Prince Harry – Melting Hearts and Taking Names

The royal family often faces criticism for their work – many don’t understand why public engagements are considered a job, or why international travel on behalf of the monarchy is necessary. I can see how those who aren’t “royalists” wouldn’t quite get it, especially with the release of the annual royal finance report, but to those people I say – take one look at Prince Harry. The 29-year-old royal’s just-wrapped official visit to Brazil and Chile was a week of smiles, tears, inspiration – and bad dancing. Although it may not have received nearly as much media attention as his previous overseas tours or that of his older brother’s family visit down under, it was equally as important and extremely beneficial to the royal family and Great Britain. Why? By simply being himself, Harry was able to make each person he met across the two nations feel as though they were important to him. And you know what? They were. He’s an ambassador for Queen and country, perhaps the best there is.

Harry has proved time and time again that he is a personable, down to earth man who just happens to have a title. Sound familiar? I don’t think there is a doubt in anyone’s mind that his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, is among the proudest angels in heaven. Her youngest son’s moments of playing soccer with children, waking babies up from their naps to say hello and visiting the most underprivileged areas of cities are a page out of the Diana handbook.

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

Courtesy of Emily Andrews, The Sun, @byemilyandrews

While Prince Harry has had these moments everywhere he goes – playing baseball with kids in Harlem, holding hands with ill children in the Bahamas, this South American tour seemed to have more than ever. He danced to Katy Perry with disabled children, was smothered in kisses from locals, fixed a woman’s TV during the Brazil-Chile World Cup match, talked about losing his mother and his nephew, the Prince of Cheeks, and made everyone laugh. In short, he was the definition of ‘Prince Charming’ on this tour. The unprecedented mobile video message HRH recorded thanking the people of Brazil for their hospitality is proof of that. He knows that his status provides him with a vehicle for making a true difference in the world, and he refuses to let that go to waste.

So, from now on when people look at me and say I only like Prince Harry because he’s a hot, single prince or my admiration for the royals is ridiculous, I will point them to these photos and challenge them to keep from smiling. Whether you’re 102 or 2, a wounded war veteran or a child suffering from illness, Harry will charm you to the point that your heart feels like it might literally melt. He doesn’t need to try, or put on a show for the cameras – we would have seen through that by now. He’s the Prince of Hearts, and grandmother is blessed to have such a positive representative to spread the royal love around the world.

In closing, Prince Harry for president.

Many thanks to Emily Andrews for sharing her fabulous photos with me!

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