Royal Tour Down Under Proves The Duchess of Cambridge is a Superhero

Let’s talk about something we have all pretty much known for a long time – The Duchess of Cambridge is a superhero. Like Spider-Man ‘s spidey sense or Superman’s super strength, Kate’s greatest superpower at her disposal might just be her hair’s determination to look perfect in every situation.

Royal visit to Australia and NZ - Day 3

The first half of the royal tour down under has proved her superhuman abilities span much farther than that.

Walking down the stairs of a jet carrying a baby (a presumably heavy one at that) heels. 

I can’t even walk up and down the streets of Manhattan in heels carrying nothing but my black longchamp bag (BFF alert with Kate, BTW). Steam grates everywhere. It’s like a death trap.

Running on a beach in 4 inch heels.

Again, making me look bad as she ran down Manly Beach in Stuart Weitzman wedges. I grew up on the sand and can’t even walk on it in flip-flops. Wait, is Kate a superhero or am I just clumsy?


Her hair. It looks perfect. ALWAYS. 

The day The Duchess of Cambridge has a bad hair day is the day I stop loving Prince Harry. I need to get that on a t-shirt.

Photo via Emily Andrews, @byEmilyAndrews, The Sun Newspaper

Photo via Emily Andrews, @byEmilyAndrews, The Sun Newspaper

Even in the toughest of situations, she can keep it together.

As a patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, Kate is often immersed in trying situations that would make any person come apart at the seams. In Sydney, the royal couple met a terminally ill boy the same age as George and although Kate admitted she was “ready for a big sob” when she left, yet she and William didn’t completely fall to pieces during the event. Kate was even able to give an incredibly moving speech. I wouldn’t put Kleenex out of business right there and then.

Looking like the most well-rested person on earth after a day+ of traveling.

It was nearly a 30-hour journey to Wellington, New Zealand to kick off this royal tour. Yet Kate somehow stepped off the plane looking a lifetime better than I do after a two hour flight to Florida.

Climbing in and out of a fighter jet in a dress and heels. 

Flying a fighter jet (or in this case, pretending to) is SUCH a superhero move. Kate telling her Royal Air Force pilot husband to sit in the back? Even more amazing.

via Emily Andrews, The Sun Newspaper, @byEmilyAndrews

In conclusion, The Duchess of Cambridge is my favorite superhero. Can Marvel make a movie about her already?

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