
Earlier today, The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge co-hosted the #EndWildlifeCrime Conference at St James’s Palace along with the UK Department for Environment. It is no secret that Prince Charles and his eldest son are passionate fighters against poaching and crimes against this planet’s wildlife and today’s efforts marked yet another pillar in their battle. With diplomats, conservationists and representatives from both the private and public sector on hand, both royals made speeches to a room full of people who share their goals.

Prince Charles, who is deeply educated in the subject as President of WWF UK, spoke of his grave concerns that this planet’s wildlife could rapidly disappear, stating: “The destruction of animal species will diminish us all.”

Prince William, The Royal Patron of Tusk Trust, admitted that although he is not quite the expert his father is, his respect for the cause runs deep. It was evident that he shares the same fears of Prince Charles, stating that, “I sincerely hope that my generation is not the first on this planet to consider elephants, rhinos or tigers as historical creatures – in the same category as the Dodo.”

The Duke of Cambridge announced that he has tapped into the support of The Royal Foundation, tasking them with engaging the younger generation as “wildlife ambassadors.” Before sharing a brief film, he pleaded, “The example of these young people is truly heartening, and so is their plea to all of us here. Please help them.”

Here’s hoping today’s conference was a step towards righting the wrongs done to the world’s endangered wildlife. You can help support the cause through The World Wildlife Fund and Tusk Trust.

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