April, We’re Ready For You! Palace Confirms Kate’s Due Date

Although we may have predicted it when the news broke on September 8th, Kensington Palace just made it official – The Duchess of Cambridge is due to deliver her second child in April.

April, you say? Hmm.. why does that month sound important? Oh right, William and Kate’s anniversary. The Queen’s birthday. April 2015 is about to be the most royal month that ever royaled. Or, as I am now calling it “The Month of Cambridge.” Get your souvenir calendars, get your t-shirts, get your mugs.. it’s a thing. If Prince Harry gets engaged that month I swear…

The official announcement from Kensington Palace is as follows:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in April 2015.

The Duchess of Cambridge continues to be affected by Hyperemisis Gravidarum, but her condition is steadily improving.

So not one, but two pieces of good news today as it seems The Duchess of Cambridge is finally feeling some relief. In fact, we are due to see her tomorrow – twice. Both at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards and alongside her husband and The Queen, welcoming the president of Singapore and his wife to the UK.

Now, the waiting game begins…again. If the baby is born April 11th it will have to become an international holiday right? Like, “Super Cambridge Day?” Or how about April 21st? Sharing a birthday with its great-grandmother? No pressure here at all Kate and little royal crumpet..none. at. all.

Congratulations once again to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.. and Prince George!