Throwback Thursday: Lazy Edition

This week I am throwing it way back, all the way to…Tuesday. I know, it’s a cop out – but I was busy when Kate and the royal biscuit made their appearance for Action on Addiciton..and how am I just never going to blog about the bump debut? Unacceptable.



As always, Kate was looking stunning. This is news to no one. I don’t know if it was the “pregnancy glow” (whatever that means), or her Mustique tan but the duchess was radiant. Someone please show this blog to my future husband and make him take me to Mustique when I’m with child. And by future husband, I of course mean Prince Harry..duh.

The Duchess of Cambridge attended an official engagement as a patron of Action on Addiction at London’s Hope House, a center in Clapham for women recovering from addicition. Kate wore a grey MaxMara wrap dress from 2011, covering her growing belly rather well.



There is no doubt that Kate will be a fabulous mum – perhaps she is asking these two tots if they would like to babysit in a few years?

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