Kate Hits Royal Milestone – 1,000 Days as The Duchess of Cambridge

Just a couple of weeks after her 32nd birthday, Kate is marking another special occasion – 1,000 days as The Duchess of Cambridge. Since marrying Prince William on April 29, 2011, the former Kate Middleton has not stolen our hearts, but has made a difference in the world and played a vital role in shaping the royal family as they are today.

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter - @SPerryPeopleMag

Via SIMON PERRY Twitter – @SPerryPeopleMag

Aside from the addition of Kate, the firm has seen important events unfold and changes made over the past few years – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Prince Charles’ ever-increasing role as first-in-line, Prince Harry’s second tour of duty and recent move to a military desk job, William and Kate’s departure from life in Wales, Prince William leaving the armed forces and returning to school and perhaps Kate’s most monumental accomplishment to date – welcoming Prince George into the world.

In her 1,000 days as The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate has taken on her patronages, toured Canada, The United States and Asia Pacific, christened a cruise ship, sat for her first official portrait, moved into Kensington Palace and of course, given birth to the third-in-line to the throne. Oh, and let’s not forget boosting sales for countless designers.

If that’s just her first 1,000 days, I cannot wait to see what the days ahead will bring. Congratulations to The Duchess of Cambridge on this monumental royal milestone!

Zara and Mike Welcome Baby Mia Grace

It was announced on Friday, January 17 that Zara Phillips and her husband Mike Tindall welcomed a baby girl into the family and today, we learn the baby’s name – Mia Grace. While I was on vacation (apologies for not reporting in a timely fashion), The Queen’s fourth great-grandchild was born at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. The couple promptly headed home with their 7lbs 12 oz bundle of joy without revealing the name.

In a statement following the birth, Buckingham Palace said: “The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Princess Royal, Captain Mark Phillips and Mike’s parents, Mr Phillip and Mrs Linda Tindall, have been informed and are delighted with the news.

In a sign of the times, the new dad and former England Rugby sensation took to Twitter to announce the news:


While it seems quite the unconventional way for the royals to announce news on a  new addition to the firm via social media, we ought to remember that Zara is not your average royal. The Princess Royal’s daughter is and Olympic medalist who does not hold an official royal title.

Mia is also not a “typical” name one might select for a royal baby, but I find it quite beautiful. I would also like to note that I share a middle name with young Mia, so how could I not love it? Although I must admit that for me, royals + Mia = The Princess Diaries.

Congratulations to Zara, Mike and little Mia Grace’s grandparents and great-grandparents!

What do you think of the name? How about the announcement via Twitter?

Happy Birthday to The Duchess of Cambridge!

The Duchess of Cambridge is today celebrating her 32nd birthday!

Rex Features via AP Images

Rex Features via AP Images

Last year at this time, Kate was newly pregnant and just recovering from acute morning sickness. Now, she has beautiful Prince George by her side as she marks another year of all around fabulousness. No word on what the exact celebrations entail, although Paul Harrison did confirm with Kensington Palace that she will be “spending it privately.”


Whatever she may be doing (dinner party thrown by Pippa? singing George to sleep? partying it up with Harry?) one hopes that Prince William has the night off from his studies in Cambridge to join her!

Happy Birthday Kate.. we love you!

Town & Country Magazine Names Prince George Among Sexiest Bachelors.. And His Uncle Too

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Town and Country today released it’s annual list of Top 50 ‘Sexiest Bachelors.’ Obviously, Prince Harry made the cut. The addition of Prince George as the bonus bachelor, however… wait, what?

(AP Photo/John Stillwell/Pool)

(AP Photo/John Stillwell/Pool)

I mean nice move by the magazine – very ahead of the curve, as Prince George is bound to be a highly coveted man about town… once he actually becomes a man. But for now, I hope no one takes it too seriously… he’s a bit young to be chased by the ladies. In the meantime, Jimmy Kimmel might want to cast him for the next installment of ‘The Baby Bachelor..’

So, what makes the 5-month-old heir to the throne a catch? According to Town & Country, he likes being driven around in a Silver Cross pram and apparently, wearing dresses. His downfall? He’s a screamer.

George’s Uncle Harry, on the other hand, is the definition of an eligible bachelor. Although he might not be a bachelor much longer ahem, Cressida Bonas..

???????????????????????The 29-year-old royal likes “playing the role of royal ginger rascal,” which is one of the countless reasons we love him so much. He did have that little incident in Vegas, but charity polo matches and treks to the South Pole have totally eclipsed that.

Check out the full list here. Hint: There’s quite a few Brits, lords and royals on the list!