One Year Anniversary of the Best Week Ever

Not that I should have to explain that title, you should all just know – one year ago today I took off for Denver to join the press pack for Prince Harry’s US tour. The fact that it has been a year is extremely depressing, but it’s easy to feel better when you have an arsenal of amazing photos of the world’s most beautiful royal that you took yourself.

Now, I’ll be your best friend ever and take you down memory lane with me… please note, these photos are in chronological order, because ranking them would just be impossible. Every moment was perfect because well, it’s Harry we’re talking about here.

But before we get to the photos, please press play and pretend you’re in the Cadillac with @HWalesWatch and me on your way to the Olympic Training Center. But first learn how to put the rented fancy car in the correct version of drive…. #idontbelonghere

The first thing that happened upon arriving at day one of the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs may have been one of the coolest. Max Foster decided to interview a nobody, aka ME. Then he put me on CNN. I don’t know what he was thinking, but he’s the best.


Prince Harry walked by me for the first time. In fatigues. No further explanation necessary on this one.


Captain Wales participated in a sitting volleyball exhibition and when it was done, I somehow got *this* close. No zoom, I swear on his ginger hair. (Oh hi @SperryPeoplemag!)


We got to spend the day outside at the Air Force Academy and the weird announcer tried to tell Harry he should move to Colorado (awkward). Then he looked straight at me and it was love at first sight. Okay, not really… the air horn didn’t work, but let’s pretend mmkay?


Oh, and then I ended the day with some really sweet sunburn lines. Kind of forgot about that whole mile high closer to the sun thing..


Then, the BEST thing happened. I lied earlier, THIS was the best thing that happened the entire trip. Prince Harry was on my flight home to New Jersey and after finally being brave enough to say hello, I was rewarded with a wave and a smile. Everyone else on the plane hated me as he disembarked. Gotta man up people!

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The next day, HRH visited the Jersey Shore. This part of the tour meant a lot to me, as he was visiting towns and people hit hard by Superstorm Sandy, a horrific event I went through myself. Although, I wish he didn’t go to Seaside. UGH.

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The final day (#sad) was a big moment in the life of any Harry fan – I got to watch him play polo! White pants in person, it’s the stuff dreams are made of.


Another incredible part of #PrinceHarryUSA was meeting up and conquering Colorado with my Twitter friend turned real life friend, @HWalesWatch. Sidebar: The incomparable Ms. HWalesWatch has just rejoined the royal tweeting world (thank goodness) and finally recapped our ridiculous weekend of Harry shenanigans over on her blog – so, if you want to hear the dirt on life behind the press pass, she’s your girl.  And of course, spending time with the royal press pack – getting to know them and learning from them, well that was invaluable.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go be miserable with nostalgia and stew in the fact that Harry will probably never come to America again after the Memphis drama.

2 thoughts on “One Year Anniversary of the Best Week Ever

  1. Pingback: Hey Harry, How Are You Still Single? | Keep Calm and Harry On

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