Out and About with Harry..

There is no such thing as rest for Prince Harry – or the fans who blog about him 😉 

Before the dust could settle on his Apache training course completion, Prince Harry was out and about in England on Friday, hard at work for both his military and charitable duties. Not only did it give royal observers something to talk about other than his inevitable deployment, but it gave the women countless handsome photos to get them through the day – not me of course, i was hard at work..nope, never stopped working to look at pictures or anything..

First up on the agenda – the Royal Air Force’s Honington, Suffolk base to meet with fellow servicemen, veterans and their families. Fresh on the heels of his “Best Co-Pilot Gunner” award, Captain Harry Wales presented several awards to the troops. Dressed in fatigues (oh my..) and a shiny new Rolex, the 27-year-old prince chatted with fellow RAF troops about Afghanistan, checked out the equipment and confessed his nightmares about forgetting his kit.

Who doesn’t’ love a man in uniform?

*All photo credit: Socialite Life, PopSugar and The British Monarchy

Photos just not enough for you? Yea, me neither. Check out a video from BBC News.

Next, the dashing young prince was off to London to launch the Walking With The Wounded Everest Expedition. As you may recall, Harry was hoping to join the wounded servicemen he had previously accompanied to the North Pole on this next adventure, but is unable to do so. Just because he cannot physically be there with the men on their trek up Everest in May does not mean he doesn’t support them every step of the way. As a patron of the group, Harry joined the expedition launch, even hitting a treadmill in an altitude chamber that staged some of the climb’s conditions – let’s just say he gave everyone a good smile on that one. Emerging slightly out of breath and a little extra color in his face, Harry then gave a speech in which he praised the men and the cause. To learn more about Everest 2012, please visit the trek’s official web site. I also strongly encourage you to follow @supportthewalk on Twitter; a fantastic way to keep up with a truly incredible organization. Thanks goes out to Max Foster and Georgina Brewer for their wonderful twitter updates throughout the event.

*All Photo Credit: PopSugar and The British Monarchy

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