Sorry to Say..

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend before the royal storm of events ahead at the end of this week – especially all of you royal correspondents we adore so much..something tells me you won’t be sleeping for a while! Speaking of, this post is to give a heads up and my apologies that I will not be live tweeting, blogging and following along with the first few days of Harry’s tour and Catherine’s tea time with the women of the family. As of today, I am out of commission until Sunday, possibly even Monday. I will do my best to check in randomly throughout the week because let’s face it, when Prince Harry is involved it is difficult for me to be completely in the dark. I can’t wait to catch up with everyone’s tweets, photos and blog posts upon my return to the royal watching world! In the meantime, if you can find a way for me to make a living off tweeting and blogging about Prince Harry all day long.. I’m all ears. Enjoy the whirlwind, and please feel free to tweet me photos and videos that you come across – it will make my day!

In case you have somehow forgotten what’s going on this week (i don’t know how you could, I’ve been counting down for months), Prince Harry will embark on his first official overseas tour on behlalf of his grandmother for the Diamond Jubilee. Catherine will continue her introduction to my favorite family, having tea with Queen Elizabeth II and The Duchess of Cornwall this Thursday, March 1 at  Fortnum and Mason’s in Piccadilly.

I will leave you with one of my favorite photos of Prince Harry. Yes, I know it’s a completely random photo..don’t know why it’s so high on my list, just is. Maybe it is the color of the suit? Suits him well..

Getting Artsy with The Duchess of Cambridge

While the ball and chain away, the wife will…work? Wait, that’s not how the saying goes..

The Duchess of Cambridge was back to work for her patronages yesterday, just a week after making her first official solo engagement. Catherine spent Pancake Day visiting two schools on behalf of The Art Room. Last year, Kate Middleton spent Pancake Day with her fiance flipping pancakes in Belfast; my how things have changed!

First up – Rose Hill Primary School, where Catherine arrived to a crowd of well wishers. In fact, the crowds were so excited to see their beloved Catherine, Max Foster tweeted that between The Duchess of Cambridge and all of the teenage girls he wished he brought earplugs! Once inside, Catherine visited with a group of eight children as they worked on a poem.

The Duchess of Cambridge continued her day at Oxford Spires Academy School. While visiting The Art Room facilities there, Catherine met with both current and former students and heard of how the organization had imrpoved their lives. The Duchess of Cambridge aproned up and spent time with the children as they painted.

Both appearances left students, staff and onlookers in awe of Catherine as she earned high praise from all who interacted with her. The Art Room trustee Pat Norman was quoted as saying: “It’s very special that we have her patronage.” Perhaps Mr. Norman is alluding to Catherine’s strong connection to the arts; students and teachers alike commented on her knowledge and understanding of the program. As you will recall, The Duchess of Cambridge has a deep-rooted passion for the cause; she graduated St. Andrews University with a degree in History of Art.

For video of The Duchess of Cambridge in Oxford yesterday, please visit The Huffington Post and BBC News.

The Duchess appeared in a coat dress by Irish designer Orla Kiely. As usual, the brown, patterened frock, which looked stunning on Kate, had the Twitter universe fluttering with discussion. Personally, I could never pull the pattern off (most others I have chatted to agree), but Catherine wore it well. Can that woman do no wrong? I have yet to see her look bad. I was disappointed to see her hair down; it would have been nice to see it up as she wore it for the Skid Row day of arts in Los Angeles. I have to hand it to her though – if I had spent the day around paints and children with my hair down, I would come out with fresh highlights!

For more on Catherine’s outfit, check out What Kate Wore’s latest post and be sure to follow along on Twitter – the go-to source on Kate’s style.


All images via PopSugar.

Finally, after curiosity over the most guarded royal secret since Kate’s wedding dress, the name of the Cambridge puppy has been revelead – Lupo! Wait..what? Yea, that was my reaction too. Chances are if you placed your bets in Las Vegas, you lost big. Lupo is an adorable name;will be curious if we ever learn the meaning behind it!


Image Via People Magazine


Out and About with Harry..

There is no such thing as rest for Prince Harry – or the fans who blog about him 😉 

Before the dust could settle on his Apache training course completion, Prince Harry was out and about in England on Friday, hard at work for both his military and charitable duties. Not only did it give royal observers something to talk about other than his inevitable deployment, but it gave the women countless handsome photos to get them through the day – not me of course, i was hard at work..nope, never stopped working to look at pictures or anything..

First up on the agenda – the Royal Air Force’s Honington, Suffolk base to meet with fellow servicemen, veterans and their families. Fresh on the heels of his “Best Co-Pilot Gunner” award, Captain Harry Wales presented several awards to the troops. Dressed in fatigues (oh my..) and a shiny new Rolex, the 27-year-old prince chatted with fellow RAF troops about Afghanistan, checked out the equipment and confessed his nightmares about forgetting his kit.

Who doesn’t’ love a man in uniform?

*All photo credit: Socialite Life, PopSugar and The British Monarchy

Photos just not enough for you? Yea, me neither. Check out a video from BBC News.

Next, the dashing young prince was off to London to launch the Walking With The Wounded Everest Expedition. As you may recall, Harry was hoping to join the wounded servicemen he had previously accompanied to the North Pole on this next adventure, but is unable to do so. Just because he cannot physically be there with the men on their trek up Everest in May does not mean he doesn’t support them every step of the way. As a patron of the group, Harry joined the expedition launch, even hitting a treadmill in an altitude chamber that staged some of the climb’s conditions – let’s just say he gave everyone a good smile on that one. Emerging slightly out of breath and a little extra color in his face, Harry then gave a speech in which he praised the men and the cause. To learn more about Everest 2012, please visit the trek’s official web site. I also strongly encourage you to follow @supportthewalk on Twitter; a fantastic way to keep up with a truly incredible organization. Thanks goes out to Max Foster and Georgina Brewer for their wonderful twitter updates throughout the event.

*All Photo Credit: PopSugar and The British Monarchy

Big News on My Favorite Royal..

Okay, I know I’m not supposed to have a favorite, but I think the title of the blog says it all! Last night, Clarence House announced that Prince Harry has completed his 18-month Apache helicopter training, making him a fully operational Apache pilot. At a dinner marking the completion of his course, the handsome young prince was awarded a top honor – Best Co-Pilot Gunner. Congratulations Prince Harry! According to the official release from the palace, Harry has reached what is called “Limited Combat Ready status” and will be assigned to 662 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps within 16 Air Assault Brigade. If anyone knows exactly what those titles mean of the top of their heads – I salute you.

As you may recall, the royal family’s “Top Gun” spent two months in the United States at the end of 2011 to train for this honorable goal he has just reached. To see a newly released video of Captain Wales during his stint abroad, check out this posting from The Telegraph: Prince Harry in Afghanistan: MOD release footage of Harry in Apache training.

Royal watchers could sense the end to training was near when it was discovered last week that Harry underwent intense hostage training to prepare for a less than friendly encounter with the Taliban.

Which brings us to the next step – now that the daring prince has completed his training course, where does he go from here? It is no surprise that his next move will be to kick some serious Taliban ass in Afghanistan. Pardon my language, but I like to imagine Harry doing just that as opposed to any alternative. It has been no secret that a deployment would most likely happen by the end of 2012, and Harry himself has made it clear all along that he wished to return to the front lines. This has been a much buzzed about topic since Harry’s early return in 2008; more recently signs have been mounting that the return would happen in 2012. From his training course in the United States to his early overseas Diamond Jubilee tour assignment, observers have simply been waiting for the official announcement.

When will Prince Harry depart for battle? The exact answer is still up in the air; speculation surrounds the end of this summer. It would be difficult for Harry to leave an earlier amidst the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics. The Ministry of Defense is stressing the point that all deployment decisions will be made up until the last minute, leaving the Prime Minister with the final call. As reported by Paul Harrison via Twitter ( @SkyNewsRoyal ), it will be a matter of chain of command. Also up for debate – will there be a media blackout similar to that of his first deployment? This morning, the Telegraph is calling this announcement a major departure from the media protocol followed in 2008. As always, opinions are swirling in the social media space as to whether a media blackout as intense as the first is necessary, why Clarence House would make such an announcement regarding his military status and what precautions will be taken to ensure his safety. We will find out soon enough how it all plays out..

What’s my take on all of this? Yes, it is sad and worrisome to think of Prince Harry in Afghanistan, where every moment is unknown and danger lurks around every corner. However, he would not be the guy that everyone admires and respects if he did not go; his dedication to his country, the armed forces and the men he trains and fights beside is a large part of who he is – the people’s prince that we all love. In talking with my dad following the announcement, he said to me “I’ve gotta hand it to the British Royal Family, they really do their part with the troops.” He is completely right. It may be unsettling, but it’s just one of the many admirable qualities about Captain Harry Wales.

For all official information, please visit the web site of the Prince of Wales – Prince Harry Completes Apache Training and is Awarded Best Co-Pilot Gunner Award.

Duchess Catherine Shines at National Portrait Gallery

Tonight marked The Duchess of Cambridge’s first solo public engagement in her role as a royal. Catherine attended the National Portrait Gallery preview of  Lucian Freud Portraits at the gallery, one of her newly chosen patronages. The new exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery highlights more than 100 works of art from Lucian Freud, who passed away last year. Need a refresher on Catherine’s cause? Learn more about the gallery and how you can help support Catherine’s cause here.

Let’s be honest, most people stare at their Twitter feeds rolling in for the answer to one simple question: What was she wearing? Nearly a year into her royal marriage, we are used to seeing gorgeous frocks from a handful of designers – Alexander McQueen, Jenny Packham and Alice Temperley – but this evening, the always elegant royal surprised us all by stepping out in Jesire number. After much questioning in the twitterverse as to wear Kopy Kates could find the fabulous frock,  Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) shared word from the palace that the label had gone into liquidation. Although it may not be easy to replicate, this has quickly taken a spot as one of my favorite looks from the stylish duchess thus far. Simple, understated and elegant, Catherine paired the gray, belted, cold-weather coat dress with sky high pumps and sparkling jewels. I love that she stepped out of the box for her this milestone appearance; the above-the-knee full skirt was complemented by an over-sized collar. One thing is for sure – royal watchers have yet to see the newly minted royal in heels this high! I spy a platform! High shoes for a highly important woman of the world 🙂

Now, let’s get to those photos!

Meeting Freud's daughter

*Photo Credit: AFP, Getty Images

For additional fabulous photos, please visit The Huffington Post – Kate Middleton Visit To Lucien Freud Exhibit Marks Duchess’ First Solo Appearance

What did you think of Catherine’s look? Leave comments!

Congratulations to Her Majesty – 60 Years on the Throne

I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
– Queen Elizabeth II

It was February 6, 1952 and a young lady of just 25 learned the sad news of her father’s passing. That young woman was not just anyone.. and her father? Well, he was not just your average Joe either. While at a Royal hunting lodge in Kenya, Princess Elizabeth quickly became Queen Elizabeth II after learning of her father’s passing; King George VI was a mere 56-years-old at the time. Now, 60 years later, Queen Elizabeth II is the second-longest reigning British monarch in more than 1,000 years. Today, not just the United Kingdom but the whole world celebrates The Queen, her dedication to her country, her family and her admirers across the globe.

On this day in 1952..

The BBC reports the death of the King George VI and Princess Elizabeth’s immediate transformation to Queen – 1952: King George VI dies in his sleep

On this side of the pond, The New York Times – one of America’s most prestigious newspapers – King George VI Dies in Sleep at Sandringham; Elizabeth, QUeen at 25, Flying from Africa; President Among World Leaders in Tribute

More on the occasion.. 

For full details on the accession and coronation, be sure to visit The official web site of The British Monarchy for outstanding videos and information.

For an outstanding gallery of official portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, please check out Royal Insight’s dedicated post: Royal Portraits: Queen Elizabeth II

Week in Review: Jan. 30 – Feb. 4, 2012

I think I spoke too soon when I said there was a lull in royal news as there was no shortage of stories this past week! With the very special occasion happening on Monday, wanted to recap the week’s happenings. I, for one, was thrilled with the endless stories on Prince Harry in the last few let’s get to it!

The Diamond Jubilee

This Monday, February 6, marks the date that Princess Elizabeth officially became Queen Elizabeth. As you can imagine, there are endless articles, photo galleries and videos being released leading up to the big day; will post more on that later, but for now here are some headlines surrounding the celebrations..

  • Church of England: Prayers and Liturgical Resources – the official prayer to be used in the Church of England during the Diamond Jubilee year was released.
  • The Daily Express: The Queen’s 60 Glorious Years in Pictures to be Celebrated in Public Display – photos of The Queen’s 60 years on the throne are now on display at Windsor Castle. Entrance to the exhibit entitled: The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years, is included in the price of general admission to Windsor Castle.
  • The Telegraph: The Queen plants Diamond Jubilee tree in Sandringham – earlier this week, Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne planted an oak tree at Sandringham Estate, which will be at the center of the new 20-acre Jubilee Wood, honoring the milestone.
  • ABC News: Spice Girls Reuniting for Queen Elizabeth II Celebration?one of my favorite stories surrounding the Diamond Jubilee this week; there is talks of the Spice Girls reuniting for the June 4 celebrations. What better time to reunite the leaders of the “Girl Power” movement than for Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee? That has girl power written all over it..

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

After a quiet holiday in the Caribbean with Catherine’s family, the dynamic duo took the media by storm this week with announcements and their general fabulousness. We are happy to have them back!

Prince Harry

My favorite royal was out and about this week; from news on his Diamond Jubilee tour itinerary and his participation in the Walking with the Wound organization. 

Additional Dates: Prince Harry supported Walking with the Wounded on Feb. 3 as they launched their Everest expedition. On Feb. 10 & 11, Harry will be at the Newbury Racecourse.