

Bringing it back to America once again, around this holiday, The American Friends of the Royal Foundation was setup in 2011, which works alongside The Royal Foundation in support of its initiatives – an organization you will see out and about come December 7th.

For more information on The Royal Foundation, The American Friends of the Royal Foundation and how you can give back this Thanksgiving please visit The Royal Foundation’s official website. The site includes further details on the individual charitable organizations.

Happy Thanksgiving!

PS – Harry, if you married an American you would get to celebrate this amazing holiday… #justsaying

Kate Takes Manhattan – But Who Should She Wear?

ICYMI: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are coming to the Big Apple in a few weeks.. who am I kidding, no one has missed that. What is one of the most exciting parts of every Kate engagement? The clothes, duh.

So, who should Kate wear on her first-ever visit to New York? American designers, of course! Ah, winter in the city is so magical…but oh, so cold. Think of all of the fabulous coats! We could all spend ages picking out our dream outfits and designers for Kate (let’s be honest, we do… that’s what twitter is for), but let’s take a look at a few I think would be perfection. (Few is a relative term here, I had to cut myself off from playing Kate’s stylist…)

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What would you like to see Kate in during her trip to America?

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Visit NEW YORK CITY!

It’s been rumored for a while, but I am beyond excited to say that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (and the royal crumpet in the oven) will officially be visiting New York, December 7-9! Wait, New York, that sounds familiar.. oh right, I LIVE HERE.

Kate has long said she would love to visit New York City, and she is getting her wish – during the most wonderful time of the year! New York at Christmas?! Sorry, but it can’t be beaten! This marks the first visit to New York City for both William and Kate. (what took you so long?!)

Two visits from our favorite young royals in two years – are we fortunate or what? Prince Harry had a successful visit to this side of the pond last spring, and this visit is bound to be equally successful.

Their itinerary will include events for causes close to their hearts, of course – mainly tied to conservation efforts tied to United for Wildlife, a cause close to William’s heart. The duo will take part in a creative industries event benefiting the GREAT campaign and Kate will visit a child development center. Prince William will also make a visit to Washington D.C. – just about a three hour journey from Manhattan. In addition, they will take part in events for the Royal Foundation and St Andrew’s Society, and even attend a NBA game.

THIS IS BIG GUYS. Imagine the perfect winter coats we are going to see on Kate. NYC deals with its fair share of crazy on a daily basis, but this will be off the charts. STAY TUNED!

Lest We Forget: A Day of Remembrance

Sunday, November 9 is Remembrance Day (then followed by Veterans Day on the 11th for all of my fellow Americans). Remembrance Day is an important, and somber, date that the royal family comes out strong for each year. The day first arose in 1919, when King George V declared it a day of remembrance for all those who lost their lives on the front lines during World War I. As this year marks the centenary of World War I, emphasis on remembering the fall is even greater and more in the spotlight – as it should be each year.

The royals have been out across the globe this year with engagements commemorating the outbreak of the war, from tours in Belgium and France to the poppy installation at the Tower of London and now, Poppy Day events throughout this past week.

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While all the royals are of course, supporters of the armed forces, come out to honor them each year and many of whom, have served themselves.. this blog is called “Keep Calm and Harry On,” so, I want to call out two quotes from Captain Wales that I think, speak to the meaning of today.

“Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer.”

“Loss of life is as tragic and devastating as it gets, but to see young lads – much younger than me – wrapped in plastic and missing limbs, with hundreds of tubes coming out of them, was something I never prepared myself for.”

Lest we forget.


Visiting Royal Britain: Windsor

Windsor – we all know it, some of us take the quick, approximate 30-minute train ride from central London to see it, but I bet you didn’t realize just how much royal there is to be royalled in the Windsor area.

Last month, I had the pleasure of spending (almost) a day in Windsor and the surrounds – which is why I missed the October edition of “Visiting Royal Britain.” I know, excuses, excuses! But I was out in the field! This was my first visit to Windsor and I cannot wait to go back.

Windsor Castle

Duh. When you think of Windsor, this is most likely where your mind goes. The castle is very easy to visit – only closing on select dates throughout the year; although certain parts, including The State Apartments and St George’s Chapel, close more frequently. Best to check before you go.


Bonus round: Want a different view of the castle? Take a French Brothers cruise for the best views of the castle.

Ascot Racecourse

You know it for the horse race that takes place each June, bringing out members of the royal family and The Queen’s horses. It’s a highlight of the summer social season. It’s a royal tradition. You can also see it from the above mentioned French Brothers cruise.

Timmy Mallett Phone Box

If you’re a Brit, you may remember Timmy Mallett from his former life as a children’s television presenter. Or, if you’re an American who spends a lot of time with Brits 😉 Anyway, in 2012 Mallett’s royal phone took up residence across the street from Windsor Castle. The Queen (a corgi), Prince Harry and The Duchess of Cambridge (and now Prince George) are featured on the phone box. Fun photo opp.

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The Duchess of Cambridge Pub

The pub on Thames Street (across from the castle, a few steps from the phone box), was renamed in June 2011 following the royal wedding, when the title of “The Duchess of Cambridge” was bestowed upon Kate.

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 Savill Garden

Just about fifteen minutes from the heart of Windsor, in the southern part of Windsor Great Park, Savill Garden is 35 acres of stunning gardens – seriously, you would have no idea you’re that close to London, it’s like a magical escape. It was created in the 1930s with the support of King George V and Queen Mary and it has since continued to develop under Royal Patronage. Her Majesty The Queen opened the Rose Garden in 2010. The Queen Mother planted a 50th anniversary tree in 1982. This place is super royal. You can even throw your own tea parties there.

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I know, you’re planning your trip to Windsor as you read. Tip: visit in the Spring or Summer – the boat cruise will be nice and warm, and the rose garden will be in full bloom!

Prince Harry to Visit Oman and The UAE

Kensington Palace announced today that Prince Harry will undertake a mini-tour later this month to Oman and The United Arab Emirates, November 18 – 20.

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The visit’s focal point will be Oman’s National Day Parade on November 18th, a national holiday celebrating the birthday of the Sultan – Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman. Harry is no stranger to official birthday celebrations with military displays; his grandmother has one each June – Trooping the Colour.

Harry will then move onto Abu Dhabi for the fifth annual Senteble Polo Cup. Ah memories, remember when he came to my side of the world for that? This event is a highlight of the 30-year-old royal’s calendar, as it supports the charity he founded with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho.


Can’t wait to see Harry back out on tour again!