Throwback Thursday: Thank You, St. Andrews University!

In honor of Valentine’s Day (yuck), let’s revisit my favorite love story..

What seems like a million years ago, a young prince with a full head of hair went off to Scotland to meet his future queen, I mean.. get a college degree.

The Middleton Family (released upon engagement)

The Middleton Family (released upon engagement)

I wish I had gotten the “Britain’s top matchmaking university” memo when I was applying for my semester abroad. Although a slew of British girls who had probably read that very fact made their way to St. Andrews University to mingle with Prince William, it was Kate Middleton who caught his eye. Even back then her dresses were turning heads..


Sorry, I prefer you in floor length Jenny Packham gowns Kate.

In 2005, they left their bubble (one in which William actually attempted to cook I might add), graduating into a world of paparazzi, break-ups and make-ups. He earned a 2:1 in Geography, she a 2:1 in History of Art and all of us earned a lifetime of hair and McQueen wardrobe envy.


..and they lived happily ever after! Odds that they name the child Andrew? 😉

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